St. Elmo's Fire (Inkwell prompt #47 - unlikely hero - Dreemport Challenge)

in The Ink Well3 years ago

St. Elmo's fire is a weather phenomenon
in which luminous plasma is created by a corona discharge
from a rod-like object such as a mast, spire, chimney, or animal horn
in an atmospheric electric field...
The intensity of the effect,
a blue or violet glow around the object,
... is proportional to the strength of the electric field
and therefore noticeable primarily during thunderstorms...
The phenomenon, which can warn of an imminent lightning strike,
was regarded by sailors with awe and sometimes considered to be a good omen. source

He sighed... the hands turned slowly on the wall clock above his desk.


He had been staring at the screen, fingers primed on the keyboard for several minutes. What could he possibly say that hadn't been said already? At least they'd progressed to that position. For too long they had refused to go anywhere near his laptop at all. It was a start.

Aargh! He threw himself back in his chair, and then, drawn by the moonlit vista beckoning from his study windows, ambled over to gaze out beyond the periphery of the edges that lined his world. Winter was well and truly here. But not in the way it used to visit. There was no fresh white powder puff blanket to wrap its cycle of calm and renewal around his life. Just the cold ... and the frost ... no snowman this year.

Returning to his seat, he picked at the photo frame lying face down on the table in front of him... probably the cat, he mused... Jello was the one constant in his life. He was a cool cat. Just a year old but he'd grown into a beast, and crept into his heart. Scrappy too. Don't get on the wrong side of those claws! They were sharp, and he'd not yet learned to restrain himself (much like his 'dad', who struggled at the best of times). But underneath, he was a playful gentle soul who visited him in the quiet of the night when the only sounds filling the house were the whirring of the pcs in the background and the tap-tapping of his fingers across the charcoal-black illuminated keys. Occasionally Jello would flop down between himself and the keyboard, intent on writing his own story. Occasionally he would actually say something credible.

He looked at the clock.


He kicked the legs of the chair from underneath him and stood to stretch. A cuppa tea...that's what he needed.

The whistling kettle drew his attention...Favourite porcelain mug - check. Silver Needle - check. Sweetener - check. Water temp 79 C - check. Allow to steep 2-3 minutes ... aah good, just enough time for a comfort break.

Usually, he went for black tea, conventional 100 C boiling water, sweetener (stevia leaf not the other kinds that induce all sorts of negative chemical responses in the brain and body), and steeped unconventionally for a light 2 minutes, before adding a dash of soya or oat milk to the amber solution, but this evening he needed something different...something had to change within the fabric of his existence...he couldn't continue like this...stagnant, staring down the barrel why not start with the tea?

He didn't know what was preventing his words from hitting the page. Perhaps some deep-seated inability to reconcile his own feelings about who he was as a person; his hopes, his passions, his dreams...but he knew that reconnection was vital. Perhaps he was just trying too hard. Perhaps that was it.

Wait over, he leaned back against the kitchen counter, lifting the hot mug to his lips. The clear sweet nectar of melon and jasmine sang on his tongue as he gathered his thoughts in the dimly lit recesses of his mind. By the time he took his last sip, the hands had shifted again.


Read...I think I'll read for a while. Yes, that's what I'll do.

He murmured his thoughts aloud; convincing nobody in particular, but it felt good to give voice to something. Ordinarily, the stillness of the night had an allure for him. It brought a sense of calm, a much-needed respite from the busyness of his day. It enhanced his process, aiding in the development of clarity. His thoughts fed off it and fell in line. Ordinarily... But tonight, tonight the silence was overwhelming; oppressive, and consuming.

He made his way back to his desk and sat down. The laptop had gone into sleep mode... was it a sign? He dismissed the thought immediately it entered his head and pressed the little start-up switch, and then flicked open the web browser and started surfing for articles of interest...something...anything.


After sifting through a number of run-of-the-mill submissions, he felt defeated. This was the familiar loop to which he was now accustomed; that he had been stuck in for the past 3 months. It always ended with him dejected, staring at a blank screen, and then hanging his head for a long moment before shutting down for the evening.

He was about to close his laptop when he spotted it.

