On Becoming

in The Ink Well2 years ago

It's pouring with rain. The tap drips in sync until the room feels like an underwater cave. She's standing in the bathroom with her hands gripping the cold wood of the countertop, staring at the mirror with it's reflection of gum trees and her besides. The light is rude. It spotlights her flaws.

It is a difficult thing, for a woman to transition to cronehood. The silver hairs plucked at the mirror give way to hair dye, the foundation smoothed in the crows feet or laugh lines, depending on how she felt about them in the morning. Logic informs that age is natural, but vanity is a friend who holds tight, despite the years. She tries to own it, fails. Becomes invisible, most days, which is a relief. After awhile she finds herself appreciating this. It's not as if she doesn't want to bother, it's just she doesn't have to. She is loved, anyway.

The rain slows. She hears a magpie warble, the song stealing through the dusty flywire and sitting on the windowsill for a moment. Time is still. She smells toothpaste and her man's sandalwood lingering.

This face in the mirror is meant to be wise. She still drinks too much and says the wrong thing at parties. She doesn't learn how to budget or to fold her washing, and when she sweeps the floor, little mounds of dirt gather in the corner and she cannot find the energy to sweep them up. Her mother tells that she folds the washing as it comes off the line for perhaps the hundredth time in her life time, and she still dumps the whole lot in a basket in the bedroom and only folds it when it threatens to topple or if she can't find her bra. Adulthood, in some ways, is beyond her. She wonders a lot why domesticity is an expectation of adulthood, and has long given up any effort to claim it.

She rubs steam from the mirror and looks again. Dust motes tango in the light.

As far as adulthood goes, she hasn't done too badly. She had a child and didn't kill it. She remembers him as Superman, flying around Spain with a cape. She loved her single mother years. She recalls the love more than the longing, how proud she was of her little boy. She has a whole suitcase of stories in her heart she likes to take out sometimes and look at, both sides. The trip to Europe, backpacking, just to the two of them. Him covered in cherry juice in Berlin and dancing to buskers. Being terrified of a real knight in Praha castle even though he loved the plastic swords she'd make him out of Sprite bottles and cardboard. Eating queso fresco on crackers on their knees at a busstop in Portugal. Rainbow soap bubbles blowing in the wind. Picking blackberries on the Dingle Peninsula, being so ill with a cold that she could barely get out of bed, dangling one arm off the mattress and moving lego pieces around in a show of motherhood. He remembers blackberry pancakes.


'Why do they keep calling me Superman?' he says, annoyed at strangers attempting high fives.

'It's the t-shirt, honey', she says. 'It's a dead giveaway'.

They walk on cobbled streets, up mountains to see monastries, waterfalls. His feet hurt, she carries him. He cries when his legs stay put for too long and she rubs and kisses them. He can sleep on a train on luggage and not wake for hours whilst she stares out of the window and imagines how life will unfold. He hides behind streetlights in Krakow, knowing she can see him, but making her laugh as he springs out and shouts: 'Boo!'.

They both remember the towers coming down, the world transitioning into something it would become.

Nothing stays the same.

She is happy when she becomes her own again - her partner doesn't have the same demands a child does. She likes her independence. To be alone. To lean into the world on her own terms. Still, she worries for him, for a time, until she knows he is solid. Now he makes her laugh through texts, suddenly, out of the silence of weeks, where she forgets she is a mother at all.

Her phone beside the sink. Still she grips the countertop.

All birds fly the nest. Superman becomes a man. He grows a beard and has a job and a partner.

She flips the phone over, barely breathing.

'Not long now, Mum', the text reads. 'She's transitioning, we think'. The two of them in the labour ward, and her heart hurting with the thrill of it.

She sweeps the grey from her forehead, gathering her hair into a mess of a bun. Grandma. She tests the word, checks it against who she is.

Thinks of kissing his knees.

'Boo', she laughs at herself in the mirror, and cries with joy.

This is my response to the Inkwell prompt, 'Boo'. You can find this in the community. Those of you that know me might have guessed it's less of a fiction as I await the birth of my grandchild, them in the labour ward today. It's 3pm and it could be any minute now - in fact, I might be announcing in the comments as you reply to this, if you read it. Filled with nervous excitement, I decided to turn it into a piece of writing that is, of course, largely autobiographical, thinking of my son that is having a child today. I'm actually at work - I'm not in a bathroom at all, but I was meant to think about setting. I hoped it would read as a story, I think, of any woman who is transitioning - child, mother, wife, grandmother crone.



I'm a young adult man but the story still hit me and loved it because of the vulnerability and being personal. The same way I like some break up and love songs (like Taylor's, who's also personal and vulnerable and in her songs) even I haven't been in a relationship. Also, made me think about the transition I'll have in the future, which I'm anxious and not ready for.

From the very beginning, I imagined the scenes because of the way you described it. The story really did great regarding the prompt.

What a beautiful comment,and so thoughtful as you find a way to relate. Us human beings are alike despite our differences. May you find love and joy, and ride the waves with grace.

Oh my. You just took my breath clean away with this story, @riverflows. It is so sweet, so poignant, so real. Can I just sit down somewhere nearby and have you tell me more stories? This one just leaves me wanting more from this world, where people are transitioning into new versions of themselves, borne from everything they have lived, loved and done in their past.

@jayna this comment means the world to me. My boy just become a Dad an hour ago.

Welcome to the club, Grandma. It is the most wonderful club in the world.

The best stories are 'real'. They are cut from life and they tell us about life, about ourselves, about others. We create a bond with the author when we see ourselves, our motivation in a character.

This is fiction, and this is fact. All good stories have the essence of truth.

