I almost missed the concert - the Ink Well Fiction Prompt #204

in The Ink Well2 months ago (edited)

I almost lost the concert

Luis Aria, popularly known as Plichi, is an adult, tall, strong, athletic, with a white complexion, frizzy, jet-black hair and copper-coloured eyes, like the coat of a Labrador retriever. He is a literature teacher and Taekwondo coach. In a martial arts academy. Since childhood he is very fond of Rock, and is a composer of Rock songs. He plays the musical instrument, the bass and rarely vocalises, in the rock band Fata Morgana, of which he is the founder together with Simón, Antonio (Toñito) and Gustavo Lozada. In addition, in the city of Cumaná, Venezuela, he lives with his mother Doris in a large ten-storey building. She is also a fervent fan of rock music. She fitted out an annexe for her son, so that he could rehearse with his band. Doris rents out the rest of these flats and supports herself and her son with these rents. When he was a child, his mother accompanied him to practice this martial art. Then she had the idea to enrol and receive training at the same school Plichi attended. In all the Taekwondo championships they attended, Doris and her son each became champions in their own discipline. He and his rock band participate in national festivals. They are fans of the group Metálica and Paull Gillmán, wherever Paul, he is present in the country. He invites them to participate. Immediately, they and their gang make their presence felt.

One day, Plichi says to his mother: ‘You never accompany us to other cities to see us perform in concerts’ ‘’I don't like to travel! ‘He interrupts her very excited: ‘¡¿What are you afraid of?’ ‘One day God will give me the opportunity!’ He smiles and subtly hugs her warmly.

All the members of the Fata Morgana Rock Band go to Plichi's house three days a week to rehearse. In one of these rehearsals Toñito is on drums, Simón on electric guitar, Plichi on bass and Gustavo on vocals. They are very excited, suddenly a man arrives handing them a letter sent by Paul Gillman , inviting them and their Rock band to come to the Polideportivo ‘Félix Lalito Velásquez’, to a big concert that will take place in Cumaná on Saturday, at 7 pm. The audience will be located in the bleachers of the baseball field. Tickets for the public will be priced at Bs. 500. They will be sold from tomorrow throughout the day at the kiosk located in front of the Polideportivo.

The next day, Doris goes to the kiosk and buys her ticket. On Saturday she dresses up as the rocker herself. At five o'clock in the afternoon she arrives at the entrance to the sports centre, the first in the queue. After a short while, more people start to arrive, and the crowd starts pushing and shoving, everyone wants to be at the front. Doris endures the heat and the pushing and shoving. And she shouts: "‘They won't take my place in the queue!’" So 7 pm came. A security man, who was the one who would collect the tickets and then open the door, said loudly: ‘"¡Ticket in hand, in 10 minutes I'll come and collect them!! A young woman pushed her and stood in front of Doris; she was very angry and said: ‘"¡Don't be a bully, please, get out of my seat, I've been busy for hours!"
Doris, blinded by anger, grabs her by the arms, applies a taekwondo technique, subdues her, immobilises her, lifts her up and carries her to the last place in the queue! A young security guard says to her: "¿‘Why are you acting like that?’"‘She disrespected me and tried to steal the first place in the queue to get in’" ¡Doris ran away and arrived in time to take her place! Immediately, the doorman asked her for her ticket, opened the door and she was the first one to go into the stands.

A few minutes later the concert started. The youngsters with their Fata Morgana Band made their debut with several melodies. Plichi is so excited that he hands the bass to Gustavo and he starts to play.

Then Pliche begins to vocalise and dance. The audience, euphoric with joy, shouts: ‘Que salte a la olla! Overflowing with emotion, the audience continues: ‘Let him jump!’ ‘Let him jump!’. After a few seconds, he does, and his mother and the audience, ecstatic, shout: ‘"That's my fat boy, he's so heavy!"

At the end of the concert, the rock band Fata Morgana wins first place, gaining national and international fame and prestige.