The title, rather innocuous but eye-catching. The graphic, alluring, evocative. The words spoke to mindfulness, joy, creativity; embued with a depth of character he had not seen in a very long time. He couldn't shake the image nor the words which continued to reverb gently in the chasms of his mind.

Who was this soul behind the persona? He could picture the author: male, early forties, intellectual, philosophical, measured. Without thinking, his fingers found the keyboard and a constructed response. He did not expect an answer - after all, the article was not recent.

He returned to his own thoughts, inspired, and before long his fingers were once again tap-tapping into the night. Words turned into sentences. Sentences into paragraphs. And the pages that followed became the expression of his own re-emergence into the light.

He had been like a sailor, flailing in the dark, desperately seeking to guide his ship back to shore; to outlast the turmoil of the rough seas.

Little did he know that in this particular sea of storms, unable to discern the horizon, waves lashing at the very fringes of his world, demanding his attention and drawing it away from the centre, the creative spark he needed, that he so desperately sought was there all along ... it just required reignition.

The author of that article did respond and a connection was formed. The post that had prompted his resurrection turned out to be

" the drunken ramblings of a lost 25-year-old boy"

spilling words into the ether, an avatar under a pseudonym. Not at all what he had expected to find or appreciate in his evening meander. But at that moment, that article, that 25-year-old boy... an unlikely hero, changed his life...for the better.

And so the small blue luminescent spark that had flickered upon the encounter, now darted from neuron to neuron, picking up pace as it leaped... nay danced across the iridescence of his imagination. Awakening from a long slumber... this was his treasure. He watched it happening as if from afar, yet the occurrence was within; a curiosity to behold.

The spark had ignited and he was a sailor guiding his ship into an ocean of possibilities, a sea of creativity, and this moment, was his St. Elmos's Fire


  1. Afronolan - St. Elmo's Fire over Georgia

  2. St. Elmo's Fire over Georgia - Creative Commons Licence

  3. Silver Needle

  4. the drunken ramblings of a lost 25-year-old boy

    Quote used with permission from the author (anon)


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Thank you very much, this is appreciated 🙏

Sometimes all we need is a spark from an unlikely source to start a fire. Great description of the tortured solitude of the writer when he/she can't find the words, or the words just won't come out.

Thank you, my friend... life has an amazing way of speaking to us when the time is right.

Beautifully told. Beautifully written. Oh, it’s so easy to lose your way, and yes it’s hard to find inspiration. However, when it hits you (like a lightning bolt), there’s rarely anything more invigorating! Interesting hero, indeed! 😍 Love it!

Thank you my lovely. I must confess that every time I think of St. Elmo's Fire, I have Rob Lowe's voice in my head hehe:

St. Elmo's Fire. Electric flashes of light that appear in dark skies out of nowhere. Sailors would guide entire journeys by it, but the joke was on them... there was no fire. There wasn't even a St. Elmo. They made it up. They made it up because they thought they needed it to keep them going when times got tough... source

But the reality is that St. Elmo's Fire does exist as a phenomenon, and the unlikely hero is very interesting.

Actually, you are the lovely and your writing is an inspiration ❤️💕❤️

well the feeling is mutual 😊

Your story describes vividly the struggles of overcoming writer's block. Just a little bit of inspiration and everything starts flowing back. Your writing style is amazing as well.


Exactly @b0s. We just need to trust the process and be open to inspiration striking from any source.

WOW -- the fire is lit over here now too ... I have experienced writer's block but as a composer... literally the music went silent ... how despairing one can be ... but then, that connection, that spark from connecting with another vivid life ... yes! Well done!

yay!!! I love it when everyone is feeling inspired by something ... it's like a mass of creative energy hitting Hive and then there is so much to absorb and enjoy. Do you post your compositions to Hive then? I have to come and look at your blog hehe

I write more on Hive nowadays, actually -- the composer's block was ten years ago ... but I do have some music that has been accepted into an anthology that will be coming here SOON, and some works I am premiering here in conjunction with my writing SOON. Here on Hive I embraced my fractal artist life too, and I have presented music in conjunction with that as well ... like this take on a computer game idea of potions, complete with my sendup of computer game type music...

wahaaaay! that is pretty cool. Love the musical score and all the different fractal colour renderings. You are super talented to cut across music, art, and writing @deeanndmathews😍The arts clearly bring you much joy. Thank you for sharing that with me. Following for more ...

