In a small mountain village, three boys and two girls meet every afternoon to play in the forest, that magical place where amazing creatures live. There are some caves that their parents do not allow them to enter, and they have obeyed them, until this day.
Samuel, 13 years old, is the oldest, big and strong, the one who leads them, he has a great ability to climb up the trees and bring down the fruits, which the others are waiting below, to catch them. He knows very well the trails where they can walk, he is very brave, once he saved his friends from a big gray wolf that was trying to attack them. With a stick he confronted him, shouting and baring his teeth, until he drove him away.
They sit in the middle of the forest all together to eat the oranges, guavas, apples, big and very juicy apples that hang from the trees.
"Don't be so greedy, leave some for the others", Luis tells him in a joking tone.
Carlos, robust body and red cheeks are his most visible features. But he has great strength in his arms and always a smile on his face. He is kind and generous. He is 12 years old, just like Luis.
"Don't worry Luis, I picked up an orange and two apples for you and two big guavas, one for Marisela and the other for Isa"
"Thank you, Carlos, always looking out for your friends".
Luis, his friends, call him "the sorcerer", because of his interest in learning about the plants of the mountains. His grandfather, who was a healer, had taught him a lot about the plants.
Marisela accepted the guava and, with her sweet voice, thanked Carlos.
She is twelve years old and even though her appearance is fragile, she has great intelligence and calculation skills. Her long black hair and big black eyes make her look like a princess, but also like a warrior.
Isa is the smallest, she is 10 years old, Samuel's sister, she is agile and quick as a gazelle. She approached Carlos, hopping over the gray stones of the path, snatched the guava from his hand and took a bite. Juice ran down the corners of his mouth. Her green eyes sparkled with glitter.
"Thank you, Carlos!" she said with her mouth full.
Samuel calls her attention.
"Chew Isa!, you might choke". Well, and now that we are resting, let's continue along this path that leads us to the great cavern.
"But we cannot enter Samuel". Marisela does not want to disobey her parents.
"We are only going to see it from the outside, don't be afraid, Marisela".
"I'm not afraid, Samuel".
"I think you are!". And his mocking smile bothers Marisela, who feels challenged by Samuel.
"Don't keep arguing, we already know we can't go in". Carlos ends the discussion and they continue walking.
And in a few minutes, after going down the hill, they have it in front of them. A large opening in the rock, dark as a wolf's mouth, surrounded by vegetation.
"Those bushes are nettles, don't touch their hairs because they cause skin irritation, be careful. Be careful"
"What do you think is in there?" Carlos had
Carlos had approached carefully so as not to touch the nettle leaves.
They all followed Carlos, curiosity driving them closer and closer.
A high-pitched, repetitive sound made them stop.
"There must be some strange bug". Isa's eyes were wide open.
"I had never heard that sound before". Samuel moved a little closer to listen better.
"I did," said Luis.
"When and where?"
"At my grandfather's house, every time he opens the shed door, it has rusty hinges"
"Very funny, Luis!, we are not for jokes"
"Ha,ha, ha, you have to have a sense of humor, Marisela. Look at your scary face."
"Why does everybody tell me I'm afraid? You'll see that I'm not". And without giving the others time to say anything, she ran and entered the cave.
"But she's crazy!, I'm going after her. Samuel felt responsible for making sure nothing happened to them. That was his weakness.
And Oscar, Luis and little Isa, holding hands, followed them.
The cave, to the surprise of the children, was illuminated by the minerals in the rock. Purple, blue and green colors combined and reflected on the ceiling and the rocky bottom.
"How beautiful! And look,there is a subway river!" Marisela was fascinated with what she saw.
"Let's follow it!" Isa grabbed Luis hand so they could take the courses, almost running.
"Wait a moment, let's go in line and I will go first, then Marisela and Isa, then Luis and you last Carlos".
They all obeyed Samuel.
At that moment, they all forgot their parents' warning.
The river became narrower as they advanced, and then the path forked. And at that moment they heard the constant high-pitched sound.
Rui, rui, rui
"Let's go this way, I want to know what that sound is".
And they followed Samuel, without moving away from each other.
The ceiling of the cave became lower and darker. The water followed a slow course.
The sound grew louder and a movement in front of them alerted them, but they could not see.
Samuel shouted as he fell down the slope.
"Samuel! Where are you?", Marisela shouts
"Samuel!" They all shouted without realizing the danger.
"Shut up for a moment!" Carlos took control. "We don't know what's over there".
They didn't hear the sound anymore.
"Maybe it got scared and ran away", said Luis.
"Or maybe that monster ate him". Little Isa was crouched down, leaning against the wall.
"I'm going to look for some ore to light the cave".
"Good idea Marisela!, I'll get some.
