Adolescent Mischief - The ink well Nonfiction Prompt #95

in The Ink Well7 months ago

Adolescent Mischief

Since I was a child I was very dedicated in my studies, when I reached adolescence I was studying in the third year of high school, at that time, I was always with two classmates, who were of my preference Araceli and Amalia, she lived in a small town called Arenas in Cumanacoa, with his father who is a farmer, and resided in the week of classes in the house of Araceli's mother the three of us lived in the same neighborhood very close to the high school.

We each had our own way of studying. And in that sense we were very good students. In addition, we participated in other activities, such as the choral society, the theater, etc.

One day we were doing an exam of the subject universal history, Araceli liked to study to the caletre, that is to say, she memorized the knowledge in an established order and if she forgot that order, she could not continue doing the exam questions, as she was sitting next to me, she asked me: "Did you answer question number 1? With my voice barely audible, I answered "Yes". Then she said: "Give me a hint, I forgot it". I with my eyes almost wild with fear looked at the professor and with several grimaces on my paper white lips I gave her several clues and in the end she was able to answer the test.

That same day Amalia was sitting in a row of seats that separated us. I observed from my seat that she was holding a piece of paper in her hands (what we called a paper cheat sheet where she copied on the exam). That attitude of her made me very nervous. I thought that if the professor found out he was going to eliminate the exam, suddenly I noticed how the professor came up behind Amalia and observed what Amalia had in her hands. She very cleverly took the paper cutlet, chewed it and ate it.

The professor turned very angrily to Amalia and asked her: "Where is the paper I saw in your hands? She, very bold, got up from her seat, shook off her clothes and her hand and answered: "What paper are you talking about?

Very annoyed, the professor withdrew and sat down on his seat . Then he called Amalia and said: "Here you have a summons, on Monday you come accompanied by your father".

When we left the classroom we asked Amalia, "How did you realize that the teacher was behind you? Because when there is smoke it is because there is fire, I sensed that he was behind me. And I ate the chop. We laughed." . Then we retired to our homes.

Next week Amalia entered the classroom accompanied by her father, a dead silence reigned in the classroom.

The professor turns to Amalia and tells her: “Explain to your father the reason why you were summoned. Amalia's face fell, her lips were whiter than snow, she couldn't articulate a word, when she could she said:

“I was cheating on the exam with a piece of paper, I felt like the teacher was coming and I ate it.”

Her father tells her: “Girl, how many times do I have to tell you that there is no eating in the classroom?”

We all had to cover our mouths with our hands, so as not to burst out laughing. The professor refuted: “Amalia, you are failing the exam.” As soon as her father left, the young woman was immersed in tears.

We consoled her and she understood the mistake she had made. She promised not to cheat on exams anymore.

Shortly afterward we graduated from high school and everyone chose the degree they liked at the university. The three of us graduated from the University and have become old, but despite the distance, we have maintained our friendship, we always communicate by phone.

Translated with (free version)

Source from pixabay


Travesuras Adolescentes

Desde niña fui muy aplicada en mis estudios, cuando llegué a la adolescencia estaba estudiando en el tercer año de bachillerato, en ese tiempo, siempre estaba con dos compañeras de estudios, que eran de mi preferencia Araceli y Amalia, ella vivía en un pueblito llamado Arenas en Cumanacoa, con su padre que es agricultor, y se residenciaba en la semana de clases en la casa de la mamá de Araceli las tres vivíamos en el mismo barrio muy cerca del liceo.

Cada uno tenía su propia forma de estudiar. Y en ese sentido éramos muy buenos estudiantes. Además, participábamos en otras actividades, como el orfeón, el teatro, etc.

