My Dream

in The Ink Well2 years ago


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Elsa was born into a family of four, with a single mother. Their father ran away while she was 12 years of age. Her mother single handedly raised the four of them. The struggle was quite much but two of her brothers started working after their graduation from college so the burden was lighter for their mother.

Elsa is now 18 years and her younger sister is 16 years old. Elsa wants to achieve her dream of making it to the national team as an athlete. It has been her dream since she was young and she often enjoy running at the same time since she was young. At some point, Elsa felt like giving up. She didn't even make it to the third position the last time she ran. Maybe she is not meant to be a sports athlete.

"I should just face my studies like my brother has said." She concluded one night on her way back from the training.

"Elsa! Is that you? Someone called her from behind.

"Rose! Oh my God!"

"How are you? It's been a while."

Rose was her high school friend. She moved with her family from their neighborhood after their high school.

"Tell me, Rose. Since when have you been back in the neighborhood?

"Not really. I came for a program. St Andrews is having their 20th year anniversary this week and I came with my team to play for the competition.

"You do sports?" Elsa asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm into sports these days."

"Really? What sports?


"Wow! I know you do play basketball back in school. I never knew you love it so much."

"Yes. I discovered my passion for it."

"Well, I'm into sports too."


"Yeah. I want to be a sports athlete."

"Wow! That's great."

"Thank you, Rose."

"'s good I ran into you then"

"What's up?"

"I want you to attend this program tommorow."

She handed Elsa a flyer for the program.

"Roberts Jones is a retired coach. He wants to come for a mentoring program tommorow for the Anniversary."


"He has passion to invest in youths life."

"Oh wow!"

"Will you be around?"

"Yes. I should."

The next day, Elsa meets with Rose to attend Roberts Jones mentoring program. During the program, his words captivated Elsa's heart. Robert Jones was a sports athlete just like her. He had an accident and hurt his knee while he was running on the track. He underwent surgery three times and he thought he wouldn't be able to run again. He got up on his feet again and eventually become a world championship in his time.

"Sometimes, you feel like giving up," he began, "like you are not meant for it. Circumstances and situations around you might keep you depressed. It's okay to have that feeling but never let it take you down. Rise up and keep pushing and you will get to the top." The audience clapped and made a loud cheer as he round up his speech.
As Elsa walked out of the hall, she remembers Robert's life story and his speech.
"If Robert Jones can do it. Then I can do it." She said to herself and she finally walks home feeling motivated. Robert's speech has driven her to push until he achieve her dream.