My Best Friend Turned My Foe

in The Ink Welllast year

I want to share with you the reason I ended all forms of my relationship with my best friend Nelly.


Nelly and I were best friends back then in our secondary school. Nelly was just specially created for the best and blessed with all the potential one could ever ask for. Everyone in school had their eyes on her. She was also very much outstanding in her academics and did well in her studies as well, and with that she earned all the teacher's heart.

Initially, Nelly was my best friend . For that reason, I was supposed to be proud of her or happy for her, but instead I was truly jealous of her. All I wanted was to be like her, have what she does be at the top rather than following her behind. And all this was because of the way my parents usually compared both of us, making me feel belittled and sometimes worthless.
Have always had this desire for modelling. I never miss a chance to watch the series of modelling shows and I usually find it really enticing to watch because it gives me motivation to never give up even if I fail.

The First modelling contest I took part in was our Nursery school contest. It was a contest with wonderful rewards. The winner was to be crowned the school Queen. Then the prize was a dozen exercise books. I didn't miss a chance to partake in it and guess what, I won.

There was an upcoming contest in school. The contest was for the queen of the school. In this contest, the winner gets a scholarship in school from your current class till you are out and has the authority as second in command after the head prefect. I was certain if I won, then my parents would be proud of me. But how could I win when Nelly, the school's favorite, was going to participate in it? I really didn't want Nelly to participate in it because I knew she would win on her participation. At the same time, I didn't want to create any form of suspense by trying to talk her out of it. I didn't know what to do. Then I thought of something.

There was this new guy in school. Everyone else was interested in him. but I wasn't and The crazy part is that he always tends to show some sort of concern and affection towards me. and I didn't like it at all. But after my observation, I realized that my best friend Nelly really liked him and was always acting a bit resentful whenever she sees us together. Her attitude towards Robert always has a way of making her have a loose face in front of him. The weird fact is that she's always making it too obvious that she likes him. I can still remember the other day. I was sitting in the playground trying to memorize some poems when he approached me.

" Hi Dear, I'm Robert " He brought his hand forward for a handshake, but before I could think of shaking him back, Nelly appeared from no where, then interrupted and shook him instead. " Wow Robert I'm Nelly . Nice to meet you ". Deep down, I wasn't interested, all I wanted was to win the contest that was forthcoming. So I went to talk to Nelly about Robert.

"Hi Bestie, I have noticed recently how much you liked Robert and if you really want, I can talk to him about you, but in return I need your help to win the contest. " I approached Nelly and told her my mind But surprisingly, she retorted. " Why would you say that? To me Nora I thought you were my friend, Oh, I see you just want to win and become the Queen. So he'll like you more, you are such a bad friend. For your information Nora, I'm going to try to win by all means because I know if I win I won't need you to talk to Robert He'll come around by himself. " She left angrily. And that was how we maliced till the contest date.

This got me really worried So I thought of stealing my way to the crown. On the day of the contest, there is a golden pen that's usually given to the winner and because I knew where it was I thought if I steal it and put it inside Nelly's bag, she would be disqualified from the competition. But on the second hand, I knew I would be betraying our friendship and that made me back off.

We were almost done with the contest and it was time for the winner to be called out. But before then, I noticed there was some sort of argument and whispering on stage.

After awhile, an announcement was made on the search for the missing golden pen. On hearing that, I didn't worry at all because I had backed off from the plan. The pen search was conducted, every participant's bag was searched and after awhile, a guard from behind came shouting "We've found it sir, we've found it" the guard reported. As usual, everyone wanted to know whose bag had the pen. Then they brought out a big black bag which I recognized as mine as the bag where the pen was found. " Who owns this bag "? In a turbulence state I replied " Sir It's mine ". The whole crowd was in shocked as well. " Nora is disqualified from the contest " the principal announced. But before leaving, I heard Robert shouting from behind She didn't do it. Nelly did . He showed them the evidence and, with that, Nelly wasn't only disqualified. But she was suspended as well. And with that, I won the competition. But I lost my best friend.

This blog was inspired by the #inkwell nonfiction prompt #74




An emotional story of envy, betrayal and redemption.

Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate.

Oh dear, I'm really sorry. You went through so much trying to make your parents proud of you and try to keep your friendship.

At least you came out on top in the end, even if it meant losing a friend. I am happy Robert came to your rescue too

Thank you so much for stopping by, I really appreciate.

It’s really weird that your fiend employed the exact tactic that you had planned. Thank goodness she failed in her attempt to discredit you!

That was an unexpected plot twist. Still, I'm glad you were able to fight your urge to have her disqualified. Jealousy and competition are conpletely normal at that age and it's a true character builder to overcome the challenges and make good decisions.

We should be more kind to our children.

Yeah, that’s very true. It always good to be kind to our children.
Thank you for stopping by and dropping a comment I truly appreciate it.

Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement I really appreciate it.
I will always stay inspired 💯💯
Thank you so much for stopping by.