What a spring surprise dish

in The Ink Well4 days ago



What a spring surprise dish

It is 8 o'clock am on the 25th of December 2060. The environment smelled of celebration, and everywhere was chilled as usual. It was Christmas; Joseph jumped up happily from his bed and noticed that his cousin Daniels was already awake and the room was empty. Joseph stood up and yawned; it was the first time he would celebrate Christmas in Lagos state with his Uncle, Mr Jones.

Getting out of the room to the sitting room which took him ten steps to walk through the passage to the room. He smelled an aroma from the kitchen, and he was like, “ I will enjoy myself this December,” he soliloquizes," then, he remembered how he begged his father to allow him to come to Lagos for Christmas.

His father, Mr Jones Sr., takes no nonsense as he never allows Joseph to wander around during celebration and off celebration. Joseph was always timed to do his things like coming back from school around 2 o'clock and after eating, he would read his books for hours after that his lesson tutor would be around by 4pm and he would leave around 5pm, from Joseph's perspective, his father was very strict at him and even now that he just finished his W.A.E.C. All these strict actions are still on him, so after the last letter he sent to his cousin, who told him how free he was and his father's carefree behavior towards him, Joseph wanted to taste freedom, so he planned with Daniel to write a letter inviting him for Christmas and that is how he was there.

Mrs. Jones, a businesswoman, is always indoors, making calls and giving instructions to apprentices, employees,, and others. She will be on the phone all day long either calling or doing video meetings with business colleagues. But Mr. Jones already left for the village for December as he is the representative when meetings are done in the village to set the record straight for Mr. Jones Sr, who never visits the village on celebration day. He only pays them a visit occasionally.

Joseph calls up for Daniel and he answers from the kitchen. Joseph went straight up to the kitchen and saw Daniel frying Chicken and cooking some vegetable soup. Joseph asked,” What are you preparing ‘and Daniel answered by telling him that it was a spring surprise dish that he always makes every 25th of December. Joseph, now confused, “Why can’t you give it to the cook,” he said, and Daniel replied, telling him that he had special ingredients that he put in it, and he used the opportunity to test his cooking skill as well.

Joseph quickly freshened up and later joined Daniel, who later told him that friends would visit and a parlor party would be held that afternoon. Then Joseph asked, “Won't your mother complain?” looking worried. Daniel told him that this party is a yearly thing, and he has been doing the party for two years now, and that year will make it the third year.

Wawu, it will be so interesting then. I haven't attended parties like this before, Joseph said as Daniel was busy preparing his spring surprise dish. Joseph then asked, “What are we eating with the veggies you are cooking?” as he was bothered looking at the large amount in which Daniel cooks.

Daniel answered, telling him that it would be a buffet and hot drinks would also be in surplus, and the rule of the party was” eat if you are strong and drink if you are amongst the strongest. “ Joseph doesn't understand the rule and doesn't bother to ask. He just wanted to play along.

It is party time and all the celebrations started. Joseph was the first to go to the spring surprise dish buffet to fetch food by himself, and Daniel's other friends kept asking him if he knew the rule, which he just shrugged off.

Music started and everyone started dancing with the females inclusively. But all of a sudden, Joseph's eyes started to turn and he kept seeing illusions. Where he sat, he imagined going to get a cup of water only to see it in his hand. Something was clearly wrong with him and he knew nothing about it. Later, his legs and his hands looked heavy; the most wondering thing about his incidents was that he couldn't even shout for help either. All the songs played were banging in his brain, and his head was about to burst into pieces. Then luck took his side, and he blacked out.

Joseph woke up in the morning and saw a hot jug of tea beside him as if Daniel knew he would be tasty. Joseph galloped the tea as he woke up extremely tired and hungry as well, as if he knew. Daniel brought a plate of rice with fried plantains and fish, and Joseph ate it up, forgetting he had not brushed his teeth.

Then Joseph heard Mr Jones' voice and asked when he returned and Daniel said that morning. Joseph wanted to stand up but fell back, and he asked Daniel if he did know what had happened to him on the 25th of December, and as a result of that, he crashed out. Daniel laughed and told him that the day they were on was New Year’s Eve.

Joseph struggled to stand up not believing that he was unconscious for a week now. He asked Daniel,” What did you put in the spring surprise dish?” he was worried then. Daniel told him that the leaves he cooked were Marijuana leaves, and that was why he felt that way; he also told Joseph that it was also a rule to keep quiet for new visitors to feel the hit.

Joseph was disappointed in his cousin and did all his possible best to leave Lagos for Porthacut that day, saying that such a person could kill him, having given him such a spring surprise dish that almost took his life.


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This dish was a real surprise for Joseph but it was in very bad taste. Good story
Greetings @oyebolu

Thank you very much. I appreciate your comments and view.

Greetings sir.

When this is how your own family acts, what can you expect from your mutual friends? Going to a party where you don't know the menus is a risk to eat. If he had eaten more of that salad he wouldn't be telling so easily.

You are right; just to keep in touch with the theme. Thanks for the analysis and view.

Really appreciate reading through.


Beautiful story. Nice one.

Thanks and remain blessed. Have a great week.

When my friend did this same thing to me, I slept almost 12 hours straight and was walking like a zombie when I woke up. Never again.

LOL such experience is not palatable to feel. Thanks for reading through.

People like Daniel are needed in the family sometimes
He wants everyone to be high😅😅😅😅😅

Lol.. but one man food is another man's poison. He should have been open with is cousin and leave him to decision for himself.

Thanks for the view. Greetings

The dish was Indeed a surprise, às did not expect such.