"Obiuto my son, do the right things at the right time!!" Obiuto's mother siad to him.
once upon a time, there was a hamlet called Obodo-oma. Obodo-oma was a hamlet surrounded by rivers and thick forests, it was a dangerous place to live. In Obodo-oma, no one went out to the stream or into the bushes alone as wild animals reportedly rendered some visits to the stream and forests a journey of no return. Hunters in this village thrived. They were more successful of other members of the community this is because they were diligent and committed to their occupation. The hunters after every successful hunt would return with animals like antelopes, bushpigs, bushdogs and some other big animals that seemed nameless but were described based on their physical looks. In an unsuccessful hunt, the hunter would return with smaller animals like bush-rats, grass-cutters, Nchi, Guinea fowls and their eggs which seemed more important to every child who's dad was a hunter. The children whenever their hunter father returned would ask him in pidgin language, "daddy I hope sey you carry Ogazi egg come". Ogazi was the native name for the guinea fowl. In an unfortunate hunt, the hunter would return with nothing and probably injuries from an animal's attack.
Since their community was also surrounded by rivers, some men were also given to fishing.
Fishermen worked more at night and quite overwhelming, enormous yield was also the lot of every skilled and diligent fisherman. In this community, their wives were mostly housewives or would sell games and fishes from hunting and fishing respectively in the community market square and to neighbouring villages.
Existing in Obodo-oma was Fred's family.
Mr Fred was a hunter and his family's name spread across the entire community not because he was a committed and prudent Hunter but because he had a stubborn son whose nuisance and obstinate character spoke loud enough to be heard by the entire community. Obiuto was the first son born to Fred's family. Mr Fred had a beautiful wife who had one of the most admired curves any man attracted to beauty would crave. They were blessed with two children a boy (Obiuto) and a girl (Dalu). Obiuto was the first child. Obiuto was a perfect description of a bad child, every family that advised their children not to be a bad child centred their analogy on Obiuto.
One day, Obiuto and his sister were sent to the stream to fetch water. Before they left home, their parents warned them not to swim because the water had crossed their banks as they were in the rainy season. When they arrived at the river, Obiuto helped his sister put her water container filled with water on her head. He was about to help himself when he saw Nnam his friend. Nnam had not come to fetch water. He had come to have his bath in the river. He lured Obiuto to swim with him mean-while, his sister reminded him that their parents had warned them not to swim. Obiuto promised not to take long so Dalu waited for him while he went to swim. Dalu soon noticed that Obiuto was far away and no longer in control of himself. The waves had taken him too far that his friend could not help but join Dalu as they ran back to the village to seek help. Obiuto's parents and the village youths ran hurriedly to the stream but by then, Obiuto was out of sight. Some fishermen had searched for him day and night but he was nowhere. His family mourned him.
One early morning in a distant village, a palmwine tapper who was on top of the palm tree heard and unusual cry. He listened more carefully only to discover that the cry was human. When he came down, he traced the sound and discovered a young boy who was weeping not quite far from the stream. "What on earth will a child be doing here?" the hunter thought to himself, deeply troubled within him, he went to the boy, the boy explained how he had wanted to swim when strong water waves overpowered him and now he is lost. The hunter showed him hospitality and requested to know more about the boy. Obiuto disclosed his details. Obiuto was lucky to find a log of wood which he held onto and came out of the water. The Palm wine tapper had compassion on the boy and was able to locate Obiuto's village and returned him to his family. It was great celebration in the village. Fred's family was in the air again. Obiuto had learnt a lesson the hard way. Obiuto had returned home to hear that his mum had died from a heart attack two days after the shock of losing her only son. Obiuto changed for the better but had earned his family a lasting trauma and stigma.
I also came from a place with many rivers, i'm glad Obiuto changed and had taken the river seriously after that painful incident😔 rivers are really dangerous sometimes
Yeah, rivers can be very dangerous. It's best he took a better resolution. Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
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