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RE: The Robot - The Ink Well Prompt #51 (They're here)

in The Ink Well3 years ago

Oh my, this was just exquisite @strangegravy. You tugged on every heartstring I have. and wow, just wow, what a wonderful and unexpected surprise at the end with Ben 💗when all the focus was on Adam... I did read that right, yes? Ben was also a robot? It is going to be incredible to see how far the world can actually take AI. Very beautifully written. I am so glad that you visited my story and introduced yourself in the process. I feel privileged to have read you ❣️ !ALIVE Following for more.


Wow, thank you so much for reading and the lovely comment and also for following. Yes, Ben was also a robot, I was trying to find a balance in the writing between hinting at that twist and letting readers wonder about it, or just coming straight out and saying it. 😁 Hopefully I'll get better at that kind of thing the more stories I write. 🙂

I !LUV ed the way that you did it ... it was so clever! Because Ben was so in awe too and in showing all of his questions and his heart you revealed at the end just how far AI really has come in the world that you created. It was beautiful.

Thank you, I don't even know does Ben know what he is yet, he can't really, can he? - and then how would that reveal come later on - and how would he react etc. This story just spider-webbed out while writing, and there were so many rabbit holes my mind was going down at the time. 🙂

But again, thank you for taking the time, I appreciate it!

Potentially he doesn't (?) but maybe he does ... and it does not matter to him because his evolution is so advanced(?)