Congratulations, @riverflows. My only grandchild is in college now. You have a spectacular journey ahead.

You got it! All stories have essences of the truth indeed. It couldn't have gone any other way when I read the prompt. I thought of him and the poles, and then the last boo in the mirror made utter sense and effortlessly arrived. Funny, me sitting in a classroom the hour he was born, writing this!

Why do your stories alway make me cry. I’m crying now! I shouldn’t be crying because this story is so full of wistful joy. The thing is that you create emotional engagement so effortlessly with your insightful details that your words always jerk a tear. Beautiful, stunning and gorgeous 🥰💕❤️

Thanks so much! I read it to the hubs in the garden over wine. It made him cry... And he's a man 😂😂😂

Whimsical wonder grips our heartstrings and pulls us along a nostalgic path filled with wonder, the joy and pain of growing up, of growing older. You’ve done a remarkable job of detailing that head-spin we all experience when we realise that wisdom and ability are not a byproduct of the ageing process. However, there are benefits to growing up, especially if you have the memory of a grand parenting adventure to keep you company.

Your story @riverflows is a great adventure in itself. Beautiful!

Thanks so much. I worried about the form, but stories are often just reimaginings of life events, moments caught in time. I'm glad you liked it. It was written in the hour before he was born!

Oh My Goodness - the Grandmas thing is happening NOW!!!

How absolutely GRAND. Prayers for her easy and safe delivery, and a smooth first full moon cycle recovery.

Here in Thailand the mom stays in complete isolation for 1 full month with the baby and only the grandmas and the sisters of the village. Yuu Fai, we call it. I SHOULD write a post for @theherbalhive about it, no??

Sending optimistic love to the new wise grandma self as she is also born. xxxx

it's a boy... Just as I posted this... I'm a tad emotional .. what a day!

Oh my Sweet Goddess - beautiful!! Congratulations you newly birthed GRANDMA you!! xxx Hugs and oceans of blessings on everyone, and also to this new little life. I'm SO GLAD your father will be able to enjoy the time and connection. 😍

Thankyou! Yes becoming GREAT grandparents is pretty awesome. Dying to go see him. Yesterday was so emotional, I'm exhausted today!!! Haha I can imagine how they feel!!

A gentle tale about motherhood, growing old, and seeing the rise of a new generation. Excellent.

Congratulations to the new Grandma :)

I hope for the best to you, your son and you’re family ! Incredible text and amazing sensible reading experience here in the north of Paris, surrounded by ‘strangers’, all children, parents and grandparents... Thanks you for that beautiful moment and I wish you enjoy this new era, this new episode into the journey... 🌱

Aw thankyou! I had written another announcement but it seemed dull and this captured mood better.

Yeah ! This one was just perfect !!

I wish you many joyful moments with the baby and again, felicitations to the parents :)

Felt like time travel. I was raised by a single mother. You just sent me through a lifetime of memories. Thanks, enough about me.

Congratulations, you! 💙 First time I used a blue one. What do they call him?

I was a single Mum for such a short time, from 2 yrs to 6 years, but boy it was a ride and I made it count. Best memories.

Congratulations! on the birth but also on raising your son. I love that photo. I instantly recognized Superman :)

Hahahaha .. to this day I have no idea why he was saluting with a banana.

Congratulations grandma. Your story is so real , motherhood is something tasking but great.

The revelation that she is about to become a grandmother provides a satisfying ending to the 'story', and I love your description of the natural elements. The memories of her son made me think of my ex, who has a grown son. It's a helluva thing, being a mother. I hope being a grandmother does bring you joy too. :)

It IS a helluva thing. This little piece doesn't even begin to cover it and was a teeny moment in a world of things... But I do try to cover a little bit of that helluva lot. Thanks for your lovely comment

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Your grandson is a lucky guy to come to this life with a grandma like yourself :)

Aw, thankyou!

what a beautiful piece of write up, I could feel the joy in you, the expectant of a new born child, it's so amazing how they form to look just like us and another new life is breathed into them ... that's so lovely.

I'm so happy for you and the entire family, congratulations as you welcome the new baby 😍🤗


My pleasure 😍😍

This is writing at its finest. You pulled me in and kept my attention till the very end. I imagine sitting in a room with people gathered with you at the center, reading us one of your stories

dThat's a lovely thing to say, thankyou. I write better than I speak, that's for sure haha!

Oh, how cool! Now you have a grandson! Congratulations to you and your son's family!

It's more like reminding yourself as mother making your own mom a grandchild😍😍...how time flies!

I almost cried at the end of the beautiful and yet real poignant story filled with love and genuine communication to us.. motherhood is a blessing, the most joyous moment in a woman's life.... goodness god.... You're a grandmother again😍😍😍

Oh it's so joyful isn't it? You wouldn't ditch it for quids, even with the heartbreak that may come to temper it.

There are ups and downs but we overcome them... that's how strong mothes can be.

It's enough to make a grown man cry 😭 Just beautiful.

it's less of a fiction as I await the birth of my grandchild

Yo... how long was I gone? Grandma?😲

Congratulations! I guess I better start calling you Grannyflows from now on then - hehe :)

Wishing you and your family well!🤍

Grannyflows sounds - kinda ... wrong.. and gross. Lol. granny river might just work.

I know, I'm too young... I get your shock lol

Grannyflows sounds - kinda ... wrong.. and gross.

Aw man, when I think about it now... I think you might be right😝. The latter it is then!

I get your shock lol


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This is such a wonderful, fabulous piece of writing! Everything here resonates with me, too!

Thankyou so much!!!💚 It was an emotional day - writing helped!