
in The Ink Welllast year



On the bridge of the scientific vessel "Hot Wheels," the third officer, Andrea, entered through the sliding door.

The bridge was a state-of-the-art facility equipped with the latest navigation technologies. It featured a Navtex system, which provided real-time meteorological conditions through holographic notes that appeared as soon as an officer approached the instrument. There were also three echo sounders dedicated to studying the uncharted underwater topography of Aqua, enabling them to warn of nearby mangroves. Other equipment included an ECDIS, updated every hour with information on currents, mangroves, and human-made platforms. Andrea glanced at these devices and also at the radar integrated with the AIS to avoid unexpected encounters with other vessels or marine creatures of the planet. It was Andrea's responsibility to inspect all these devices and ensure they were in good condition.

She found Bernard, the Second Officer, configuring the Auto-Pilot for the maritime zone they were about to enter.

"We're still in a peaceful area of the planet. We have another 24 hours before we enter the war zone," Bernard informed her without diverting his gaze from the instrument he was configuring. "It's just dawned, but you know we'll return to the dim twilight in five hours since you haven't adapted to a planet with binary stars," he said with a smile.

"Haha, it's all part of your routine with a rookie officer," Andrea remarked irritably. "Have you spotted any marine creatures or ships?" she asked, following protocol.

"Nah," Bernard replied unethically, completing the equipment configuration before looking up. "You know there's not much to see. I've only spotted some Dolomites about 5 nautical miles away, harmless ones. Some sailors even wanted to catch them."

Andrea knew she would have to review the book on Aqua's marine fauna. She wasn't familiar with all the species.

"Well, I hope you get some rest," she said, hoping he would leave and she could be alone on the bridge.

"You know we never really rest," Bernard commented irritably. "The captain will probably come up soon to evaluate you. Don't act nervous; this zone is calm. You still need to experience the war zone," he said, giving her a pat on the back before leaving.

Andrea rolled her eyes. She had chosen to leave Space Station A-14 to live on a planet. She wanted to embark on an adventure, and what better adventure than Planet Aqua? She had studied the merchant mariner profession for three years, but she was absent-minded, and some details escaped her attention.

She was flipping through the book on marine fauna when the captain entered. She knew it was him by the odor he emitted. The captain activated his translator device and spoke:

"Greetings, third officer," he said, his pincers making a chilling sound.

She knew Bernard had told her not to act nervous. The captain was a Blattodea, a humanoid creature resembling a cockroach. The odor was a natural part of his species; he couldn't help it, just as she couldn't help the disgusted expression on her face. She had never been face to face with a Blattodea before.

"The navigation is calm, Captain. The currents are very tranquil, and there is nothing noteworthy in the weather reports. The nearest artificial platform is about 15 nautical miles away; I confirmed it a few minutes ago. I haven't been able to spot any marine species myself, although the second officer mentioned seeing Dolomites," she stated, attempting to sound confident.

Captain Tarakan merely clicked his pincers, leaving Andrea unsure if it was an approving gesture or disapproval. The translator device made another emotionless sound.

"Very well, third officer. I want you to call engineering and check the status of the propellers, rudders, and thrusters, as well as the main engine and our power cells," he instructed.

Andrea nodded and swiftly moved, though she felt it was excessive. It was routine for the captain to ask her to do that. However, she couldn't tell him that during her previous watch, he had ordered her to do the same.

"Máshina will provide you with a report stating that everything is in order, Captain. The main engine is functioning smoothly, as are the propellers and rudders. The thrusters are being inspected, and they will replace the water generator plates," Andrea explained, ending the intercom transmission.

"And the power cells?" the captain asked.

Máshina hadn't mentioned anything about the power cells, but she hoped everything was fine.

"Everything is in order, Captain," she simply replied.

Andrea swallowed nervously. Ever since she had embarked, she had been expecting the captain to say something like that. Bernard had no issue with it because he was an android, more machine than human, and he was almost devoid of emotions, too sarcastic and relaxed. But she was the only human on that ship.

"You had an ancient tradition on your planet. I don't know if your generation remembers it well, it was towards the end of the year in the time of your planet... What was it called? Earth. Although now there are many worlds, except yours, abandoned because it became uninhabitable," his pincers clicking distracted Andrea.

The captain walked, his five pairs of legs making noise. Andrea wondered when she would get used to the odor. The captain's multiple glassy eyes focused on her, and she feared he was going to eat her.

"The crew is feeling down; we've gone months without visiting any of the platforms. We continue navigating, conducting studies of the planet, but there's no fun. We still have months to go until we reach a safe harbor. So, I've thought about recreating the festivities you used to celebrate. Do you remember the name or that tradition?" the captain said.

Andrea didn't know if he was joking or being serious; she was unfamiliar with the facial features of that being.

"I believe, Captain, you're referring to 'Christmas.' We don't celebrate it in my special station. Only the capitalist tradition of gift-giving remains," she said, attempting to smile.

The captain paced around the control room, where holograms displayed the maritime zone they were navigating.

"Christmas. I remember that human I saved, he told me it was a Christmas miracle. I've been thinking about carrying out that celebration here, and you're the one who can make it happen. Do you think you're capable?" the captain wasn't joking.