You're welcome ... Hive helped me find out that I could cut across, and, Covid-19 forced the issue because I was out of work! I find it strange how the Lord did that and let me discover ... but, I am not complaining!

I have to say that the synchronicities I have uncovered this past year have been wonderful. Life slowing down has actually been a blessing in so many ways. I am glad that you are finding a way to pursue your passions and talents - that's just magical.

It is nice to meet another artist who realizes that there has been a blessing hidden in this time of terrible global struggle ... I hope that when it is over and we can celebrate our return to the fullness of "regular" life, we do not lose what we have gained...

Wow great post thanks for sharing @samsmith1971

I'm glad you enjoyed it. thank you for dropping by @smilestitches :-)

This is a beautiful piece of writing, @samsmith1971. Thank you for joining us in The Ink Well! I am really looking forward to reading more of your work.

And congratulations! This story is one of our highlights of the week!

Thank you @jayna that is very kind of you to say. This piece was inspired by a combination of the prompt, ironically NOT knowing what to write about initially, and then revisiting a moment in time when my creative spark was relit inside ;-) I very much look forward to continuing to write in the Inkwell more regularly going forward. It's a catharsis for the soul.

the creative spark he needed, that he so desperately sought was there all along ... it just required reignition.

Most times what we need is around us, and we may not notice it if we don't take a step. We sometimes see things to be more complicated than it is. We think far when all we need to do is to take a glance and everything will be clear.

Nice write-up Buddy, the only challenge for me is that I have to take each paragraph one after the other. Digest it and move to the next. Hehe hehe. But I must confess that you are good at this game.

Thank you for your kind words @joseph23. Each of our potentials once discovered, never actually leaves us. sometimes we just need the spark to reignite the flame.

This post reminded me of me. A great writer, such as yourself, will do a wonderful job transporting the reader so deep into a story that the reader may feel its them in the story!

Thank you dynamic, that is very kind of you 🙏 remain open to possibility when creativity is stemmed; bounce off your peers. That spark will find itself 💙

What an incredible writing voice you have! I really love the way you paint with your words :)

Thank you for stopping by @albuslucimus :-) I love the way you described my writing 💖 and it makes me happy that you enjoyed this piece.

My pleasure! I’m really happy to be a part of the community, and I enjoy your work :)

Thanks so much for your excellent short story, about an unlikely hero who saved a writer from extreme writer's block. We have all been there!

Thank you for engaging so genuinely with other authors in The Inkwell! Keep up the great work :)

Thank you for the show of appreciation. I feel blessed with all the encouragement I have received here. I truly enjoy engagement and connection, so it has been my pleasure.

As a lay reader, I can see that people who write like the ones above have probably been swimming in the sea of ​​authorship long enough. I think I learned something new from your writing style. Cool and evoke. Thanks @samsmith1971

hi @mosin-nagant thank you for taking the time to read my post and for taking the trouble to leave me this lovely comment. I have loved writing all my life, but this past year, joining Hive was a huge turning point for me as it was when I started to write again regularly for the first time since University... and that was some time ago now! With each piece of wisdom and advice shared with me on my posts, I aim to improve my process. The key for me remains the joy I derive from those beautiful things we call words, how deeply I am able to reach into myself and connect with things I hold dear and the engagement that I enjoy in the communities on a daily basis. 😍

Yes, samsmith1971, apart from my applause for your style, I also think the same, that in this community, anyone who intends and acts to become a great author—and with character, certainly can. I hope, I am also in the ranks of people who love his authorship as much as he loves the air he breathes. Once again, thanks.

Yes, @samsmith1971, apart from my applause for your style, I also think the same, that in this community, anyone who intends and acts to become a great author—and with character, certainly can. I hope, I am also in the ranks of people who love his authorship as much as he loves the air he breathes. Once again, thanks.

I could feel the stagnation in writing. It is funny what sparks your interest and gets those fingers tapping.

