Renzo achieved his goal-
Renzo is a teenager, very intelligent, studious, kind, affectionate and easy-going, he also likes to cultivate the land. He lives with his mother, a very beautiful gypsy, named Emeria, in the company of his grandfather, Pedro, who cultivates the land and he helps him in this task in his free time, planting fruit trees and vegetables to complete the daily diet. They live in Spain in barracks or Barrios in a very vulnerable environment. Their mother sells clothes that she makes, like earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. With this income she supports her family.
One very cold morning, he went to school with his grandfather, Pedro, and when he arrived, they left the school early. Due to an electrical failure at the school.
As they passed by a square, Renzo invited his grandfather to sit on a wooden seat under the leafy eucalyptus trees, which purify the environment with their exquisite smell.
As soon as they sat down, Renzo said to his grandfather: "I want you to tell me how my ancestors came to this land where we live". He explained:
"That when he was a child, just seven years old his great-grandfather, Martin told him that his gypsy ancestors had come fleeing from a war. They rode in horse-drawn wagons and camped wherever the night took them. And that is how they settled here in Spain.
16th century, by order of the King, the Great Raid was carried out, to take them prisoner, subdue them and exterminate them, they hid in the churches". The great-grandfather then paused and continued:
"Thus several centuries passed. And the political form of State is the Parliamentary Monarchy. Where the head of state is the King, but all his acts must be endorsed by the Government. But even so, the Gypsies are still discriminated against, because of their customs".
Martin, Pedro's great-grandfather, continued with his narration and told him: "That he grew up, and when he became a man and started working in a circus as a juggler, he got married and formed his family. Then his children. They grew up and did the same. Shortly after his great-grandfather told him these facts, he died. Pedro looks very fixedly at his grandson Renzo and says: "I am the son of a grandson of his. His name is Raimundo and when I was born he called me Pedro".
Renzo, very excited, interrupts Pedro asking him: "When you grew up and became an adult, what did you do? He replied: "I worked as a wagon driver, then I married a very beautiful woman and had a baby girl, a few seconds later my wife died. and I took care of the child and named her Emeria". The very excited boy interrupted his grandfather: "That's my mother!", the grandfather answered: "It's true, I love her very much". Peter paused, then continued the narration:
"As soon as Emeria, she grew up and transformed into a very beautiful and slender woman, with her hair straight and yellow like the sun's rays, her eyes blue like the blue of the sea. She fell in love with a very handsome gypsy, named David, he had black hair and eyes as black as jet, soon after they were married. And she became pregnant.
Her husband had a circus, with which he moved to other countries. There was a day when he went out and never came back" Pedro's eyes shed tears like the torrential rains when they slide over the glass windows. He inhaled air and then continued:
"At nine months Emeria gave birth to a beautiful baby boy she named Renzo, that's you, my pretty boy!", he hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The child reciprocated with a tight hug and said to him:
"My mother has never told me about my father." His grandfather replied:"" Don't tell your mother that I have confessed to you, let's go back home, your mother should be home soon". Then they set out on their way home.
Soon Renzo left school with excellent grades to enter the Institute of secondary education, this is private, his mother did not have the financial resources to enroll him. He said: "Mother, let's go to the institute, we will talk to the Director", who told him: "They are private studies, you have to pay a monthly fee".
Renzo refuted: "I can pay for my studies by taking care of the green areas of this Institute" The Director observed the young man's performance and accepted him and was fascinated to see his grades.
In a short time he began his school year at the Institute. He took control of these green areas and they began to flourish, all the staff working in this school is happy with the recovery of these areas.
Several years passed and Renzo graduated from high school with the highest grade point average. He won a scholarship to study at the most prestigious university in Spain. There he met a fellow student named Leonor, with whom he established a love relationship.