Nervously, Andrea nodded, hoping he would realize she was nervous.

"Yes, don't worry, Captain. My grandfather told me stories about his grandfather, which is my great-great-grandfather, recounting many of those traditions. I know them by heart because they captivated me too back then," she wasn't lying about that.

There were more clicking sounds.

"Then, I entrust you with this task. You can give orders to Bernard, who will undoubtedly be more useful to you as a walking encyclopedia," the translator paused, laden with a disconcerting meaning. "I admire your audacity in venturing into the planet Aqua, the sole dwelling of its kind, mostly composed of water, with a core of iron, coal, silicon, and other minerals. Existence here is harsh, but amidst the chaos, you have made your presence felt."

The captain headed towards the door to leave but stopped.

"Don't fail me!" and he left.

Andrea continued nodding for another five minutes, contemplating how she could organize that event.


En el puente del buque científico "Hot Wheels" entró por la puerta deslizante la tercer oficial, Andrea.

El puente era un lugar en el buque que contaba con las últimas tecnologías en navegación. Tenía su Navtex, que reportaba en tiempo real las condiciones meteorológicas mediante notas holográficas que se mostraban al momento en que un oficial se posicionaba frente al instrumento. También había tres ecosondas destinadas a estudiar la topografía submarina desconocida de Aqua y así poder avisar sobre la presencia de manglares cercanos. Los demás equipos incluían un ECDIS, que se actualizaba cada hora con información sobre corrientes, manglares o plataformas de la humanidad. Andrea echó un vistazo a esos equipos y también al radar que estaba integrado con el AIS, con la finalidad de evitar encuentros fortuitos con otras embarcaciones o animales marinos del planeta. Andrea debía revisar todos estos equipos para verificar que estuvieran en buen estado.

Encontró a Bernard, el Segundo Oficial, configurando el Auto-Pilot para la zona marítima a la que iban a ingresar.

—Seguimos en un área apacible del planeta, aún faltan 24 horas para que entremos en la zona de guerra —informó Bernard sin apartar la mirada del instrumento que configuraba—. Hace poco amaneció, pero ya sabes que dentro de cinco horas volveremos al tenue anochecer, ya que aún no te has acostumbrado a un planeta con estrellas binarias —dijo sonriendo.

—Ja, ja, ja, forma parte de tu rutina hacia una oficial novata —indicó Andrea irritada—. ¿Has avistado alguna criatura marítima o buque? —preguntó como parte del protocolo.

—¡Nah! —fue la respuesta poco ética de Bernard, quien terminó de configurar el equipo y levantó la mirada—. Sabes que se ve poco de eso. Solo he avistado unas Dolomitas a 5 millas náuticas, que son inofensivas. Incluso algunos marinos querían pescarlas.

Andrea sabía que tendría que volver a revisar el libro de fauna marina del planeta Aqua. No conocía todas las especies.

—Bueno, espero que descanses —dijo ella, esperando que se marchara y quedarse sola en el puente.

—Sabes que nunca descansamos —comentó Bernard irritado—. El capitán seguro subirá en un rato para evaluarte. No actúes nerviosa, esta zona es tranquila. Aún te falta conocer la zona de guerra —dijo esto mientras le daba unas palmadas y se marchaba.

Andrea torció los ojos. Había decidido marcharse de la estación espacial A-14 para residir en un planeta. Prefirió vivir una aventura y qué mejor aventura que el Planeta Aqua. Había estudiado el oficio de marino mercante durante tres años, pero ella era despistada y algunos detalles se le escapaban.

Estaba hojeando el libro de fauna marina cuando entró el capitán, lo supo por el hedor que emanaba. El capitán configuró su aparato traductor y habló:
—Saludos tercero —dijo mientras sus pinzas sonaban escalofriantemente.

Sabía que Bernand le había dicho que no actuara nerviosa. El capitán era un Blattodea, un ser humanoide muy parecido a una cucaracha. El hedor era parte natural de su especie, no podía evitarlo, al igual que ella no podía evitar contraer la cara de asco. Nunca había estado frente a un Blattodea.

—La navegación tranquila, capitán. Las corrientes están muy sosegadas, no hay nada llamativo en los informes meteorológicos. La plataforma artificial más cercana está a unas 15 millas náuticas; lo corroboré hace unos minutos. Tampoco he logrado avistar alguna especie marítima, aunque el segundo dice que avistó dolomitas —indicó, intentando sonar segura.

El capitán llamado Tarakan solo chasqueó sus pinzas, sin saber Andrea si era una afirmación complacida o una desaprobación. El traductor volvió a sonar sin transmitir ninguna emoción.

—Muy bien, tercero. Quiero que llame a máquinas y verifique el estado de las hélices, los timones y los thrusters, así como del motor principal y nuestras celdas de energía —indicó.

Andrea asintió y se movió con rapidez, aunque pensó que era demasiado. Era rutinario para el capitán pedirle eso. Sin embargo, no podía decirle que en su guardia pasada la había mandado a hacer lo mismo.

