I ate only one shrimp (Eng/Esp)

in The Ink Well2 months ago


My first residence, when I moved to the city of Maracay to study at the university, was a two-story house surrounded by a garden. It was very nice and comfortable, but it had two things I disliked: a large population of mosquitoes and a child who loved to come into my room to play, and at my age I was not very tolerant or patient with children and even less so when I was studying.

We were in the middle of midterm exams, and I was preparing for an exam in agricultural ecology that I would be taking on Saturday and I had arranged with my friends to study all day tomorrow, Friday, at the university.

As I was concentrating on reading the theory guides and getting summaries, I heard a knock on the door. I stood up to open the door, and it was Cecilia, the daughter of the lady who owned the residence. It was the mother of Julian, a very alert three-year-old boy, who came in like a whirlwind and jumped on the bed.

"Hello, sorry to bother you. My mom sends you to ask if tomorrow you are going to have lunch at home or stay at the university".

"Tell your mommy I'm going to spend the whole day at college and eat lunch in the dining hall".

"Okay. Let's go, Julian!".

"I don't want to leave!, I'm going to play here for a while!", and his face showed that it wasn't going to be easy to take him.

"Do you mind if he stays here for a while? I'll look for him now," and she left, closing the door.

I had nothing left to do but distract Julian during the time his mother was coming and going, which had been longer than I expected, and all I could think about was the time I had left him here.

When the mother returned and took the child away, I continued studying until I got sleepy, and that usually happened at about twelve o'clock at night. And when I turned off the light, that's when the feast began.

It had rained, and the mosquitoes were rambunctious and hungry, and I was the food served in bed. Instantly I began to feel the bites and the sound in my ears. At that instant I remembered that I had not bought repellent. I was helpless.

I sprayed myself with alcohol and covered myself from head to toe with the sheet, to avoid their attacks, but it was not until the early morning that I was able to fall asleep.

I woke up, I was sleepy, but I couldn't sleep any longer, even though the bed was calling me, so I took a bath, got dressed, had breakfast and went to the university.

All day we were studying until it was time for dinner at 6 p.m., and we all went to the dining hall together. We lined up to get in and there we went to the bar to grab the plates with the food, juice and cutlery and sat down at the table to eat.

That day the dinner was a stewed rice with pork and shrimp. It was very tasty and I ate it all. When we left the dining room, I started sneezing and couldn't stop. I went to the bathroom with a friend and started to feel funny. When I saw myself in the mirror, I got really scared. My left eye was swollen like a ball, but the worst thing was that it was hard to breathe.

My friends rushed me to the hospital, and I was treated very quickly.

They put an allergy medicine in my vein. The doctor asked me what I had eaten and I told him.

-You had an allergic reaction, possibly to shellfish," the doctor told me.

-But I have eaten shrimp and nothing happened to me!. And what I ate this time was just a very small piece.

-It's just that the body doesn't always react the same way and this time it rejected it, maybe because it wasn't fresh or because you were in a different condition.

At that moment I thought I woke up on the wrong foot, because I was the only person to whom the food had hurt or maybe, it is possible that the stress, the bad mood and not having slept well had affected me.

I was sent home with the anti-allergy treatment. That night I slept soundly due to the effect of the medication without feeling the bites of the mosquitoes.

The next day, with a better attitude, I went to take my exam with my swollen eye with which I could not see, but in spite of that I did well and got a good grade.That reassured me.


Solo me comí un camarón


Mi primera residencia, cuando me mudé a la ciudad de Maracay para estudiar agronomía en la universidad, era una casa de dos pisos rodeada de un jardín. Era muy bonita y cómoda, pero tenía dos inconvenientes: una gran población de zancudos y un niño a quien le encantaba entrar a mi habitación a jugar y a mi edad yo no era muy tolerante ni tenía paciencia con los niños y menos aún cuando estaba estudiando.

Estábamos en plenos exámenes parciales y yo estaba preparándome para un examen de ecología agrícola que presentaría el día sábado y había quedado con mis amigos para estudiar mañana viernes todo el día en la universidad.

