Oh my goodness. My heart 🥺 @agmoore. You captured so much of the intensity of this tragic story with the simplicity of your select words. How sad that humanity has fallen so far... That we live in a world where a dog's life is valued above that of a human being. My heart was aching for the beggar as I read this. He has almost nothing, yet he sacrifices what little comfort and food that he has, and struggles through the hardship of his own pain, to look after the dog; his only value to society being as caretaker for an abandoned animal. His own hunger to have his real needs of love and care met must be immense. Terribly sad 😭😭😭Your writing soars... And it inspires me!!! 💗💗💗
You are so very kind, my dear friend @samsmith1971. I kept trying to smooth it over, to make the first part more graceful. It just wouldn't happen. So I went with it. That ending was written before a word was on the page. I needed to get the ending out. As a matter of fact, when I first wrote it the dog was shot, but I toned that down out of respect for Inkwell culture.
Thank you very much for your sensitive reading of my story 🌟✨🌹