End and beginning
Mario was on his way to Marge's New Year's Eve party. After many invitations from his friend, he decided to attend and get out of the monotony. He needed some fresh air and just thinking about having fun and leaving things unfinished for the new year.
He did not want to wear himself out thinking about the year that was about to end and all that he had left to do, or rather, the failures of those 364 days. In his writing career, he had lost everything: his family, a lovely girlfriend, and money from an inheritance that went up in smoke because of bad business, like the time a publisher asked him for a large sum of money to publish his book, and it was all a scam.
While Mario was driving his chick-yellow Volkswagen Beetle, those brown eyes, somewhat myopia from years of writing, were lost in the yellowish lights of the road, which were distorted with speed. He had become an automaton driver immersed in thoughts that came and went like those lights.
As he passed a billboard, he saw Osmar, an old literary opponent, promoting a new book. One he had stolen from him and made it look as if it were his own. He remembered that afternoon of the trial when the judge handed down the sentence.
“The accused is innocent, and the evidence presented by Mr. Mario is not conclusive, so the rights to the book belong entirely to Mr. Osman Reiz.”
“Osman, you damned traitor, you are a filthy talentless thief.” Mario stood up furiously and struck a blow that left the thief unconscious.
Mario was locked up for a few days, then acquitted because Osman had dropped the charges. His mind returned to the present, and as he walked past the sign, he laughed out loud and thought, “It was worth that punch. It was like a million bucks. Haha.”
Mario continued driving towards his destination, and his cell phone began to ring, a catchy tune mixed with the hustle and bustle of the festive streets. He picked up the phone and heard a sensual voice. “Hi, Mario. It's late already. Where are you?”
“Hi, Marge. Don't worry. I'm nearby, and I see the extravagant lights in your apartment. Haha.” Mario calmed Marge's anger with humor.
“Haha, ok, ok, don't miss. Midnight is near.” Marge hung up, and a cyclic sound remained on the horn.
Mario continued driving and observed the happy people in the streets, immersed in the pleasant moment of partying, drinking, and dancing. He thought about how those people gave themselves to the absurd and forgot about sadness and problems. Maybe that's what the night was for so that he could free himself from the weight of life and enjoy the moment.
Out of nowhere, a drunk man appeared and lunged at the car. Mario braked quickly. His heart beat like a runaway horse, and the black-rimmed magnifying glasses flew into the car. His thin hands fumbled for his glasses. He put them on and went out to see what had happened to the man.
“It's, it's, I'm, okay, okay. No, no, don't, don't, worry.” The drunk was getting up awkwardly.
“Man, he almost scared me to death. I thought I had run him over.” Mario helped stop the drunk.
“It was my fault, all my fault. You, you, are good, good man.” The drunk was trying to articulate words.
“Ok, don't worry. It's all over now. Do you want me to take you somewhere?” Mario was holding the drunken man who was leaning to one side.
“Give me a cigarette. If you have one? Do you have one?” the drunk asked.
Mario pulled out a pack of his minty-scented cigars. And the drunk watched him parsimoniously as he sparked the aluminum lighter. The flame lit up the night of that almost extinct year. The puffs of smoke came alternately from one mouth to the other.
The drunk man, contemplating the sky painted with many stars, said, “What a beautiful sky. Once, my father said to me. We are like the stars. Some shine brighter than others, and some are bigger and prettier, but what differentiates some stars from others is the intensity of their brightness, and they don't do that by chance. The stars shine brighter because of their effort and constancy to be the most beautiful and brightest.” The drunk let out a last puff of the nearly extinguished cigar. “It seems to me that I didn't make an effort, and that's why I ended up like this, hip, hip.” An alcoholic hiccup finished the sentence of reflection.
“That's a deep thought.” Mario stared at the drunk.
“Hip, hip, that's why, sir. You must be like the brightest stars, hip. Fight for what you believe in even if it's hard, hip. And make your life worth living. Don't be like me. Hip, hip. Don't be like me, don't be like me.” The drunk was walking away, getting lost in the darkness.
Those words were like a truth that appeared before his eyes—a new light that gave him hope to go on, no matter what or who. As he finished pondering, a smile appeared on his face, and then his cell phone rang. “Hello, Mario. Where are you? The year is almost over.”
“I'm coming like lightning.” Mario quickly climbed into the Beetle car and resumed his course.