Estaba concentrada leyendo las guías de teoría y sacando resúmenes, escuché que tocaban la puerta. Me paré a abrir y era Cecilia, la hija de la señora dueña de la residencia. Era la madre de Julián, un niño muy despierto de tres años, que entró como un torbellino y de una carrera se montó en la cama.

–Disculpa que te moleste, pero mi mamá me manda a preguntar si mañana vas a almorzar en la casa o te quedas en la universidad.

–Dile a tu mami que voy a pasar todo el día en la Universidad y almuerzaré en el comedor.

–Está bien. ¡Vamos, Julián!.

–¡No quiero irme!, voy a jugar un rato aquí, –su cara denotaba que no iba a ser fácil llevárselo.

–¿Te molesta que se quede un ratito aquí? Ahora lo busco,–y salió cerrando la puerta.

No me quedo otra cosa, que distraer a Julián durante el tiempo en que su madre iba y venía, que había sido más del que esperaba y yo lo que pensaba era en el tiempo de estudio que estaba perdiendo. Y eso me puso de mal humor.

Cuando la madre regresó y se se llevó al niño, continué estudiando hasta que me dio sueño y eso generalmente ocurría como a las doce de la noche. Y al apagar la luz, en ese momento, comenzó el festín.

Había llovido, y los mosquitos estaban alborotados y con hambre, y yo era el alimento servido en la cama. Al instante empecé a sentir las picadas y el zumbido en los oídos. En ese instante me acordé de que no había comprado repelente. Estaba indefensa.

Me rocié de alcohol y me tapé de pies a cabeza con la sabana, para evitar sus ataques, pero no fue hasta la madrugada que pude conciliar el sueño.

Me desperté, tenía sueño, pero no podía seguir durmiendo, aunque la cama me llamaba, así que me bañé, me vestí, desayuné y me fui a la universidad.

Todo el día estuvimos estudiando hasta que llegó la hora de la cena, a las 6 de la tarde, y nos fuimos todos juntos al comedor. Hicimos una cola para entrar y allí fuimos a la barra para agarrar los platos con la comida, el jugo y los cubiertos y nos sentamos en la mesa a comer.

Ese día la cena era un arroz guisado con cerdo y camarones. Estaba muy sabroso y yo me lo comí todo. Cuando salimos del comedor, comencé a estornudar y no podía parar. Me fui al baño con una amiga y comencé a sentirme rara. Al verme en el espejo, me asusté mucho. El ojo izquierdo lo tenía hinchado como una bola, pero lo peor era que me costaba respirar.

Mis amigos me llevaron de urgencia al hospital y allí me atendieron muy rápido. Me pusieron un antialergico por la vena. El doctor me preguntó qué había comido y yo le conté.

–Tuviste una reacción alérgica, posiblemente a los mariscos.

–¡Pero es que yo he comido camarones y no me ha pasado nada!. Y lo que comí esta vez fue apenas un pedacito muy pequeño.

–Es que el cuerpo no siempre reacciona igual y esta vez lo rechazó, quizás porque no estaba fresco o porque tu estabas en otra condición.

En ese momento pensé que me había despertado con el pie izquierdo porque yo fui la única persona a la que la comida le había hecho daño o quizá fue la consecuencia del estrés, el mal humor y no haber dormido bién.

Me enviaron a la casa con el tratamiento de antialérgico. Esa noche dormí profundamente por efecto del medicamento sin sentir las picadas de los zancudos que siguieron alimentandose, a mis expensas.

Al día siguiente, con una mejor actitud, fui a presentar mi examen con mi ojo hinchado con el cual no podía ver, pero a pesar de eso lo hice bien y saqué una buena nota. Eso me tranquilizó.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Glad you recover from it when you are rushed to the hospital

Hello @adese
Thank you very much for your comment.
I recovered but I am still allergic to shellfish.
Happy day to you

Covered yourself with alcohol?That's hilarious man. @popurri

Jajaja That didn't help me much!
Thank you very much @mademausi have a nice day 🌻

You're welcome @popurri
You too.


Thank you very much 🫠

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