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RE: Two Stones

in The Ink Well4 years ago

This story is philosophical, and transcends the normal idea of just entertaining. It also teaches.

I like the analogy of the stones. It's two sides of a coin. I am all there is, and I am as irrelevant as the other in the grand scheme of things.

I also like the seeming contrast between himself and the older man... Yet the similarity, are being the same person. These are things that the loss of a loved one can bring.

All together,

Good story...



Thank you @seesladen .. yes! I'm so glad you got this as it was what I was trying to write. I feel as if I have more that I can develop a. Things I wanted and want the story to convey include the Biblical theme and words, stuff about G-d and the meaning of life, what happens after death, the connection between the light of life (Gd) as the solution to the paradox of reality.