You're welcome. I woke up at 3am as I always do at the moment so I thought I'd have a look at what had turned up at The Ink Well... and well... I wasn't disappointed with your story.
But she discovers that being a surly teenager is not going to get her anything in life except heartache.
Ha ha, fiction is fiction after all 😉 I never learned that lesson until it was too late and a few things had happened after I'd moved out of my parental home to teach me a little caution and wisdom.
It has given me that much needed ten minute reading moment before I try and get a few more hours shut eye 😄
Take care of yourself, my friend. That’s the most important thing.
Will do. But I have setting, characters and plot outlined so I may as well give it a stab tomorrow before another prompt is due on Tuesday 😉
Good luck! Follow that muse. She can be capricious.