He arrived at the party and greeted Marge warmly. The atmosphere was very festive and cheerful. The music played loudly, shocking the ears, while the bodies moved to the rhythm of the melodious sounds.
After a moment, people began to count, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Happy New Year!” Hugs and good wishes went back and forth. Mario felt it was a new beginning with new resolutions and goals to accomplish, giving a new meaning to his life with what that sloppy drunk told him.
The end
Final e inicio
Mario se dirigía a la fiesta de fin de año de Marge. Después de muchas invitaciones por parte de su amiga, esta vez había decidido asistir y salir de la monotonía. Necesitaba respirar un nuevo aire y solo pensar solo en divertirse y dejar lo pendiente para el nuevo año.
No quería desgastarse pensando en el año que estaba por terminar y todo lo que dejó por hacer, más bien dicho los fracasos de aquellos 364 días. En su carrera de escritor lo había perdido todo, su familia, una novia encantadora y un dinero de una herencia que se esfumó por los malos negocios, como aquella vez que una editorial le pidió una fuerte suma de dinero para publicarlo y todo fue una estafa.
Mientras Mario conducía su Volkswagen beetle del 90, de color amarillo pollito, aquellos ojos castaños con algo de miopía debido a los años de escritura, se perdían en las luces amarillentas del camino, que se distorsionaban con la velocidad. Se había convertido en un conductor autómata sumido entre pensamientos que iban y venían como aquellas luces.
Al pasar por un cartel publicitario, vio a Osmar, un viejo contrincante literario, promocionando un nuevo libro, uno que le había robado y lo había hecho como si fuera de su autoría. Recordó aquella tarde del juicio donde el juez daba el fallo.
«El demandado es inocente y las pruebas presentadas por el señor Mario no son concluyentes, por lo tanto la autoría del libro es enteramente del señor Osman Reiz».
«Osman, maldito traidor, eres un asqueroso ladrón sin talento». Mario se levantaba furioso y daba un golpe que noqueaba a ladrón.
Mario fue encerrado por unos días y luego absuelto porque Osman había quitado los cargos. Su mente volvía al presente y mientras pasaba por el cartel reía a carcajadas estruendosas, luego pensó. «Valió la pena ese golpe, fue como un millón de dólares. Jaja».
Seguía conduciendo hacia su destino y el celular empezó a sonar, una melodía pegajosa se mezclaba con el bullicio de las calles festivas. Tomó el celular y escuchó una voz sensual, «Hola, Mario. Ya es tarde, ¿dónde estás?».
«Hola, Marge. No te preocupes. Estoy cerca y puedo ver las luces estrambóticas de tu apartamento. Jaja». Mario matizaba el disgusto de ella con humor.
«Jaja, ok, ok, No faltes. La media noche está cerca». Marge colgaba y un sonido cíclico quedaba en la bocina.
Mario seguía conduciendo y por las calles miraba a la gente feliz, envueltas en el momento placentero de la fiesta, el alcohol y el baile. Pensaba en como aquellas personas se entregaban a lo absurdo y olvidaban su vida de tristezas y problemas. Tal vez la noche era para eso, librarse por un momento del peso de la vida, disfrutar del momento y la diversión.
De la nada apareció un hombre borracho, que se abalanzó sobre el auto y Mario freno rápidamente, su corazón latía como caballo desbocado y los lentes de aumento con marco negro volaron dentro del auto. Las finas manos de él buscaban al tanteo los lentes, rápidamente se los colocó y salió a ver lo que había sucedido con aquel hombre.
«Esta, esta, estoy, bien, bien, no, no, se, preocupe». El borracho se levantaba torpemente.
«Hombre, casi me mata de un susto, pensé que lo había atropellado». Mario ayudaba a parar al ebrio.
«Fue culpa mía, toda mi culpa. Usted, usted, es buen, bien hombre». El ebrio trataba de articular palabras.
«Ok, no se preocupe. Ya todo pasó. ¿Quiere que lo lleve a algún lado?». Mario sostenía al ebrio que se ladeaba.
«Deme un cigarro, ¿si tiene, uno tiene?», preguntaba el borracho.
Mario sacaba una cajetilla de sus suaves cigarros con olor a menta. Y el borracho lo veía parsimonioso como le daba chispa al encendedor de aluminio. La llama alumbraba la noche de ese casi extinto año. Las bocanadas de humo salían alternadamente de una a otra boca.
