Shared dreams - Creative Nonfiction Prompt# 120

in The Ink Well2 months ago

Shared dreams

Of my five siblings I am the youngest, my sister Maria Teresa is the eldest of the females. When I was a ten-year-old girl, I liked to daydream and think out loud. I also talked in my sleep. I also had a lot of communication with my older sister. At that time we lived in a very humble house with our mother Leonides, a unisex garment maker by trade.

We were so poor that we had not travelled to Caracas. During a school holiday, my aunt Raquel invited María Teresa to spend the holidays in Caracas, at her son's house. At the end of the school holidays, they returned to Cumaná. As soon as she arrived, she invited me to sit in the afternoon in the courtyard of the house, under the guava tree, with its leafy guavas hanging from it.

There my sister told me about all the places she visited and enjoyed in that great city. The zoo, she described to me its diversity of animals, the one she liked the most was the peacock with its tail adorned with beautiful colours, which radiated a photochromatic effect. She also loved the cable car ride, when we got to this conversation she caught my attention powerfully and I began to ask her:

Where is it?
‘On a mountain’,
"How do you get there?
You walk, you go up and you get to the cable car”.
Very excited, I interrupted her: ‘How did you get up there?’ ‘I bought a ticket and went up’. And it hangs in the air?' “Yes, on a rope, it moves” she also told me that when she got off she could see a big hotel. Amusement parks, an ice skating rink, where young people were skating. I was so excited that I went to my room and slept peacefully.

The next day, I got up very early, had breakfast and sat in the courtyard of my house in the same place I had done the day before with my sister. My mother did the laundry two days a week. In a few seconds she arrived in the yard. I said good morning to her and asked for her blessing. "God bless you". Leonides sat down at her basin, which was two metres away from me, and started washing.

In a short time I closed my eyes, then opened them and remained absorbed, thinking aloud: ‘What a beautiful cable car, I'm going to get on, I'm already inside’. At that moment I was interrupted by a ripe guava falling from the tree, I stood up, picked it up and ate it, after enjoying this exquisite fruit: My thoughts were the same as during the vigil, out loud: ‘The cable car starts its journey, I feel a shiver in my stomach’ ‘What a beautiful landscape’. ‘I was thrilled to see the ice skating rink’. ‘My hands are shaking in the cold on that mountain, like the leaves on the trees in a typhoon. ‘As best I could, I put on my skates and started to skate.’

My mother interrupted me: "‘I've been listening to you and watching you for a while’" I was surprised, and when I saw myself uncovered I had no choice but to smile at her and with my hand I blew her a kiss.

Source from pixabay

Translated with (free version)


Sueños compartidos

De mis cinco hermanos soy la menor, mi hermana María Teresa es la mayor de las hembras. Cuando era una niña de diez años, me gustaba soñar despierta y pensar en voz alta. También hablaba en sueños. me comunicaba mucho con mi hermana mayor. En aquella época vivíamos en una casa muy humilde con nuestra madre Leonides, confeccionista unisex de profesión.

Éramos tan pobres que no habíamos viajado a Caracas. Durante unas vacaciones escolares, mi tía Raquel invitó a María Teresa a pasar las vacaciones en Caracas, en casa de su hijo. Al final de las vacaciones escolares, regresaron a Cumaná. Apenas llegó, me invitó a sentarnos por la tarde en el patio de la casa, bajo el árbol de guayaba, con sus frondosas guayabas colgando.

Allí mi hermana me habló de todos los lugares que visitó y disfrutó en aquella gran ciudad. El zoológico, me describió su diversidad de animales, el que más que le gustó fue el pavo real con su cola adornada de hermosos colores, que irradiaban un efecto foto cromático. También le encantó el paseo en teleférico, cuando llegamos a esta conversación me llamó poderosamente la atención y empecé a preguntarle:
"¿Dónde se encuentra?"
" En una montaña ,"
¿Cómo se llega?
"Caminas, subes y llegas al teleférico".

Muy emocionada, la interrumpí: '¿Cómo has subido?' 'He comprado un billete y he subido"."¿Y cuelga en el aire?' 'Sí, sujeto por una cuerda, se mueve'". También me contó que cuando se bajó pudo ver un gran hotel. Parques de atracciones, una pista de patinaje sobre hielo, donde patinaban los jóvenes. Estaba tan emocionada que me fui a mi habitación y dormí plácidamente.

Al día siguiente, me levanté muy temprano, desayuné y me senté en el patio de mi casa en el mismo sitio que había estado el día anterior con mi hermana. Mi madre lavaba la ropa dos días a la semana. En unos segundos llegó al patio. Le di los buenos días y le pedí su bendición. "Que Dios te bendiga». Leonides se sentó en su pila, que estaba a dos metros de mí, y empezó a lavar.

En poco tiempo cerré los ojos, luego los abrí y me quedé absorto pensando en voz alta: «Qué teleférico más bonito, voy a subirme, ya estoy dentro». En ese momento me interrumpe una guayaba madura que cae del árbol y me levanto, la recojo y me la como, después de disfrutar de esta exquisita fruta. Mis pensamientos son los mismos durante la vigilia, en voz alta : "' Está iniciando su marcha, siento un escalofrío en el estómago," "¡Qué paisaje tan hermoso!"' '"Por fin llegué a la otra estación, vi la pista de patinaje sobre hielo' me emocioné, mis manos, junto con el frío de aquella montaña, temblaban como las hojas de los árboles en tiempos de tifón. Como pude, me puse los patines y empecé a patinar.

Mi madre me interrumpió: 'Llevo un rato escuchándote y observándote'. Me sorprendí, y al verme descubierta no tuve más remedio que sonreírle y con la mano le soplé un beso.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor


Sometimes we tend to create a world of ours especially when some certain things haven't yet manifested the way we want them to in our lives. Placing yourself in such a place that you've dreamt of visiting isn't bad atall. If it's what produces that temporary feel of happiness, then so be it. As long as it works for you.


You daydreamed about the cable car and the adventure it would be to ride it up to the big mountain. At least you felt that excitement in the middle of the fantasy.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Excellent day.

Wow, what a nice daydreaming! It's a beautiful view and the type one can always dream of no matter what with the way you have described it in your writing.
I have been interrupted while daydreaming.....

Thank you for reading and commenting on my story. Have a nice evening

Daydreaming can be so fun. Sometimes, it may be something that can come to reality in real life.

It is true sometimes to daydream. It makes you live fantasies. Have a happy night

It is true that sometimes daydreaming is good, but when you come back to reality, it is not good. Have a nice night