in The Ink Well2 months ago


Melody stood at the kitchen counter, with her protruding stomach almost bulging out. She was heavily pregnant, almost due even. She hummed softly to a song that was playing in the living room where her husband, Kole, was listening to some highlife music. Holding her cooking spooning in her hands, she softly stirred her pot of soup, tasting it for salt. Satisfied with her cooking, melody gently closed the pot of soup and turned off her gas. Making her way out of the kitchen she felt a sharp pain in her stomach

"Ouch!" She screamed loud when she felt it again, sharper this time.

"Darling, darling! What's wrong?" Kole said, rushing into the kitchen upon hearing her scream.

"Babe, I think the baby is coming," she said in a muffled voice.

" Ouch! " She screamed again when she felt another contraction.

Kole wasted no time; he immediately carried his pregnant wife to the car, grabbing his car keys along the way. Soon enough, they were ready to leave.

"Babe, wait, the bag—we forgot the bag," Melody said painfully through another contraction as he was about to drive out of the house.

"That's right, let me go get it," Kole said quickly as he unbuckled his seatbelt to get out of the car.

Melody had taken the time before now to pack in a bag all the things she would be needing in the hospital in case the baby would come any time. And she was right. According to what the doctor said, they should be expecting the baby any soon the last time she went for a checkup.

In the next hour, they had arrived at the hospital. Melody was now seated on the hospital bed, clutching her husband's hands tightly as she passed through another wave of contractions. This time the contractions were getting stronger. Kole could see the fear in her eyes as she gripped his hands very tightly. The doctor had said that the baby was huge. And they should reconsider doing an operation if she didn't have the strength to push it out.

Melody could feel the fear take over her. This was all new to her. She was so worried something could happen to her or the baby. Or what if she couldn't push it after all? All these thoughts kept running through her head. She had always wanted to give birth to her child through normal delivery. She wanted the full birth experience. Not some operation or surgery.

"Hey darling, look at me," Kole said a little panicked, feeling her slipping away.

"You can do this, trust me. You'll give birth to our little walle, and you're gonna be alright, okay?" Kole said, taking her hands in his while giving her all the assurance she needed.

"You're the strongest person I know; that's one of the things I love about you remember?" He continued talking, trying to give her all the courage she needed.

Melody couldn't help but smile at this moment. Remembering the first time they met. Kole was right; she was indeed a fighter. She always got back up whenever life threw her down. She could go through this, she thought to herself.

"You're right, babe, I can do this. I won't back down," she said, mostly to herself, finding a newfound courage.

Soon it was time to push. Melody focused on the little life growing inside of her and pushed through all the pains. The medical team surrounded her, guiding her as she continued to push with her last strength. Her husband, Kole, stood right beside her, offering her support and words of encouragement as she gripped his hands tightly, pushing past the pain. She gritted her teeth as she felt her body contracting, pushing out the baby through the birth canal. Using all her energy, Melody gave one final push.

And in an instant, the cries of little Wale filled the entire room. She had done it. With tired eyes, she looked at her husband, holding little Wale in his hands, smiling at her.

Weakly, she carried her baby in her hands and instantly forgot about all the pain. Little Walle, so tiny and small, kept quiet and remained calm in her arms. The medical team congratulated her for a successful delivery. Melody felt a wave of relief wash over her and a sense of accomplishment. She looked at little Walle in her hands and knew then and there that that was her greatest joy.


Ok this story made me cry. It is beautiful.

Awwwn thanks you

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