The first time we crossed glances after that call I knew something was going to happen between us, I don't really know what I was thinking at that moment when we defied the destiny of what could have been a beautiful and fraternal friendship, but I guess life can become as immature as the decisions we both made.
I escape not only from the loneliness that afflicted my body and mind, I was distancing myself from an inclusive reality about the fact that maybe I was falling in love without knowing it because I had not experienced it, more than the fear to stop feeling his lips crossing mine and overflowing a tender encounter that became one of the best memories.
Every step my legs overcame every afternoon at the university was a beat of my heart accelerated by seeing his face again and feeling his caresses on my neck with a tender embrace that is never missing from his side, because from mine a hug was a suffering that made me tremble just thinking of being the one to give it.
—Quite, I won't hurt you— he mentioned as he moved his body in my direction.
But he clung to that fear that did not belong to him and with his tender gaze he saw me as no one else did at that time, as if I were his universe and he was mine without me knowing it, just experimenting like a teenager with raging hormones for no reason.
However, his hands held mine without disdain and without any interest when on my side there was a fervent passion for our bodies to unite, but we had to give time to time itself because for him the seconds were beautiful memories built in his thoughts and desires to love me, while in mine they were seconds that he lost because of the passion that was burning me internally.
I still remember his smile and playing with his hands entangled with mine, clinging to the possibility that a friendship, a strong friendship could be enough to challenge love itself and the disappointment of losing not only a battle but a castle of memories built by both of us.
In the end it was the wisest decision to seal our lips and try to hide our thoughts, for fear consumed me so much by the possibility of losing everything that I did not see the damage I was doing to her beautiful illusion.
—I want to do what is right for you— I heard him say from his crimson lips with some hesitation for deep down he did not seem to agree.
But he nevertheless trusted me as I did too, trusting that both of us should safeguard our beautiful memories for ourselves no more, refusing to meet, kiss, caress, eternal embraces that transported me to a non-existent universe from that very last moment, whose evening was shedding its light as I was shedding his forever.
Today when the sun caresses our skins, we know how happy we are even with the distance, because his smile belongs to the true love of his life, and mine belongs to all the memories that we built together and that I abandoned for his happiness.
Now I watch him dance with his lover, I watch him embrace and kiss lips foreign to mine, because my body and mind no longer live from the past, because my lips have owners, my thoughts are the best omen of love that I live daily.
But still, I remember it like it was yesterday, it wasn't a sweep of memories, they all ended up in a locked chest as something precious to treasure from our paths, of which there is no regret whatsoever despite all the wonderfulness of it and the pain of leaving it under lock and key.

La primera vez que cruzamos miradas luego de esa llamada supe que entre ambos iba a suceder algo, no sé realmente qué pensaba en ese momento cuando desafiamos el destino de lo que pudo ser una hermosa y fraternal amistad, pero supongo que la vida puede llegar a ser tan inmadura como las decisiones que ambos tomamos.
Me escapa no sólo de la soledad que me aquejaba el cuerpo y la mente, me distanciaba de una realidad incluyente sobre el hecho de que tal vez me estaba enamorando sin saberlo pues no lo había experimentado, más que el miedo de dejar de sentir sus labios cruzándose con los míos y desbordando un tierno encuentro que se volvió uno de los mejores recuerdos.
Cada escalón que mis piernas superaban cada tarde en la universidad era un latir de mi corazón acelerado por ver su cara nuevamente y sentir sus caricias en mi cuello con un tierno abrazo que nunca falta de su parte, pues de la mía un abrazo era un sufrimiento que me hacía temblar tan solo pensar ser quien lo diera.
—Tranquilo, no te haré daño— mencionó mientras movía su cuerpo hacia mi dirección.
Pero él, se aferró a ese miedo que no le pertenecía y con su tierna mirada me veía como nadie lo hacía para ese entonces, como si yo fuese su universo y él era el mío sin yo saberlo más que solo experimentando como cual adolescente con hormonas alborotadas sin razón alguna.
Sin embargo, sus manos sujetaban las mías sin desdén y sin interés alguno cuando de mi lado había una pasión ferviente por nuestros cuerpos se unieran, pero había que dar tiempo al tiempo mismo pues para él los segundos eran bellas memorias construidas en sus pensamientos y deseos por amarme, mientras que en los míos eran segundos que perdía por la pasión que me estaba quemando internamente.
Aun recuerdo su sonrisa y el jugar con sus manos enredadas con las mías, aferrándose a la posibilidad de que una amistad, una fuerte amistad pudiera ser suficiente para desafiar al amor mismo y la decepción de perder no solo una batalla sino un castillo de recuerdos construidos por ambos.
