The uncommon transformation

in The Ink Wellyesterday


Being born of a teacher doesn't guarantee brilliancy or academic excellence, but it's only by divine intervention and nature. This was what I experienced being a child of a teacher. In those days while growing up, I was being enrolled into a private school in my home town of Modakeke in osun state, a south western state of Nigeria. But in the course of my primary academic sojourn in the school, I was so poor academically that no one would even believe I was being born of a teacher.

In those days, my academic performance was always being rotated between the last two positions number of student in the class. And I could remember vividly that this two positions of 37th and 38th position respectively were always between myself and kehinde. Though I have not heard from kehinde since I left the school.

Going with my performance in the school, my mum was worry and there's a time she called me to come to her room in the middle of the night. At her room, my mum prayed for me and asked me that, Sam, what's wrong with you? It's then I replied him that, nothing was wrong with me, he asked again and again and I could not give a different answer as to the question she was asking me. But after everything, she asked, should I get a private teacher for you? I said maybe, though I didn't like the idea of her getting me a private teacher, but if I should refuse, she would think I was not serious, so, i nodded my head in agreement to her question and request. And she's happy for my concession.

So, a week later, while she was coming home from her school, she came home with a lady and when they both entered the living room, I greeted them both and my mum introduced aunty Ronke to me as my new private teacher, though, I agreed to her request a week before, but I was not so excited about the new development that would not allow me to be playing around with my friends after school.

Immediately after the brief introduction, aunty Ronke asked me to go and bring all my class notebooks from the inside, so, I reluctantly rushed to my room and in a twinkle of an eye, I came back with all my notes. So, I gave the notebooks to her, when she checked my notes, she shook her head and atimes hissed as to how poor my academic performance and writing was. So, after checking the notebooks, she asked me that, Sam, why are you not serious, when I heard the question, I was so angry within me and I told her that, Aunty, I'm serious, just that our teachers are not teaching us well, she said from what I have seen from your note, your teachers are trying their best, but, you're are the one that's not serious, but instead of me responding to her assertion, I kept quite and she told me to be free with her and take her as a sister. She said that's the best way to learn and understand, she equally advised me to always show interest in the subjects and the teachers teaching the various subject as it would help me to understanding their various subjects.

So, after all the advice given to me by my new private teacher, I had a deep thought within me and infact the pieces of advice touched me at the right spot and I was really willing to change and live a new life. So, after all that had happened and been said, the lesson started proper and to be candid, it's a thorough one, though, it's not an easy ride for me ab-initio, as aunty Ronke, would always correct me in love.

There's a day she asked me to solve the LCM and HCF problems. She said, Sam, find the LCM of 2,3 and 4 and likewise the HCF, I told her, I had no idea, and instead of her to be angry with me, she explained the LCM as the Lowest common multiple and the HCF as the highest common factor. After her thorough explanation, I was able to have a vivid understanding of the two and till today, the memory is still there and fresh.

So, after the thorough private continuous tutorial, people around me were already seeing changes in me, most especially my mum who could not hide her feelings about my academic transformation. So, not quite long, the second term examination started. Then I was in primary three, so, while writing the examination, the examination was like a easy ride for me as all the questions were those things I have been taught by Aunty Ronke and my class teacher Mr Bode.

So after the examination each day, Miss Ronke will come to out house and solve the questions with me and it's while solving the question that I already got to know about my performance in the examination. Though, when the result was out, I didn't come top of the class, but I was not where I used to be. Instead of alternating between 37th and 38th positions respectively, I came 8th in the class of 38 students and for this reason, i was so happy and even my mum gave me gift for my.improved academic performance. Miss Ronke was equally rewarded by my dad for a job weldone.

So, the lesson continues and guess what, after the third term examination, I became the fifth overall best student in my class and this my performance left many people wondering on how sudden the turnaround was. A friend of mine that used to be one of the best students in the class came to me and asked, Sam, why the sudden change? and I replied and said, what change? He said we all know you to be a dullard before, but now you're are proofing us wrong and I said, it's God that has helped me. He said, you that have repeated severally and now performing beyond expectation, he said, there must be something behind it, but I replied him it's not me and that I can't even believe it myself, but that's God. And that's how he left.

So, since then, I have been able to maintain my academic performance even to the highest level of graduating with a first class honor from by department in the university and now, instead of putting my mum to shame, I'm now doing exploit and making her proud all the way, Now the relationship between our family and Aunty Ronke who has moved abroad with her husband has been cordial, before she left for the UK, she's always at our place every weekend to check on us. We all attended her glorious wedding ceremony and I will never forget her for the job weldone he did in my life.

Thanks for reading.

All pictures are mine.


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