I can help you get it out faster", said Carlos.
Within a few minutes, they both returned with enough ore stuffed into the pockets of their backpacks.
As they pulled it out, everything lit up, and they could clearly see what was deep inside the cave.
The dreaded monster turned out to be the remains of an abandoned mine and the noise was produced by the air current moving the door of a transporting cart rusted by the humidity.
The children carefully climbed down and found Samuel sitting at the bottom of a pit. But apart from a few scratches on his arms, nothing serious had happened to him. Only his pride was affected because it was the first time he was not the hero and they had to help him.
"Can you get up, Samuel?" I help you and Carlos with his strong arms, helped Samuel out of the pit where he had fallen.
"Thanks friends!. I think we should get out of here. These mines are dangerous".
"Yes Samuel, as dangerous as that monster that attacked you".
And they all laughed at Luis'joke, because they knew that when they got home, their parents would scold them. They were not going to be spared.
Versión en español
En un pequeño pueblo de las montañas, tres niños y dos niñas se reunen todas las tardes para jugar en el bosque, ese lugar mágico donde viven criaturas asombrosas. Hay algunas cavernas a las cuales sus padres no les permiten entrar y ellos los han obedecido, hasta este día.
Samuel con 13 años es el mayor, grande y fuerte, el que los guia, tiene una gran habilidad para subirse a los árboles y bajar las frutas, que los demás esperan abajo, para atraparlas. Se conoce muy bien los senderos por los que pueden andar, es muy valiente, una vez salvó a sus amigos de un gran lobo gris que pretendia atacarlos. Con un palo se enfrento a él, gritando y enseñando los dientes, hasta que lo auyentó.
Ellos se sientan en medio del bosque todos juntos a comer, las naranjas, guayabas, manzanas, grandes y muy jugosas que cuelgan de los árboles.
— ¡No seas tan glotón!, deja para los demás, —le dice Luis a Carlos en tono de broma.
El cuerpo robusto de Carlos y sus cachetes rojos, son sus características mas visibles. Pero tiene una gran fuerza en sus brazos y siempre una sonrisa en su cara. Es amable y generoso. Tiene 12 años al igual que Luis.
—No te preocupes Luis que aqui recogi una naranja y dos manzanas para ti y dos guayabas bien grandes una para Marisela y la otra para Isa.
—¡Gracias Carlos!, siempre pendiente de tus amigos.
A Luis, sus amigos le dicen "el hechicero", por su interes en aprender sobre las plantas de la montaña. Su abuelo que era curandero, le había enseñado mucho. Podia identificar las plantas tóxicas y las medicinales.
Marisela acepto la guayaba y con su voz dulce, le agradecio a Carlos.
Ella tiene doce años y a aún cuando su aspecto es frágil, tiene una gran inteligencia y capacidad para hacer cálculos. Su larga cabellera negra y sus grandes ojos negros la hacen parecer una princesa, pero también una guerrera.
Isa es la más pequeña, tiene 10 años, hermana de Samuel, es ágil y rápida como una gacela. Se acercó a Carlos, brincando sobre las piedras grises del sendero, le arrebató la guayaba de la mano y le dio un mordizco. El jugo le corrio por las comisuras de la boca. Sus ojos verdes tienen chispitas que brillan.
—¡Gracias Carlos! —le dijo con la boca llena.
Samuel le llama la atención,
—¡Mastica Isa¡ que te puedes ahogar. Bueno y ahora que descansamos continuemos por este sendero que nos lleva a la gran caverna.
—Pero no podemos entrar Samuel.
Marisela no quiere desobedecer a sus padres.
—Solo vamos a verla por fuera, no te asustes Marisela.
—¡No tengo miedo Samuel!
—Yo creo que sí. Y su sonrisa burlona, molesta a Marisela, que se siente retada por Carlos.
—No sigan discutiendo, que ya sabemos que no podemos entrar. —Carlos termina asi con la discusión y siguen caminando.
Y en unos minutos, despues de bajar la colina, la tienen frente a ellos. Una gran abertura en la roca, oscura como boca de lobo, rodeada de vegetación.
—Esos arbustos son ortigas, no toquen sus pelos porque producen irritación en la piel. ¡Tengan cuidado!.
—¿Que creen ustedes que halla adentro?.
—Carlos se había acercado con cuidado de no tocar las hojas de la ortiga.
Todos siguieron a Carlos, la curiosididad hacia que se acercaran cada vez más.
Un sonido agudo y repetitivo, hizo que se detuvieran.
—Debe haber algún bicho raro. —Los ojos de Isa estaban completamente abiertos.
—Nunca habia escuchado ese sonido. —Samuel se acercó un poco más para escuchar mejor.