One night Renzo, talking to his grandfather, Pedro, asked him: "Do you remember when you told me how my ancestors arrived here in Spain and are still discriminated against? Those factors motivated me to study and I have managed to enter one of the most prestigious Universities, in the Faculty of Political Sciences, my aspiration is to be president of this country, to propose a government program where the gypsies are seen without being excluded, that they have the right to education, to have decent houses, to a better quality of life in terms of health".
The grandfather, full of joy, replied: "May God hear you and accompany you so that you can carry out this project"!
In the course of 5 years, Renzo graduated with a degree in Political Science and began to join a movement that was very much given to poor people, especially gypsies. He put on the pseudonym of Renzo the Gypsy, which gave him more popularity, he was chosen as a candidate of that movement, for a presidential election, he had to marry his girlfriend. Shortly after the political campaign, he was elected president of that country.
In a short period of his presidential term, he fulfilled the promises he had made. He ordered to build a good urbanization, in a good environment, for the gypsies, a Health Center equipped with high technology medical equipment, an Institute with education, Initial, Primary and Secondary. So that they receive a good education. And a University, so that they can continue their studies at a higher level.
In that Urbanization, in one of those houses, Renzo lives with his wife, his mother and his grandfather. He always remains the same: humble, simple and charismatic.
Translation made with the free version of the translator
Renzo logró su objetivo
Renzo es un adolescente, muy inteligente y estudioso, amable, cariñoso y habilidoso, al que también le gusta cultivar la tierra. Vive con su madre, una bella gitana llamada Emeria, en compañía de su padre, Pedro, que cultiva la tierra y le ayuda en esta tarea durante su tiempo libre, alimentándole con frutas y verduras para integrar su dieta diaria. Viven en España en chabolas en un entorno muy vulnerable. La madre es comerciante y vende productos hechos por ella, como oréganos, collares, pulseras, etc. Con esta incursión mantiene a su familia.
Una mañana muy fría, fue a la escuela con su abuelo, Pedro, cuando llegaron a la escuela. Debido a un fallo eléctrico en la escuela, no había actividad.
Al pasar por una plaza, Renzo invitó a su abuelo a sentarse en un asiento de madera bajo frondosos eucaliptos, que purifican el aire con su exquisito olor.
En cuanto se sentaron, Renzo le dijo a su abuelo: "Quiero que me cuentes cómo llegaron mis antepasados a esta tierra donde vivimos". Él le explicó:
"Que cuando era niño, con sólo siete años, su bisabuelo, Martín, le contó que sus antepasados gitanos habían llegado huyendo de una guerra. Iban en carros tirados por caballos y acampaban donde les llevara la noche. Y así se asentaron aquí, en España".
" En el siglo XVI, por orden del Rey, se practicó la Gran Redada, para detenerlos prisioneros, someterlos y exterminarlos, se escondieron en las iglesias". Entonces el bisabuelo hizo una pausa y continuó.
"Así transcurrieron varios siglos. Y la forma política del Estado es la Monarquía Parlamentaria. Donde el jefe del Estado es el Rey, pero todos sus actos deben ser refrendados por el Gobierno. Pero aún así, los gitanos siguen siendo discriminados, por sus costumbres".
Martín, el bisabuelo de Pedro, continuó con su relato y le dijo: "Que creció, y cuando se hizo hombre y empezó a trabajar en un circo como malabarista, se casó y formó su familia. Luego sus hijos. Crecieron e hicieron lo mismo. Poco después de que su bisabuelo le contara estos hechos, murió. Pedro mira fijamente a su nieto Renzo y le dice: "Soy hijo de un nieto suyo. Se llama Raimundo y cuando nací me llamó Pedro".
Renzo, muy emocionado, interrumpe a Pedro preguntándole: "Cuando creciste y te hiciste adulto, ¿qué hiciste? Él responde: "Trabajé como carretero, después me casé con una mujer muy bonita y tuve una niña, a los pocos segundos murió mi mujer, y yo me hice cargo de la niña y la llamé Emeria". El niño, muy emocionado, interrumpió a su abuelo: "¡Esa es mi madre!", respondió el abuelo: "Es verdad, la quiero mucho". Pedro hizo una pausa, luego continuó la narración:
"Tan pronto como Emeria, creció y se transformó en una mujer muy hermosa y esbelta, con el pelo liso y amarillo como los rayos del sol, sus ojos azules como el azul del mar. Se enamoró de un gitano muy guapo, llamado David, tenía el pelo negro y los ojos negros como el azabache, poco después se casaron. Y se quedó embarazada.
