We have those community/social scheme here too. It's a great way to save up some. Maybe not millions but they help in the rainy days.
I also try to save but it's getting hard, also inflation is making it more challenging.
Good luck with your saving plan.
The power of savings doesn't lie on how much big one save or gets at the end of the day, it rests on dedication and what we use the money to do at the end of the day.
Thanks for stopping by. Please if you don't mind, you can share some of the communities with me, I am willing to learn more
I'm from Asia, here many local communities with 10/20 people arrange/run saving projects and distribute the money when someone need them. Or they draw at the end of a month to pick a name who will take the money. Once a name is picked, he is eliminated for the rest of the year. That's how they work.
You can run/build a project like this with your local community if you like.
I agree with your saving mindset. The power lies in consistency.