Creativenonfiction #127 - A Dose Of Help

in The Ink Well7 days ago

“I hope you remember that I will be travelling tomorrow, Rukkie?”.

“Yes I do ma. Don't worry, I'll be there on time like I promised”

That was my maternal aunt on the phone. She called to remind me of the dresses I had promised to make for her before she travels. She had given me the clothing materials a week before but because it was a simple style, I procrastinated, thinking I would have enough time to make the dresses.

I made a mental note to attend to her clothes immediately after I close from work by 3pm, the next day. I knew I would be done with the two dresses before 5pm, since it was a simple style, so I was good with my plan. So I drafted the two dresses and figured I would finish up with the sewing the next day.

I went to work as planned the next day, with a solid plan of leaving work on time so as to meet up with my aunt as she would be traveling by night bus. I went to meet my boss in her office to seek permission to leave work by 2pm.

”Good morning ma. Please I would like to discuss something with you”.

”Oh Rukkie, I was just about to send for you. I need to take on extra classes for some peculiar students. You know that the inter school competition is at hand. I want you to handle them for an hour after school hours today” she replied.

“ Ah!...Ma, I am here to seek permission to leave work by 2pm because I have a pressing engagement to attend to.” I told her.

“Okay, since things are this way. Let's do thirty minutes then. Please try and engage the students before you leave” she responded.

”Okay Ma, I'll see what I can do”. I stood up and left her office. My plan to leave work on time is ruined. Well, I'll be quick and just handle the extra lessons for thirty minutes and quickly head home.

I left work at 3:30pm and tried all possible best to reach home on time and attend to my aunt's clothes. While on the bus, I recalled that I have some pending chores to attend to as well.

“oh gosh, what will I do now?” I pondered as I knew that things didn't go as I had planned.

I arrived home and turned a blind eye to the heap of laundry I needed to attend to and sat on my sewing machine. I pedalled the machine like my life depended on it and by 5pm, I was through with my aunt's dresses. I stood up and got ready to go to my aunts’. My movements were speedy as if possessed by Flash (A superhero).

I got to my aunt's and met her already packing her bags and also arranging sometimes she wanted to take with her. She then began to make some more requests which I couldn't turn down. All the while I was attending to her needs, my heart was crying because I knew the enormous workload waiting for me at home. I left my aunt's place at around 8:30 pm but I was so tired that I thought I would break.

I took a cab home and on getting closer to my door, I noticed that something was odd. It looked like someone was in my house.

“No, that's not possible”, I said to myself silently. I quickly went to the spot where I do keep my spare key and couldn't find it. Then, I immediately knew that my sister was around.

“Didn't this girl tell me she would be coming around next week?”, I muttered, chuckling slightly.

Before I could get to opening the door, it opened from the inside to reveal my sister carrying the trash can on her way to dispose of the trash outside the house.

Upon seeing me, she screamed “Surprise!”. I got closer and gave her a big hug.

“You told me you were coming around next week”, I asked, giving her a wide smile.

“Well, I thought I’d surprise you”, she replied, giving me a satisfactory grin, seeing as she had won.

I let her do her thing so that I could also go inside and get busy with my chores but as I stepped inside, I discovered that the whole place was sparkling and spotless. *”Oh my goodness. This is amazing! I exclaimed as I stared at my whole space looking neat.

Just then my sister came in and I threw myself at her in another bear hug, appreciating her for helping me out with my chores. She went into the kitchen and came out with a tray of food for me. She asked me to sit and watch. I took the tray from her, sat down and began to eat. She also brought a glass of ice chilled water for me to drink.

After eating and drinking, I relaxed on the couch breathing deeply like someone who just climbed a tall mountain. She came to join me in the sitting room and I looked at her and smiled “Girl! You are exactly what the doctor ordered”. Life felt really good at that moment.

Thank you all for reading.

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That was really a stressful day. I can imagine how relieved and excited you were when you noticed your sister had cleaned the whole place up

Words alone can't describe the joy in my heart 😊😊😊

Thank you for stopping by.

Welcome 🙂

You had a nice surprise with your sister, it was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise and with the added bonus that she helped you with the chores. A great help.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

It was surely a pleasant surprise.

Thank you for visiting.

Your sister is an angel indeed. She really tried helping you out when you were not there. Abeg dash her some money 😂😂😂

Hahaha, she dey collect pass money sef.

Thanks for reading.

That's nice oo

Your sister is God sent, imagine coming back to a neat space and food after leaving everything in a mess—that feeling is magical.

Words alone can't describe it.

Thank you for stopping by.


Thank you for having me.

What a heartwarming story! Your sister showing up like that was the perfect surprise—just when you needed it most. It’s amazing how little acts of kindness can turn a stressful day around. 😊

It really was unforgettable day for me.

Thank you so much for reading.