Luis Alberto is a 34 year old man, he is very brave, he is not afraid of anything, he does not believe in road stories or in scares. Since he was very young he helped a man to drive his long load truck, he learned with him, then he became independent and now he drives another truck of that style of a line of these transports. In this line of cars they take some loads of food from one city to another in this country-Venezuela. On these roads that Luis Alberto travels, one can glimpse an environment populated by trees. In others, you can see beaches bordering their roads.
In every city where these transports arrive, when night falls, their drivers, they hang their hammocks under the trucks, and there they sleep.
Inside the truck, they have a small kitchen where they prepare their food. That is to say, that car serves as lodging for him and his companions who are engaged in the same activity in other cars.
One day he was driving his transport, on the Puerto La Cruz-Cumaná highway, at a very low speed, when he was going up a stretch of the highway called La subía del mono at about twelve o'clock at night. In that silence, with the whistling of the wind, he heard a woman screaming:
"¡Ayayayay, ayayayay. Please help me!
When he heard those screams all over his body, he felt a shiver from head to toe, his throat went dry. He stopped the car at the edge of a cliff with the light of a flashlight, he observed at the bottom of it that there was a woman in flames of fire, located in the middle of two cars, from there came the screams, he felt helpless, unable to help her, because of the place where he was, what he did was to call the Fire Department and communicate the news.
As he left, and traveled several kilometers, in the darkness of the night and the silence of the night. He heard some laughter that spread with the rustling of the wind:
"Hahaha...... Hahaha..... Hahaha!"
When he heard that laughter, he was startled, opened his eyes wide, shook his head and felt the repercussions of the woman's screams and laughter in his mind, and that scene would not go out of his head. When he reached another place where there were other truck drivers. He hung his hammock under the truck and lay down to sleep. Shortly after falling asleep, he woke up with a bad dream.
As the days went by, when he was coming back along that same road, near the cliff there was a man selling cold coconut.
Luis Alberto stopped the truck and got out. Turning to the vendor he said:
"Please can you sell me a cold coconut, to quench my thirst."
The gentleman, very kindly, gave me the coconut, I took it. Very calmly, in great detail, I explained to him the situation I experienced, when I saw the woman on fire.
He answered me:
That was an accident that happened here 10 years ago. That is the soul of Mercedes, who lost her life when her car collided with a tanker truck loaded with gasoline, both cars fell into the cliff, and the young woman went up in flames, no trace of her was ever found, that is why her soul is in sorrow. From time to time she appears to the drivers, who usually pass by this road at that time of the night.
At that moment, a gust of wind developed, similar to a whirlwind, leaving Alberto perplexed. From that moment on, he believed in the tales of roads and scares.

El alma en pena
Luis Alberto es un hombre de 34 años, es muy valiente, no le teme a nada, no cree en cuentos de camino ni en espantos. Desde muy joven ayudaba a un señor a manejar su camión carga larga, con él aprendió, luego se independizó y actualmente maneja otro camión de ese estilo de una línea de estos transportes. En esta línea de autos llevan unas cargas de alimentos de una ciudad a otra en este País-Venezuela. En esas carreteras que recorre Luis Alberto, se vislumbra un ambiente, poblados de árboles. En otras se observan playas que bordean sus carreteras.
En cada ciudad que llegan estos transportes, al llegar la noche, los choferes cuelgan sus hamacas debajo de los camiones, y allí duermen.
Dentro de ese camión, hay una pequeña cocina donde elaboran sus alimentos. Es decir, ese auto sirve de hospedaje a él y a sus compañeros que andan en esa misma actividad en otros autos.
Un día se encontraba manejando su transporte, en la carretera de Puerto La Cruz-Cumaná, a una velocidad muy mínima, Cuando iba subiendo un tramo de la carretera denominado La subía del mono a eso de las doce de la noche. En ese silencio, con el silbido del viento, sintió unos gritos de una mujer:
“Ayayay, ayayay. Por favor, ayúdenme!".
Cuando escuchó esos gritó en todo su cuerpo, sintió un escalofrío de los pies a la cabeza, su garganta se resecó. Detuvo el auto en la orilla de un precipicio con la luz de una linterna, observó al fondo de este que había una mujer encendida en llamas, ubicada entre dos carros, desde allí venían los gritos, se sintió impotente, al no poder socorrerla, por el lugar donde se encontraba, lo que hace fue llamar al Cuerpo de Bomberos y reportar la novedad.
Al marcharse, y recorrer varios km. En la penumbra de la noche y el silencio de esta, escuchó unas risas que se propagaban con el crujir del viento:
" ¡Jaja…… Jaja….. Jaja!"
Al oír aquella risa, se sobresaltó, abrió los ojos desmesuradamente.
Sacudió su cabeza y sintió el repercutir de los gritos de la mujer y de esas carcajadas en su mente, y esa escena no se le quitaba del pensamiento. Al llegar a otro sitio donde estaban otros camioneros. Colgó su hamaca debajo del camión y Se acostó a dormir. Al poco rato se despertó con un mal sueño.
Con el transcurso de los días cuando venía de regreso por esa misma carretera, cerca al precipicio había un hombre vendiendo coco frío. Detuvo el camión, se bajó. Dirigiéndose al vendedor le dijo:
“Por favor puede venderme un coco frio, para calmar la sed”
El señor, muy amable le dio el coco, lo tomé. Con mucha calma con lujos de detallé le explicó la situación que vivió, cuando vio a la mujer en llamas.
Él le respondió:
Eso fue un accidente que ocurrió aquí hace 10 años. Esa es el alma de Mercedes, que perdió la vida al chocar su carro con un camión Cisterna, cargado de gasolina ambos carros cayeron al precipicio, y la joven se incendió en llamas, nunca se consiguieron vestigios de ella, por eso su alma anda en pena. De vez en cuando se le presenta a los choferes, que suelen pasar por esta carretera a esa hora de la noche.
En ese instante, se desarrolló una ráfaga de viento similar a un torbellino Dejando a Alberto perplejo. A partir de ese momento este creyó en los cuentos de caminos y de espanto.

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Oh my! I'd have been more perplexed if I were Alberto. Now I'm glad he didn't go rushing to help her out of the fire, who knows? Maybe she'd have pulled him into it and that'd be his end. This one gave me shivers.
hank you for your comment. Have a nice day
It must be frightening to witness a woman burning. Luis took comfort in that fact that the spectre was a ghost. However, most anyone else might’ve approached the burning woman to at least throw a hammock over her, or water to douse the flames.
He was helpless, because the cliff was so deep, he just gave the news to the firemen, so they could help her. Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day.
A scary story, the woman's ghost is on the loose terrorizing drivers on the road, it must be terrifying to encounter something like that. Your story is very interesting.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.
Thank you for your comment. Have a nice day