Happy Birthday @chinyerevivian

in The Ink Well5 years ago

Today one of the two most precious people I had connected to on Steemit (and now in hive), celebrates her birthday.

Words alone can't express how much I'd love to appreciate her today. We both haven't met in real life (though we almost did at some point), yet the good deeds she has done for me, I couldn't begin to count.

An introvert, she writes like a possessed pen in the hands of a mischevious mind, and her aura transcends the norm of a word goddess. And she has a heart of gold...

Here's to a beloved stranger,
Here's to @chinyerevivian...


My only worthy condiment,
And my love,
Wrapped, and to The Stranger_ sent..

These words..
They carry all of the wishes,
To your world,
They come to you as horses..

Oh this love,
With the voice of a thousand choirs,
It sings,
May you be granted, all that your heart desires..



My mama,
She used to say, don't talk to strangers..
Oh Mama,
I only went and fell, in virtual love, with none but The Stranger..

Happy Birthday C.V.
Hugs & Kisses💚

#SladenSpeaks #IfWordsWereNudes



Haha. This photo 😍
Thank you. This means a lot.

Happy birthday, Vee.
I came here to celebrate. Where are the drinks, @seesladen

They're at the bar.. We're waiting on you..