El borracho luego de contemplar el cielo pintado con muchas estrellas dijo, «Que bonito cielo. Una vez mi padre me dijo. Somos como las estrellas, algunos brillan más que otros, otros son más grandes y bonitos, pero lo que diferencia a unas estrellas de otras es la intensidad en su brillo y eso no lo hacen al azar. Las estrellas brillan más por su esfuerzo y constancia por ser las más bonitas y brillantes». El borracho soltaba una última bocanada del cigarro casi extinto. «Me parece que yo no me esforcé y por eso terminé así, hip, hip». Un hipo alcoholizado terminaba la frase de reflexión.
«Es un pensamiento muy profundo». Mario miraba fijamente al borracho.
«Hip, hip, por eso, señor. Usted debe ser como las estrellas más brillantes, hip. Luche por lo que cree así sea difícil, hip. Y haga que su vida valga la pena, no sea como yo. Hip, hip. No sea como yo, no sea como yo». El borracho se iba alejando, perdiéndose en la oscuridad.
Aquellas palabras fueron una como una verdad que se presentaba ante sus ojos. Una nueva luz la cual le dio una nueva esperanza para seguir adelante, sin importar que o quien. Cuando terminaba la reflexión una sonrisa dibujo su rostro y después de eso sonó el celular. «Hola, Mario, ¿dónde estás? Ya casi termina el año».
«Voy como un rayo». Mario subía rápidamente al auto escarabajo y retomaba su rumbo.
Llegó a la fiesta y saludo cariñosamente a Marge. El ambiente era muy festivo y alegre, la música sonaba fuertemente escandalizando los oídos, en tanto los cuerpos se movían al ritmo de los sonidos melodiosos.
Después de un momento, la gente empezó a contar, «5, 4, 3, 2, 1... ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!». Los abrazos y buenos deseos iban de un lado a otro. Y Mario sintió que era un nuevo comienzo con nuevos propósitos y metas por cumplir, dándole un nuevo sentido a su vida con lo que aquel borracho desprolijo le digo.
Source 2
Edited by Rincón Poético
The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content

¡Thanks for you reading!
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Fue, bien interesante.
Por cierto, ya no escribo en esta comunidad, estoy buscando otras comunidades donde escribir, donde los administradores por lo menos tengan un mínimo de coherencia y de respeto por quien escribe, y por lo que escribe.
Espero que podamos coincidir en otras comunidades donde ambos podamos escribir.
Mis mejores deseos y Feliz Año 2025, si no nos leemos antes.Hola @rinconpoetico7, que se iba a imaginar Mario, que un susto con un borracho, le iba a dar las herramientas, para iniciar el nuevo año con una visión diferente del mundo.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment. I'm glad you found the story interesting.
The story was inspired by an event that happened to me many years ago, although I changed most of the content but the essence is there.
Words always meet and paths always cross, that's where we read each other.
A happy new year to you, my best wishes for 2025. Many successes, blessings and may words continue to be our driving force in life. A hug.
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The man Mario hit might be drunk, but he had some wise words within him. Mario better stick with it.
People often have a lot to say even though it may not seem like it. A valuable lesson learned from whom he least expected.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment.
Happy new year!
Thanks for the valuable support, friends.
Happy new year to team!
I really enjoyed the reading. It can happen what happened to Mario, there are moments in our lives when something unexpected happens to us or we meet some stranger and it totally changes our way of seeing life.
Thank you for leaving your comment. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story.
Life is full of many experiences that surprise us.
Happy new year!
Sometimes in the deepest and darkest moments of life, we can find the best of advice and consolation at the least expected places.. I believe this is just a representation of Mario's experience with the drunk man.
Nice story, well done 👍👍👍
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment.
I'm glad you liked the story and yes, there are times when we find answers where we least expect them.
Happy new year!
You're welcome.. Wishing you a peaceful year 🤗🤗🤗
Motivational words can come from the least expected place and person. Though the man was drunk, his encounter with Mario could be the game changer for having a fulfilled New Year. Thank you for the beautiful story.
Nice story. That drunkard was like an angel sent to him in disguise to open his eyes to somethings in life. I enjoy the way you write, keep it up
What happepened to Mario is very good. Have a happy night
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment.
Happy New Year!
Good thing Mario listened to the message not minding the condition of the messenger. This was such an interesting read... Well done ❤️🌹