Un día estábamos haciendo un examen de la asignatura historia universal a Araceli le gustaba estudiar al caletre, es decir memorizaba los conocimientos en un orden establecido y si se le olvidaba ese orden, no podía seguir haciendo las preguntas del examen, como estaba sentada a mi lado , me preguntó ¿Respondiste la pregunta número 1? Con mi voz que casi no se escuchaba le conteste ""Si"" Entonces ella me dijo: "Dame una pista que se me ha olvidado". Yo con mis ojos casi salvaje de miedo miró al profesor y con varias muecas en mis labios blancos como un papel le di varias pistas y al final pudo contestar al test.

Ese mismo día Amalia estaba sentada en una fila de asientos que nos separaba. Observé desde mi asiento que sostenía un trozo de papel en las manos (lo que llamamos una chuleta de papel donde se copiaba en el examen). Esa actitud suya me puso muy nerviosa. Pensé que si el profesor se enteraba iba a eliminar el examen, de repente noté como el profesor se acercaba por detrás de Amalia y observaba lo que Amalia tenía en las manos. Con mucha astucia cogió la chuleta de papel, la masticó y se la comió.

El profesor se volvió muy enfadado hacia Amalia y le preguntó: "¿Dónde está el papel que vi en tus manos? Ella, muy atrevida, se levantó de su asiento, se sacudió la ropa y la mano y contestó: "¿De qué papel me está hablando?

Muy molesto, el profesor se retiró y se sentó sobre su asiento. Luego llamó a Amalia y le dijo: "Aquí tienes una citación, el lunes vienes acompañada de tu padre".

Cuando salimos del aula le preguntamos a Amalia: "¿Cómo te diste cuenta de que el profesor estaba detrás de ti? porque donde hay humo hay fuego, Por esa razón, yo intuí que estaba detrás de mí. Y me comí la chuleta. Todas nos reímos. Luego nos retiramos a nuestras casas.

La semana entrante Amalia entró al salón de clases acompañada de su padre, en el aula reinaba un silencio sepulcral.

El profesor se dirige a Amalia y le dice: ”explíquele a su padre el motivo por el cual fue citado. Amalia se le desencajo el rostro, sus labios estaban más blanco que la nieve, no podía articular palabra, cuando pudo dijo: “Yo me estaba copiando en el examen con una chuleta de papel sentí que el profesor venía y me la comí”

Su padre le dice: “Niña cuantas veces te tengo que decir que en el salón de clases no se come” Todos tuvimos que cubrirnos la boca con nuestras manos, para no largar la carcajada. El profesor refutó: “Amalia quedas aplazada en el examen” En cuanto su padre se marchó la joven quedó sumergida en el llanto.

Nosotras la consolamos y ella entendió el error que había cometido. Prometió no copiarse más en los exámenes.

Al poco tiempo nos graduamos de Bachiller y cada quien escogió la licenciatura que le gustaba en la universidad. Las tres nos graduamos en la Universidad y hemos llegado a viejas, pero a pesar de la distancia, hemos mantenido nuestra amistad siempre nos comunicamos por teléfono.


Hello @rammargarita,

It's wonderful to see you posting again. There is a distinct voice and a very particular charm in your writing. This piece delighted me. Somehow, I expected the father to chastise her eating, not cheating. That one line makes the whole piece shine.

Hope you are coming along with your healing. Take care.


Thank you for caring about my health, from a distance I love you very much. Have a happy afternoon with your family


And I love you, my dear @rammargarita

Sending you an Ecency curation vote

Thank you for giving me that vote. Have a happy day

The very first time I saw someone chew paper in an exam hall when the invigilator almost caught him, I was surprised and feared that terrible would happen to him but he was fine even after the paper.

Exam malpractice is a terrible thing and I am glad that your friend turned a new leaf.

Thank you for your comment, have a happy day.

Your friend learned a very valuable lesson for her entire life, I had a teacher who told us that if we copied the exam we were not fooling the teacher but ourselves.

Your friend's father's response was very funny, it made me laugh too. Ha ha.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Happy day.

Thanks for reading my history. Have a happy afternoon

They remained friends even after leaving school which indicates a very strong bond that was created in school. We all grow up but not at the same rate.