Fixing my eyes intently on my phone, I walked in languidly to the famous Everyday supermarket. A big shopping center where you could find all kind of goods or items you could ever want, ranging from expensive to semi expensive to the cheap ones too. It was a big place indeed. The lights, placed at strategic points all around the building shone so brightly even in the day time, it was a welcome sight. The aroma of baked bread and desserts filled my nostrils as I walked in to the supermarket. The atmosphere was cool and chilly, a big relief from the heat that berested upon me from the high intensity of the sun outside.
I always loved coming here. It was true what they say, Everyday supermarket brings the shopping experience to you with little to no stress required. As I passed through the wide doors, two security men which were usually seated at the side of the door, took my bags and gave me a tag. The rules were no one were allowed to carry their bags or belongings into the super market. You either drop it with the security guards, taking only your essentials like your phone or money or don't come with any bag at all.
So carrying just my phone I headed to the cart section where the cart were lined up in a neat roll. I gently grabbed one and strolled further down for shopping when I bumped into someone.
“Ouch!" I exclaimed, rubbing my arms where we collided.
I looked up to see a tall young man staring down at me with a scowl on his face
“Can't you at least watch where your going" he said irritatedly and walked away.
I looked at my phone that had fallen to the ground due to the impact of the collision. I rushed to pick it up and saw the screen was now broken.
“Not even a single sorry when he clearly bumped into me" I said to myself with a frown. I became so angry. It would cost a lot to repair this.
Forcing myself to Ignore the stranger, I continued my shopping, it was my mum’s birthday and my siblings and I were planning a surprise party for her. Continuing my shopping, I went ahead to buy a birthday cake, some decorations and a gift for her. With a filled up cart and cake in hands. I walked down slowly to the cashier to pay for ally items. When I saw the young man again werearimg a different colour of shirt. Without think twice, I didn't know what came over me, I threw the cake I held in my hands at him. It landed directly on his face.
“That's for my phone, you arrogant jerk" I said with a scowl on my face.
The young man looked me with confusion, anger and fear
" What was that for” he finally asked staring down at his shirt and face which now had cake all-over.
“Are you crazy or something?" He asked again more aggrevated.
“ Oh! When you bumped into me with not much as a sorry, destroying my phone in the process, that wasn't crazy?" I asked, sarcasm laced in my tone.
“What are you talking about, Do I know you or something?" He asked this time again genuinely baffled.
“What do you mean do you know me, you bumped into me twenty minutes ago" I reminded him.
“ I think there is a mix up somewhere Miss, I was not the one you bumped into” he said with seriousness.
In that moment a noticed a little difference in his appearance. The man standing before me was wearing a sky blue shirt and grey colour trouser. While the man who I had bumped into was wearing a white t-shirt and black joggers. But their faces looked exactly the same. As I scrutinized him further, I became more confused. It was definitely the same face and body that bumped into me. What were the ofds that he would go and change in less than twenty minutes and why? I said to myself.
Sensing my confusion, he further stated.
“ That must be my twin brother you bumped into earlier”
" Identical?” I asked
" Yes” he said with a small smile, seeing the mortification on my face.
I was completely and totally embarrassed at that moment. The gravity of what I had done clicking instantly in my brain. I had just harassed this innocent man, not to mention, my mums birthday cake,which was now in ruins. I blushed a deep red, completely at a loss of words.
“I um I'm sorry" I finally managed to say.
" I…. I really thought you were him” I said trying to justify my actions
The young man smiled at him and waved it off
" It's okay, I get that a lot"
“I know my brother can be a bit troublesome, but what exactly did he do to you for you to do want to stone cake him” he asked a bit curious
‘ Well he bumped into me while I was shopping and as a result my phone fell and the screen is now broken and not much as a sorry left his lips. Instead he snapped at me, asking if “I wasn't looking” ‘.
" Oh! I apologize on his behalf “ the young man said and I couldn't help but feel more guilty.
" You don't have to, let me at least buy you a new shirt” It was all I could do anyways.
“Alright then, I’m Daniel and you are?"
“Precious" I answered
And with that we strolled to the shopping mall at the opposite end of the building, getting to know one other
That must have been such an embarrassing encounter! How fortunate that he seemed to be a decent young man. This piece, although engaging, was in need of an edit to catch issues with spelling, punctuation, and grammar. We expect our writers in the community to submit their best work which means that each submission should be proofread and edited for errors before submission. Kindly consider using Grammarly or Google Docs going forward but a word of caution in doing so: please ensure that you DO NOT use their more advanced AI features which include, rephrasing, creating fluency, improving etc. After all, we want to read your work and provide guidance so that you can hone your craft. Lack of editing will impact the level of curation that you will receive from the community.