—Yo si, —dijo Luis.
—¿Cuando y donde?
—En la casa de mi abuelo, cada vez que abre la puerta del galpón, tiene los goznes oxidados.
—Muy gracioso Luis, no estamos para bromas.
—Jajaja hay que tener sentido del humor, Marisela. ¡Mira! tienes una cara de susto.
—¿Por que todos me dicen que tengo miedo? Ya veran que no. —Y sin dar tiempo a que los demás le dijeran algo, corrio y entró en la cueva.
—¡Pero está loca!, voy tras ella.
—Samuel, se sentía el responsable de que no les pasara nada. Esa era su debilidad.
Y Oscar, Luis y la pequeña Isa tomada de su mano, los siguieron.
La cueva, para la sorpresa de los niños, estaba iluminada por los minerales que había en la roca. Colores purpura, azul y verde se combinaban y reflejaban en el techo y el fondo rocoso.
—¡Que hermoso! ¡Y miren hay un río subterraneo! —Marisela estaba fascinada con lo que veía.
—¡Vamos a seguirlo! Isa tomada de la mano de Luis, casi corria.
En ese momento todos olvidadoron la advertencia de sus padres.
—¡Esperen un momento! vamos en fila y yo iré adelante, luego Marisela e Isa, despues Luis y tu de último Carlos.
Todos obedecieron a Samuel.
El río se fue haciendo más angosto en la medida que avanzaban y luego el camino se bifurcó. Y en ese momento escucharon el sonido agudo y constante.
Rui,rui, rui
—Vayamos por acá, quiero saber que es ese sonido.
Y siguieron a Samuel, sin alejarse uno del otro.
El techo de la cueva se fue haciendo más bajo y mas oscuro. El agua seguia un curso lento.
El sonido se hizo mas fuerte y un movimiento frente a ellos los alertó, pero no podían ver que era.
Samuel gritó al mismo tiempo que caía por una pendiente.
—¡Samuel! ¿donde estas? —grito Marisela.
—¡Samuél! Todos gritaban sin darse cuenta del peligro.
—¡Callense un momento!. —Carlos había tomado el control. —No sabemos que hay allá.
Ya no escuchaban el sonido.
—A lo mejor se asustó y escapó, —dijo Luis.
—O a lo mejor ese monstruo se lo comió.
—La pequeña Isa estaba agachada y pegada a la pared.
—Voy a buscar un poco de mineral para alumbrar la cueva.
—Buena idea Marisela, yo te acompaño,
—le dijo Oscar. —Te puedo ayudar a sacarlo más rápido.
En pocos minutos, ambos regresaron con suficiente mineral metido en los bolsillos de sus morrales.
Al sacarlo, todo se ilumino y pudieron ver con claridad lo que había en lo profundo de la cueva.
El temido monstruo resultó ser los restos de una mina abandonada y el ruido lo producía la corriente de aire al mover la puerta de un carro transportador oxidado por la humedad
Los niños bajaron con mucho cuidado y encontraron a Samuel sentado en el fondo de una fosa. Pero aparte de algunos raspones en los brazos, no le había ocurrido nada grave. Solo su orgullo estaba afectado porque era la primera vez que no era el heroe y que tenian que ayudarlo.
—¿Te puedes levantar Samuel? Te ayudo. —Y Carlos con sus fuertes brazos, ayudo a Samuel a salir del foso donde había caido.
—¡Gracias amigos!, creo que debemos salir de aqui. Estas minas son peligrosas.
—Si Samuel, tan peligrosa como ese monstruo que te atacó.
Y todos rieron de la broma de Luis, porque sabìan que al llegar a casa, sus padres los reprenderian. No se iban a salvar de eso.
La traducción al inglés la realicé en www.deepl.com
😂 I can imagine how Samuel felt and I am sure they would use that little moment of weakness against him for quite sometime.
😂 I can imagine how Samuel felt and I am sure they would use that little moment of weakness against him for quite sometime.
Hello @zain-ab001
Thank you very much for your comment. That's how it happens, especially among children 🤭
Happy day 🌻
Thank so much @theinkwell. Best regards
It's a relief that Samuel got out unscathed and that the kids were not hurt. However, it is really good to heed the warnings of elders, because we never can tell what lies ahead when we disobey.
Thank so much @bernice-01 for your comment.
Best regards 🌻
A very entertaining story to read, the plot creates the feeling that something bad is going to happen and makes us get to the end to know the conclusion of the adventure. Very good work.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Excellent day
I appreciate your comment.Thank you so much @rinconpoetico7.
Happy day🌻
The fact that the kids were not hurt makes me feel relieved. Samuel really needs to work on his weakness
That's right @abojode
I appreciate your comment.