Al final fue la decisión más sabia sellar nuestros labios e intentar esconder nuestros pensamientos, pues el miedo me consumía tanto por la posibilidad de perderlo todo que no veía el daño que le estaba haciendo a su hermosa ilusión.
—Yo quiero hacer lo que esté bien para ti— escuche decir de sus labios carmesí con un tanto de titubeos pues en el fondo no parecía estar de acuerdo.
Pero él a pesar de ello confío en mí como yo lo hice también, confíe en que ambos debíamos salvaguardar nuestros hermosos recuerdos para nosotros nada más, negandonos a encuentros, besos, caricias, eternos abrazos que me transportaban a un universo inexistente desde ese mismo y último momento, cuya tarde se estaba despojando de su luz como yo de él para siempre.
Hoy día cuando el sol acaricia nuestras pieles, sabemos lo felices que somos aun con la distancia, pues su sonrisa le pertenece al verdadero amor de su vida, y la mía pertenece a todos los recuerdos que juntos construimos y que abandone por su felicidad.
Ahora lo miro bailar con su amante, lo miro abrazar y besar labios ajenos de los míos, pues mi cuerpo y mente ya no vive del pasado, pues mis labios tienen dueños, mis pensamientos son el mejor presagio de amor que vivo a diario.
Pero aun así, lo recuerdo como si fuese ayer, no fue una barrida de recuerdos, todos ellos terminaron en un cofre bajo llave como algo preciado que atesorar de nuestros caminos, del cual no hay arrepentimiento alguno a pesar de todo lo maravilloso que fue y el dolor de dejarlo bajo candado.

Sometimes the best proof of love is distance. The most eternal loves are those that could never be. A love story that anyone could identify with. Greetings
I believe that true love does not exist, because we are beings that can love unconditionally in different phases of our lives, that is, to different people. So if it was a love, for that time it was, and in that treasure is stored like that, but currently I am in love with my present, and it is unconditional too.
Love is one of those bittersweet experiences that one can have, you just can't explain it and you don't also want it to stop.
Sometimes it ends regardless and we are left nursing wounds 😞
Exactly, even though it may hurt, one wants to continue in that plan of love, that's why I say that we don't only love one person in our lives.
Wow.. this is an interesting piece, well written well done. I think love is a very complicated topic, not just in discussion but in practical terms.
From your story, I can see how it portrays the pain of seeing someone you once loved, love someone else.
I believe ladies experience this as illustrated in your story and so do guys. No matter where one's pain is locked, it's better to unlock and let go in order to embrace a better future.
Nice writeup, you delivered as promised.🙂👍
You are right, the pain or the feeling of love regardless of the sex of the person is basically the same, i.e. not for being a man you will feel less than a woman or the other way around. I think the important thing about our past life is to learn from it and treasure the beautiful things that have happened. Everything happens for a reason and memories are not more important than the present, but they do have their degree of interest.
Thank you for your excellent perception of my writing, I really liked your comment, I appreciate it very much.
On point and in tune 🙂👍👍 you're welcome 🤗🤗🤗
It's better to allow love to find its level because forcing it on a wrong path will lead to regrets.
That is why many must understand that love is not only something beautiful, to love is to sacrifice as well.
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This is a very effective, almost poetic recollection of a time in your life. It reads beautifully. However, our AI detectors do suggest that it may have been edited with the assistance of AI. As stated above, we do not accept AI-generated or edited stories. However, this time we will curate because the detection was borderline and this is your first entry into the community. Our curation for first-time authors is always minimal. This changes as we become familiar with a writer.
Again, welcome!
Hello, thank you very much for the welcome and for all the recommendations you have given me, I am happy to finally dare to enter your community. My name roadstories is just what I have always embodied in this blockchain for 7 years now, even as a curator of several communities. I have knowledge about the controversy with the use of AI and have always been against the use of it to take advantage in content creation. So I assure you that my literary content is zero AI only the translation I use deepl.com and these tools of course use in a way the AI code to improve translations (I think). What is 100% AI is the cover page in which I leave the source of the AI I use.
Thanks again for the comment and the welcome :)
Love with a it's complications. Nice story by the way.
This is an interesting piece and an emotional one at that. I see myself coming back to read this again.
Love indeed is not as easy as it seem. The complications can be too much, but then, we do what we have to do to find peace.
Love is one strange thing... especially when you have to leave them.
Thinking about spending our life with someone and they end up with someone else, makes us question if there is anything like true love at times
Beautiful writing. You described a moment of love that could not be but it was sublime the moment it lasted.
Regards @roadstories