—Máshina le pasará su informe diciendo que todo está en orden, capitán. La máquina principal está funcionando sin problemas, al igual que las hélices y los timones. Los thrusters están siendo inspeccionados y van a cambiar las placas del generador de agua —explicó Andrea, colgando el intercomunicador.

—¿Y las celdas? —preguntó el capitán.

Máshina no había mencionado nada sobre las celdas, pero ella esperaba que todo estuviera en orden.

—Todo está en orden, capitán —fue lo único que dijo.

Ambos se quedaron mirando.

—Hace mucho tiempo, mi especie estuvo en guerra contra la tuya —fue diciendo.

Andrea tragó saliva asustada. Desde que se había embarcado, había esperado que el capitán soltara tal cosa. Bernand no tenía ningún problema porque era un androide, más máquina que humano, y era un ser casi sin emociones, demasiado sarcástico y relajado, pero ella era la única humana en esa nave.

—Ustedes tenían una antigua costumbre en su planeta. No sé si tu generación se acuerda bien, era a finales de año en el tiempo de su planeta... Como se llamaba la Tierra. Aunque ahora hay muchos mundos, menos en el suyo, abandonado por ser inhabitable —los chasquidos de sus pinzas hacían que Andrea no se enfocara mucho.

El capitán caminó haciendo sonar sus cinco pares de piernas, Andrea se preguntó cuándo se acostumbraría al hedor. Los múltiples ojos vidriosos del capitán se enfocaron en ella y temió que fuera a comérsela.

—Los marinos están muy decaídos, llevamos meses sin ir a ninguna de las plataformas. Seguimos navegando haciendo estudios del planeta, pero no hay diversión. Todavía faltan meses para llegar a un puerto seguro. Así que he pensado recrear las festividades que ustedes celebraban. ¿Recuerdas el nombre o esa costumbre? —dijo el capitán.

Andrea no sabía si bromeaba o hablaba en serio, desconocía los rasgos faciales de aquel ser.

—Creo, capitán, que habla de la "Navidad". En mi estación especial no la celebran. Solo quedó la costumbre capitalista de dar obsequios —dijo, intentando sonreír.

El capitán se paseó por la derrota, una sala en la que, mediante hologramas, se visualizaba la zona marítima por la que estaban navegando.

—"Navidad". Recuerdo bien a aquel humano al que le salvé la vida, me relató que era un milagro de "Navidad". He estado pensando en llevar a cabo esa celebración aquí, y tú eres quien puede hacerlo realidad. ¿Crees que eres capaz? —el capitán no estaba bromeando.

Andrea asintió nerviosa, él debía darse cuenta de que estaba nerviosa.

—Sí, no se preocupe, capitán. Mi abuelo me habló de que su abuelo, es decir, mi tatarabuelo, relataba muchas de esas tradiciones. Me las sé de memoria, porque a mí también me cautivaron en su momento —en eso no mentía.

Hubo más chasquidos.

—Entonces, te entrego el control. Puedes impartir órdenes a Bernand, quien seguramente, como una enciclopedia ambulante, te será de mayor utilidad —el traductor hizo una pausa, una pausa cargada de un significado inquietante—. Admiro tu osadía al aventurarte en el planeta Aqua, la única morada de su clase, compuesta en su mayoría por agua, con un núcleo de hierro, carbón, silicio y otros minerales. La existencia aquí es ardua, pero tú, en medio del caos, has hecho acto de presencia.

El capitán se dirigió a la puerta para marcharse, pero se detuvo.

—¡No me falles! —y se retiró.

Andrea siguió asintiendo durante otros cinco minutos, pensando en cómo podría organizar aquel evento.


Negro Rojo Estampado Líneas Hotel Tarjeta Presentación (1).png

Cover and Banner made in Canva; Image generated in Canva by AI, Separators made in photoshop


I really liked this story of science fiction, robots, strange planets and extraterrestrial creatures, the touch of Christmas gives it an air of hope for the crew. In the end we were in suspense if the girl could organize Christmas. Very good story.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

I'm glad you liked it. Yes, I wanted to cover more, that's why it was put on hold. Thank you for reading.

You write very well here, @ricardo993. Your world-building skills are excellent. The characters you create, interesting, especially the Blattodea. You build an expectation that something is about to happen. But it never does. This 'story' would work well as part of a larger piece. It would make a nice chapter (though a short one). As it is, it lacks a traditional arc. There is tension, because Andrea's uncertainty leads us to feel that. However, the tension never leads anywhere, and is never resolved.

Great writing, although it seems appropriate for a larger piece.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @ricardo993

Yes, I thought I would cover more, but it seemed longer and it is for a much longer story. It didn't turn out the way I had it in my head. Thank you very much for your comment

Seems Andrea was in charge of making Christmas to be back around. I liked how you emphasized how Christmas spirit has been fading among gifts culture lately.

Yes, she is also in charge of ensuring that tradition is carried out on board. I'm glad you liked her. Greetings.

Yay! 🤗
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Story like this are mind catching and you have described every scene so well. I felt it shouldn't end yet but it did. Well done for a well developed piece @ricardo993.