Su marido tenía un circo, con el que se trasladaba a otros países. Hubo un día en que salió y no volvió más" Los ojos de Pedro derramaron lágrimas como las lluvias torrenciales cuando resbalan sobre las ventanas de cristal. Inspiró aire y continuó:
"A los nueve meses Emeria dio a luz a un hermoso niño al que llamó Renzo, ¡ese eres tú, mi niño bonito!", lo abrazó y le dio un beso en la mejilla. El niño correspondió con un fuerte abrazo y le dijo:
"Mi madre nunca me ha hablado de mi padre". Su abuelo le contestó:"" No le digas a tu madre que me he confesado contigo, volvamos a casa, tu madre debería llegar pronto". Entonces emprendieron el camino de vuelta a casa.
Pronto Renzo dejó la escuela con excelentes calificaciones para ingresar al Instituto de educación secundaria, este es privado, su madre no contaba con los recursos económicos para inscribirlo. El dijo: "Madre, vamos al instituto, hablaremos con el Director", quien le dijo: "Son estudios privados, hay que pagar una mensualidad".
Renzo refutó: "Yo puedo pagar mis estudios cuidando las áreas verdes de este Instituto" El Director observó el desempeño del joven y lo aceptó y quedó fascinado al ver sus calificaciones.
En poco tiempo comenzó su año escolar en el Instituto. Tomó el control de estas áreas verdes y comenzaron a florecer, todo el personal que labora en esta escuela está feliz con la recuperación de estas áreas.
Pasaron varios años y Renzo se graduó en el instituto con la nota media más alta. Ganó una beca para estudiar en la universidad más prestigiosa de España. Allí conoció a una compañera de estudios llamada Leonor, con la que estableció una relación amorosa.
Una noche Renzo, hablando con su abuelo, Pedro, le preguntó: "¿Recuerdas cuando me contaste que mis antepasados llegaron aquí a España y todavía son discriminados? Esos factores me motivaron a estudiar y he logrado ingresar a una de las Universidades más prestigiosas, en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas, mi aspiración es ser presidente de este país, proponer un programa de gobierno donde los gitanos sean vistos sin ser excluidos, que tengan derecho a la educación, a tener casas dignas, a una mejor calidad de vida en cuanto a salud".
El abuelo, lleno de alegría, respondió: "¡Que Dios te oiga y te acompañe para que puedas llevar a cabo este proyecto!"
En el transcurso de 5 años, Renzo se graduó en Ciencias Políticas y empezó a unirse a un movimiento muy dado a la gente pobre, especialmente a los gitanos. Se puso el seudónimo de Renzo el Gitano, lo que le dio más popularidad, fue elegido candidato de ese movimiento, para unas elecciones presidenciales, tuvo que casarse con su novia. Poco después de la campaña política, fue elegido presidente de ese país.
En un corto periodo de su mandato presidencial, cumplió las promesas que había hecho. Mandó construir una buena urbanización, en un buen entorno, para los gitanos, un Centro de Salud dotado de equipos médicos de alta tecnología, un Instituto con enseñanza, Inicial, Primaria y Secundaria. Para que reciban una buena educación. Y una Universidad, para que puedan continuar sus estudios a un nivel superior.
En esa Urbanización, en una de esas casas, Renzo vive con su esposa, su madre y su abuelo. Siempre sigue siendo el mismo: humilde, sencillo y carismático.
A very inspiring story, when people set goals in life they can be achieved and if they are motivated by love and sincere reasons they can be achieved.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Happy day.
Thank you for reading my story. Happy afternoon
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