Seeing this week's prompt I know it's going to be a week filled with love. Love is a beautiful thing but I do say it is only beautiful with the right person. If you are in love with someone you don't share the same vision or dream with, it's going to end in tears and that may be catastrophic as many will think ending their lives is the best option. As humans, when we are in love we tend to forget to place ourselves first as a priority, our lovers are always on our top chart. Irrespective of the things we hear or see about them, we choose them over and over again until they become unbearable in some cases.
Finding someone who truly loves you is a rare gift that we don't experience these days. People now use love as a way to get whatever they want and after their desires are fulfilled, they show their true intentions. Love is to be enjoyed and not endured, anytime being in love seems like a burden, it is no longer love. Love is more than just confessing with your mouth, to me, love is giving your totality to the person you claim to be in love with. But to my surprise today in this present generation, trust is lost in love, you will hear couples saying things like "I can never give my spouse my money, I can never trust my spouse" and yet they claim to love their spouse.
Sometimes I do wonder, does love at first sight or love at first meeting exist? That has been the question I ask myself, well I never believed it existed until I experienced it. I am the type that tells my friends not to give in to love at first sight because I think it is a sham and will never last not stand the test of time. I couldn't defend myself when it eventually happened to me and that's how my love life began. A few years ago, I met my ex-boyfriend over a chat, it's weird, right? Anyway, I thought so too.
One afternoon, just like any normal day, I picked up my phone to check my businesses and a WhatsApp message popped in from an unknown sender. Although this happens to me a lot because of my business, I do get referrals from friends and families and this always makes me receive messages from unknown people countless times so I didn't see it as being different. He came in as a customer and from there he began to show his intentions and we decided to meet.
On our first meeting, I felt a bit different, or let me say I felt something unusual. He is the type of man I want, not sure of his behavior yet but I'm already in love with the physical attributes I can see. It was indeed love at first meeting, "am I actually in love?" this was the question I kept asking myself. I believe love is just more than the confession we make with our mouths. To me, love means trust, support, care, attention, and being there when needed but it's a pity that today all these things are lost in relationships. Love is being selfless, standing for the love you claim to have for your partner.
Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.
Was about asking if the guy is still your guy but when I saw ex- 😔.. true love exists and I hope you find yours no matter how rare it seems. Good piece 👍
Instant attractions are hard to resist because we are yet to find any reason not to go for what we want/feel but then time and experience starts revealing the others sides we didn't know. Also if only both parties are dedicated on making each other better as imperfect beings and put things like our egos and selfish desires in check then perhaps relationships would last longer.
You are so right
Thank you for the beautiful piece. I believe attraction was what transpired first between you both which may be mutual or unilateral
Thanks 4 reading
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Okay thank you.
Hola, en realidad no creo en el amor a primera vista.
Creo que ese primer contacto puede servir como enganche y pasar después a una relación.
Pero enamorarse, es diferente a sentir amor realmente, para que exista al último debe haber vivencia, confianza, amistad y otra infinidad de cosas que solo se da y se vive en una relación.
Por lo menos eso creo.
Mis saludos.
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