Sometimes people say things to us intending to make us feel worthless but unknowingly to them, what they said might eventually be the reason why we are standing strong and pushing forward in life.
When I was still working in a factory, I use to be a very punctual person because I don't like it when someone insults me so to avoid that from my supervisor, I always get to work on time and give my best at work.
Along the line, I got admission into a tertiary institution. It was per-time studies because I was funding my education. I always work on weekends which contradicts my studies time so I took a bold step to inform my supervisor he said I should talk to the shift manager about it so that if I don't come to work I won't get queries for it.
I got to his office and explained everything to him. He said something that I might never forget in my entire life just because I asked him for permission to skip weekend work since we get paid based on the number of days we work in a month.
He said, "education is not everything".
And I replied, "but I still have to get the certificate for future purposes".
He replied, "what course are you doing?".
I said, "computer science?".
He replied again, "is that a course?".
As if that was not enough, he went on to hurt my feelings but that same words kept me going, and never looked back.
He said, "am sure you can't find a job with this course when you are through".
I was down emotionally after the conversation but I couldn't do anything than to prove to him that I know what I want and that I am going to make it.
Years passed and I finished my program in school. I resumed back to my weekend work and he still reminded me of what he said when I gained admission, and that prompted me to look for work with my results.
I couldn't get a job, and I noticed that the factory is not functioning properly like before so I took another step to learn hand work. Immediately my shift manager find out about the work he said to me again, a hairdresser is not a befitting job for you so stop wasting your time before it's too late.
He is the kind of person who loves to talk and flaunt his powers.
This time, his words got to me as if the man was sent to disturb me emotionally but I didn't let his negativity get to me. Later, the factory folded up but before that happened, the same shift manager recommended me and some other hardworking people in the factory to another branch so that we can continue our work there.
I refused the offer because I wanted to focus on my handwork and prove to myself that I made the right decision but he wasn't happy because I didn't take his offer so he said to me again, you might not get a better opportunity out there. The factory work suits you and you can get promoted in a few years.
This time he's no longer my boss so I replied to him, by God's grace I will succeed in whatever I do outside this company.
Learning work is so tiring but each time I remembered all that man said to me, I feel my energy had been restored and I succeeded in the learning phase.
When I finally posted my shop, he was the first person that congratulated me for a job well done so I said to him, "this is my first step to becoming successful in life".
He replied, "yeah, you surely did great and I wasn't expecting this quite early".
Some people are just like that, they discourage you to progress just because they want to keep you around them because of how valuable you are to them. They look down on someone because they want that person to do whatever they want.
Some words are powerful to the extent that you will never forget them and they will keep you up as if you heard them just yesterday, all thanks to my shift manager for his hurtful words that helps me to keep going.
It wasn't fair that he said those words to you just so he could keep you close by.
It takes strength to pay no mind to his hurtful words and use them as a motivation to do better. You did it and you did it well.
My sister I was afraid that I will give in for him when I couldn't get a job with my certificate but the stress I went through before I could live for a single day couldn't let me give in
He doesn't have a say in your affairs.
Not everyone can turn these unpleasant compliments into fuel to burn them, those who can gather the willpower to take their revenge by proving them wrong gets to taste the biggest satisfaction.
This kinda mindset is just outstanding, keep going.
Best wishes to you.
Seriously I wanted to give up because of what he said to me but the fact that I am responsible for myself couldn't let me give up
And the more I remember the more I want to prove him wrong
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. Unfortunately, sometimes people say hurtful things without realizing the impact their words can have. However, it's impressive to see how you didn't let those negative comments bring you down and instead used them as motivation to work harder and prove yourself. Your perseverance and determination paid off, and it's great that you have succeeded in your chosen field.
Your story reminds us that we should never let anyone's words define our worth or determine our path in life.
Yes we shouldn't because some people are out there to mock us as well
Despite being discouraged by your manager and his hurtful words, you've stayed committed to your education and pursued your passion.
I really learnt a lot from your post and I will make sure nothing that people say gets to my head.
Yes o my brother I couldn't give up because I paid the fee all by myself so giving up wasn't an option for me
Words have fantastic power on their own, but depending on who hears them has a differential effect. Negative words should tell the listener exactly the opposite of what the understatement meant. Excellent interpretation yours! thanks for the comments on other stories.A very apt response to the call for Creative Nonfiction, @princess-dara.
Thanks for the beautiful comment
This is a great line, it happens to me sometimes where by my friends use to call me a failure those words made me stand firmly into reading books daily now they are not in rank with me.
The boy who they called failure is the one who they ran to meet for help in carrying out there project.
Nice write Miss
Some people really don't think twice before speaking, but we all should be thinking twice before launching this powerful tool of ours. Some people don't think about the person in front of them when speaking, how the person might take it, or how they might react to the comment.
Words shouldn't be rushed, actions can be rushed, physical wounds can be inflicted, we have ointments and medicines for all those physical wounds, but no medicine exists for our mental scars.
Our outer and very visible wounds always heal with time, but a harsh and abrupt set of words may last a lifetime, in a burdensome form.