It is indeed. Who would have thought that the intense creativity of another would spark a resurrection, but to be honest I personally find that ideas spark off other people's posts all the time ... it's having the time to write them all that becomes the issue hehe.

thank you for taking part in PYPT ... you now have the badge. You should see it on your peakd profile

thank you! :-)

I can totally relate to the struggles of this writer. I'm glad that at the end he was able to get inspiration and create something beautiful.

Oh, I like to think that he kept writing from that day onwards and never looked back...😉 thanks for stopping by @doziekash, I appreciate you taking the time to read my short story 😊

It's always a pleasure reading your stories. Glad I ran into you're post. I have been so busy lately

I know, right ... there are so many things to be doing, blogs to visit, messages to answer hehe... I'm glad you popped by @doziekash. I've been to your Inkwell post and will hopefully visit your net prompt post this coming week :-)

Thanks for the steady support @samsmith1971. I missed the dreemport challenge this week🤦🏽‍♀.. Hopefully I'll post earlier this week

Oh please do, I'll look forward to seeing it in Dreemport! 😊


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I think everyone here can relate to this story 😂 . When that hero doesn't show up, all we can do is start typing, and pray that something decent appears!

!LUV the story, and welcome to The Inkwell 🙌 I hope you will be staying a good long time :)

hehe thank you for visiting my friend. Why does terror grip me and my head and heart go to The Most Dangerous App when you say:

When that hero doesn't show up, all we can do is start typing, and pray that something decent appears!


I have posted a couple of times in the Inkwell before, but not with any regularity. It is certainly my aim to do the weekly prompt at the very least going forward. Thank you for the kind welcome... our journeys coincide once more 🙏💗

I'm so happy that you are finally a part of The Inkwell family 🙌

Yes, the Most Dangerous App does inspire fear 🤣 But it keeps those fingers moving!


R.I.P. boiled water.
You will be mist.

@samsmith1971, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
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@samsmith1971! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

That it does😱. It's gonna get interesting once WOTW starts up again. My only time for writing is a few hours in the evening after the kids go to bed ... I tend to stay awake quite late erm early as a result haha ... but I am going to make it work!!! 😂 Love that you are involved here with the Inkwell ❣️ !PIZZA !ALIVE !LOLZ

Just write your story before you start engaging, otherwise it will never work 🤣

I should be writing now 😂

haha ... but I take so long to write them lolololol

Oh! That's what the Most Dangerous App is supposed to help you with 🤣


What did the hotdog say to the bun?
Listen buddy, i'm going to be frank with you.

@wrestlingdesires, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/2)

@wrestlingdesires! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

😭 @samsmith,

I can seriously relate to this right now,

I need a St. Elmo's fire... been staring at a screen and can't write a specific story 😭.

Thank you! this was a really good read... I always love your way in words and how rich it is. It flows magnificently from sentence to sentence.

You know what, sometimes you just have to write what you are feeling; experience it as you write...kinda like method acting but method writing hehe. Why don't you have another go at the Dangerous Writing App in Freewriters to juice up the brain hehe. What have you been up to today?

Your post had me thinking so many thoughts that also sparked out from it! hehehe
the St. Elmo's fire didn't just ignite the protagonist but also the reader! hehehe

Isn't it funny how just one thing - at the right time... and then - ignition!!! hehehe

This kinda made me also think about that post from Cal that ignited you and made such a huge difference in your Hive time!

and one last thing... hmmm i wonder what Jello had ever written on that keyboard. hahahahahahaha

It's funny ... we all bounce off each other... someone says something ...a connection happens... no intention behind it... and sometimes we may completely misinterpret an author and get what we need out of a piece and that is enough to spark creativity, redemption, peace, war haha

Yes, that post haha... enough said. It made a huge difference to me just when I needed it. 😉

Oh, Jello writes all the good stuff! This guy really should give him a commission 🤣 although sometimes he gets writers block and all he can manage is
jhbjhegrfrjhtbvjhbvjsbfhbsdjhrbvwbvhwrtbvjh ....The End 😍

Jello is profound! LOLOLOL

Tell me about it, you'd think I'd start following his example... hehe

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hey, thank you so much, I appreciate that you took the time to stop by and read it. I'm glad you enjoyed it🙂