Creativenonfiction #100 - A Freaky Day Out

in The Ink Welllast month

Have you ever watched those funny videos where people are asked to wash plates in restaurants because they are unable to pay for their meals? Well, I never thought I could find myself in that situation until it “almost” happened to me.

It happened when I attended a computer training program after my secondary school education. Back then, one of the students there came from my direction,so it was easy for me and her to become friends. We always come and go back home together.

There was a day that my friend and I were less busy because our group had finished the project given to us, so we had to wait for the remaining groups to finish theirs. Since we were bored, my friend suggested we go out.

”I don't have money o, the money on me is for transport back home” I told her.

”Don't worry about it, there is someone that will take us out”. She went on and told me about one of her ”toasters”(toasters is slang used for guys asking a lady out). She told me that he had told her to call him anytime she is free that week as they are to go out on a date.


She called the guy and from their discussion, it seemed he wasn't around but my friend told him we would ”wait”. After the call she told me that the guy went out but he is on his way back and he asked us to go wait for him at an eatery. She said he also told us to order whatever we want, that he would pay for it when he joins us there.

I was a bit skeptical and told her we should wait for him so that we can give together but she insisted we go since we are not doing anything. She went on and told me about the guy and how they met which was at a supermarket where we went shopping. According to her the guy paid for the things she bought, got her number and they started talking.


Though I was skeptical at first, from the story, the ”long throat” in me won and I immediately agreed that we should go. We got to the eatery and sat down. We were given the menu and my friend suggested we order fried rice and chicken. I told her we should get snacks instead then probably order more when the guy gets there.

We ordered meat pies and soft drinks. We were eating, drinking and watching the movie displayed on the television while we waited for the guy. From the last conversation my friend had with the guy, he would be with us in some minutes time.

We waited and minutes turned into an hour, the meat pies and drinks were long gone gracing our bellies. The waitress came to give us our bill and we told her we would sort it out very soon. All the while, my friend kept calling this guy and he kept giving excuses saying he would join us very soon. It got to a point he was no longer picking her call.


The waitress came again and it dawned on us that we need to pay before we were embarrassed and being asked to wash plates.

”Hello, you people are yet to pay for what you bought “, she said, her voice sounding stern as opposed to her gentle voice when we came to take our orders.

Will they make a video of us washing plates because we couldn't pay and post it on social media? I wondered.

”We would be with you now, we are waiting for someone” My friend told the waitress and she left muttering something under her breath.

*How will we pay the money now”, I asked rhetorically. Making phone transfers was not common then, we mostly pay with cash. In fact I didn't even have a bank account back then.

So the only option was to pay with any money we had on us. I brought out the transport fare I had on me which was not even up to one-quarter of the bill. She also brought out the money on her which was the money her mum told her to use to get something on her way back.

We settled the bill but were left with a final dilemma: We had no money to transport ourselves back home. So our only option was to stand at the bus stop and hope that someone would take pity on us and help pay our bus fare.

After waiting for a while, we finally saw a man willing to pay for us but he could only pay for one seat. So we had to ”lap” each other. Lapping is very common in buses. Two or more people will occupy one seat in the bus. It is usually common amongst adults and children.

I had to ”lap” her because I am taller than her. The weight of her derriere on my legs wasn't pleasant but I had to bear it.

Seeing two grownups lapping each other in buses always attracts a weird look from people but we didn't mind as long as we were able to get to our respective homes.

We finally arrived at our bus stops and we thanked the person who paid our bus fare once again. We were both angry but my friend was more angry because she had to think of what to tell her mum for her inability to get what she was told to get.

As I walked down home I couldn't help but think of the embarrassing day my friend and I had. We counted our chicks before they hatched and suffered for it.

That incident taught me a great lesson and I made sure till today, I never found myself in that situation again.

Thanks for reading.

Image credit: Meta AI

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Thank you for your support.

This piece was nicely conceived, structured, and written. I was invested in the story and your predicament. What an uncomfortable position to be in; both at the eatery and in the taxi! Thank you for bringing this story from your life to The Ink Well.

Thank you so much for the positive feedback.

What an experience they had to live. You thought that the boy was going to pay for what you consumed, fortunately you had something to pay with and get out of that uncomfortable situation.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Excellent Saturday.

We were fortunate to have at least some money on us else we would have had it worse.

Thank you so much for stopping by.