The opening really captured my attention.
and toasted the smiling girl a gorgeous shade of happy.
Love this metaphor.
I also loved the subversion of expectations, I've been trained by society to expect conflict and pain in most stories, especially when where a scene is set so idyllically. When you suddenly break the fourth wall and tell me that no conflict is coming, then spin it into a lesson about playing the hand we're dealt...well...
...brilliant stuff.
Interestingly, I just posted a dialogue-based piece on Free Speech, Censorship, & Downvotes, and I bet it would've been a lot better if I modeled some of your writing techniques, lol.
That said, it's a pretty long piece already, and I'm not sure if I could squeeze in epic metaphors and reality-subversions quite the same way with it.
Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this, thank you. 🙏
ha ha! What a decadent comment for me to enjoy! Thank you so much for your thorough appreciation of my work. I apologize that I haven't been online in the last few days due to some last-minute travel. Your comment, however, was a welcome reminder of why I missed this platform so much!
Thank you again, and next time I'll be expecting the "subversion of expectation" in your work. I hope you will tag me in the comment section so I can come enjoy! ha ha😅
Glad you enjoyed it!
All good, all of us end up online when the time's right for us. Gotta do you, right? :)
I'll see what I can do and tag you as well, though I believe if you actually expect the subversion it becomes a lot trickier, lol. 🙏