in The Ink Well4 years ago



When I opened my eyes, I was in an obscured room. The window of the room was almost at the roof and very little light penetrated into the room from the high window.
I strained my eyes until they got used to the darkness.
They were other girls in the room, all looking from age 20 to 23. They was fear written all over their faces and they were whispering and chattering quietly.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned.
You are awake? A soft voice asked.
Her question sounded more like a sentence.
I couldn't see the girls face clearly but from the little I saw, she had an round face.
I nodded.
You and another girl was thrown in here some minutes ago...
Where is the other girl? I cut her.
I don't know if she is awake, she replied.
Juliet... I called.

Keep your voice down so you won't get killed. We were told that if there is any loud sound, the person who makes the sound will be killed, the girl advised.
Were you kidnapped? She added.
Yes, the only thing I can remember is that a white substance was blown on me and my friend. We were pushed into a car and I saw my father's archenemy and I woke up here, I replied.

I was kidnapped too, she said.
What's your name? I asked.
Loya and you? She said.
I'm Scarlett, I replied.

The door opened and two guys walked in holding bright touches. One of them dropped his touch in the middle of the room and the whole room became translucent while the other guy pointed touch light into our eyes..

I thought they were few girls in the room but was surprised to see more than 20girls.
Faces down, the first guy ordered and all the girls lowered their faces in panic.
I lowered my face and peeped at the guys with the corner of my eyes.

They were both dark, tall, very broad and brawny. The first guy had a scary look while the second looked a little nicer.
Listen everyone, if you value your life then firstly you must do as you are told without struggling or trying to put up a fight. Looking at us, you fools should know that a mere blow from us can send you to an early grave. And secondly, don't try to act smart, the first guy said and pointed his touches into the girls faces.

A little while from now, our comrade will be coming to lead you people to a boat and I expect you all to walk calmly and in a straight line to that boat. Note if you try to struggle or escape, you will wake up In hell, the first guy added with a wicked laugh..
Austin, stay with them. Make I go call Commander, the first guy concluded.
Without another word, he walked out of the room leaving the second guy with us.
Just do what you are told and save us from shedding blood, Austin said calmly.
I noted the calmness in Austin's voice and decided to take my chances with him.

I feigned a cough and he turned to my direction.
I continued coughing while peeping at him with corner eyes.
Are you alright? Austin asked.
I gasped noticing the care in his voice.
I lifted my face and looked at him pleadingly.
Please help me escape and my father will make you richer than your wildest imagination, I said and his eyes widened.
You were the girl that was thrown in here some minutes ago? He asked.

I nodded.

It is not possible to let you go, Austin replied.
Why? I asked.
Because you were sold, not kidnapped, Austin replied.
Sold? Who could have sold me? I was kidnapped, I can remember, I replied in panic.

Yes you and your friend was kidnapped but not by us. The man that kidnapped you and your friend sold you girls to my madam for 1million and hence I can't take my chances by helping you or your friend cus you and your friend were the only girls bought and your faces are noted by our madam, if you or your friend misses, my madam will know. Other girls here were kidnapped by us except you and your friend, so I can help another but not you, he replied.

Please help me, a girl begged.
And what will be my gain? Austin asked and the girl kept mute.
Austin smiled at the girl and turned his attention back to me.

Who is your father? He asked.

Chief Robert Daniel, I replied and Austin's eyes narrowed.

The commissioner for oil? Austin asked and I nodded.
The man that kidnapped me is my father's enemy, I'm sure he is doing this to depress my father. Please lemme go I beg you. My father has used his wealth to help a lot of people, this is the time he needs the people's help, I begged.

Yes, I know him. Your father is a good man and I wish I can help but is too late, he said and squat beside me.
Is never too late. How much does your madam pay you a month? I asked.

150thousand a month, he replied.

Gosh!!! 150thousand a month to do an illegal job? That's cheating. People make 200thousand a day for illegal business, I said.
I know but I don't have a choice. Nigeria is hard and unemployment makes it harder. I graduated from school four years ago and couldn't find a job, then my girlfriend got pregnant for me and my mother fell sick.
Things were complicated and I met madam and she promised me a job. I don't like this job but I took it to take care of my girlfriend and my mother. Right now, my mother is in the hospital and I've been able to pay her bills, Austin replied.

But if you help me escape, my father will make you a millionaire in a month and you can go live in America. Your mother and your girlfriend will be sent to America too and your madam won't be able to get you when you are out of the country but if you continue working for your so called madam, you will continue making 150k a month and if you are caught by the police, you are sent to jail for human trafficking. Accept my offer and better your life. I have four brothers and they are all based in America, you too can become a foreign based, I said.

I really wish to help you, but as I said: it is too late. If you were brought earlier, I would have taken you out of here to your father but as at now, it is impossible cus we are moving tonight . You girls will be taken out of Nigeria tonight, he said.
I'm sorry, he added and got up.

The door opened and the first guy came in with another muscular looking guy.
Commander line them up, the first guy said to the third guy..

Everyone up, Commander ordered.
I stood up and looked at the Austin but he was facing the commander.
Form a straight line and move gently out of the house, commander said and we all fixed ourselves in the line.
Austin and the first guy stood on our left and right as we matched out of the house into the cold dark night.

We were matched to the river side where a large boat was waiting. Before long, a group of young boys were also brought in a straight line to the river side, they number about fifteen.
The boys were placed behind the girls and all of us were matched into the boat.

We were taken to the lower deck of the boat and thrown in. it was dark and very little light penetrated into the deck..
Separate boys from girls, a feminine voice said from outside the deck.

Few musculine men came into the deck and ordered all the boys up.
They were all looking very brawny and I wondered how many hours they spend in the gym.

The boys were matched out of the deck and the girls were left in darkness.
An hour later, I felt the boat moving.
I was filled with fear and panic.
I thought about my father and my eyes clouded with unshed tears. I knew he would be over worried about me or maybe he was already at the police station filing a missing person's report and when I don't return, how will he do? who will console him? Will I ever see my beloved father who was everything in one to me again? I thought sadly.

I felt a hand touch my back, I turned and it was Loya.
Don't cry, it will be fine, she said.
What if they are gonna sell us to be slaves? I asked.
If they do, it is no bad. God knows best, Loya said.

But I'm scared, I can't imagine myself being a slave, I said.
Don't be scared. Everything works out for good, Loya consoled.
I held Loya's hand and roamed my eyes around searching for Juliet but didn't see her.

Few minutes later, I felt sleepy, I dropped my head on Loya's lap and fell asleep.