Translation made with the free version of the translator DeepL.com


Casi pierdo el concierto

Luis Aria, conocido popularmente como Plichi, es un adulto, alto, fuerte, atlético, de tez blanca, pelo crespo y negro azabache y ojos cobrizos, como el pelaje de un perro labrador. Es profesor de literatura y entrenador de taekwondo. En una academia de artes marciales. Desde niño es muy aficionado al Rock, y es compositor de canciones de Rock. Toca el instrumento musical, el bajo y rara vez vocaliza, en el grupo de rock Fata Morgana, del que es fundador junto con Simón, Antonio (Toñito) y Gustavo Lozada. Además, en la ciudad de Cumaná, Venezuela, vive con su madre Doris en un gran edificio de diez plantas. También es una ferviente admiradora de la música rock. Habilitó un anexo para que su hijo pudiera ensayar con su banda. Doris alquila el resto de los pisos y se mantiene a sí misma y a su hijo con estos alquileres. Cuando era niño, su madre le acompañaba a practicar este arte marcial. Entonces tuvo la idea de matricularse y recibir formación en la misma escuela a la que asistía Plichi. En todos los campeonatos de taekwondo a los que asistieron, Doris y su hijo llegaron a ser campeones cada uno en su disciplina. Él y su banda de rock participan en festivales nacionales. Son fans del grupo Metálica y de Paul Gillman, dondequiera que Paul esté presente en el país. Él les invita a participar. Inmediatamente, ellos y su banda hacen acto de presencia.

Un día, Plichi le dice a su madre: 'Nunca nos acompañas a otras ciudades para vernos actuar en conciertos' ''¡No me gusta viajar! ' Él la interrumpe muy emocionado: '¿De qué tienes miedo?' '¡Un día Dios me dará la oportunidad! Él sonríe y la abraza sutilmente con cariño.

Todos los miembros de la Banda de Rock Fata Morgana van a casa de Plichi tres días a la semana para ensayar. En uno de esos ensayos están Toñito a la batería, Simón a la guitarra eléctrica, Plichi al bajo y Gustavo vocaliza. Están muy emocionados, de repente llega un hombre entregándoles una carta enviada por Paul Gillman, invitándolos a ellos y a su banda de Rock a venir al Polideportivo 'Félix Lalito Velásquez', a un gran concierto que se realizará en Cumaná el sábado, a las 7 pm. El público estará ubicado en las gradas del campo de béisbol. Las entradas para el público tendrán un costo de bolívares 500. Se venderán desde mañana durante todo el día en el kiosco ubicado frente al Polideportivo.

Al día siguiente, Doris va al quiosco y compra su entrada. El sábado se viste de roquera. A las cinco de la tarde llega a la entrada del polideportivo, la primera de la cola. Al poco rato, empieza a llegar más gente, y la multitud empieza a empujarse, todos quieren estar delante. Doris soporta el calor y los empujones. Y grita: «¡No me quitarán mi sitio en la cola!». Así llegaron las siete de la tarde. Un hombre de seguridad, que era quien recogía las entradas y luego abría la puerta, dijo en voz alta: '¡Billete en mano, en 10 minutos vengo a recogerlos! Una joven la empujó y se puso delante de Doris; estaba muy enfadada y le dijo: '"¡No seas abusadora por favor, sal de mi asiento, llevo horas ocupando el primer lugar!"
Doris, cegada por la ira, la agarra por los brazos, le aplica una técnica de taekwondo, la somete, inmovilizándola, la levanta y ¡la lleva al último lugar de la cola! Un joven guardia de seguridad le dice: '"Por qué te comportas así?'" "'She Me ha faltado al respeto y ha intentado robarme el primer puesto de la cola para entrar"' ¡Doris salió corriendo y llegó a tiempo para ocupar su lugar! Inmediatamente, el portero le pidió su entrada, abrió la puerta y ella fue la primera en entrar en las gradas.

Unos minutos más tarde empezó el concierto. Los jóvenes con su Banda Fata Morgana debutaron con varias melodías. Plichi está tan emocionado que le pasa el bajo a Gustavo y éste empieza a tocar.

Entonces Pliche comienza a vocalizar y a bailar. El público, eufórico de alegría, grita: '¡Que salte a la olla! Desbordante de emoción, el público continúa: «¡Que salte!» “¡Que salte!”. Al cabo de unos segundos lo hace, y su madre y el público, extasiados, gritan: «¡Ese es mi gordito, qué pesado es!».

Al final del concierto, la banda de rock Fata Morgana gana el primer puesto, adquiriendo fama y prestigio nacional e internacional. **


Success comes at a price indeed. Pilch seemed really ready for the competition in terms of preparation. His mum on her own part was quite a supportive mother— Everyone needs this kind of people in life if they're to go really far.

Well, he scaled through the competition as a winner and that wasn't surprising. I also love the little Spanish names and ideas incorporated into some parts of the story.


Thank you for your comment, have a happy

It was a very rushed thing to get into the concert. Luckily, the mother knew taekwondo and was able to defend her place in line. In the end, everything ended well for the band and the mother.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent Tuesday.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story, have a nice day.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story, have a happy afternoon.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story. Have a nice day