
in The Ink Well5 days ago (edited)


I looked at my empty vision board and felt just like it was, empty.
Urging my brain to muddle through the waters. The problem wasn't that I didn't have an idea, I had too many ideas and as such couldn't choose one.
I thought i would've been able to choose a week ago, yet the ideas kept on piling and piling, more and more better ideas sprung up, and now it's two days away from her art presentation and she's empty.

I closed my eyes and began to scan through the ideas in my head, trying to find one that would link up with the minimalistic theme.
I first wanted to use the normal minimalistic approach of a single line linking up to everything, yet there was also the abstract colors effect of multiple shades of gray which paint a picture, in retrospect, all ideas for a sculpture had been excluded simply because there was no more time.
That just reduced the amount of ideas from five hundred to little under two hundred.

After shutting my eyes for some time I stole a peek at the vision board, willing an idea, one idea to be hands down no contest visionary that I just had to use it.
After 30 seconds of staring, it was still empty.
With a sigh, Queen bundled herself down the stairs to the kitchen in search of something to drink.

"How's it coming along Da Vinci?" My sister called out from the couch in the living room, she must've heard my steps as I came down the stairs.
"Slow.. stupidly slow." I shout back before gulping the chilled water.
"You have what? Like two days left?"
"And all I have is nothing, zilch, nill, null, my head is completely empty!" I slammed the fridge door, walked on to the living room and slouched on the couch.
"It isn't good to slouch." My sister commented.
I raised an eyebrow at her as she was literally watching the television upside down.

"What're you watching?" I asked her as I didn't understand the movie that was showing.
"Nothing. If you hadn't noticed, my head is on the floor." She replied matter-of-factly.
"Then why's the TV on?"
"Cause I want to watch." She rolled her eyes, which made me giggle cause it looked reversed to me.
In a state of silliness I decided to try it too.

Thus I went, my legs up and my head down, sitting on the couch invertedly.
It was odd, looking at the TV upside down.
"Why exactly are you doing this?" I asked her.
"Well... Just because." She replied.
I looked at her dumbfounded. Leah had always been an odd one, and this was just another one of her antics. I suddenly felt embarrassed at the fact that my legs were wiggling in the air.
"It's fun, isn't it?" She asked, smiling.
"It is unfortunately." I said with a smile, then I reverted myself back to normal.

I had to wait for the blood that had been rushing to my head to come back down before I stood up.
"Do you feel any better?" I opened my eyes to see Leah had also sat down right-side-up.
"Nope. My head hurts."
"Yes but this is also supposed to be a good way to think, the blood flowing to your head is meant to fasten your brain thinking speed and stuff."
"Where did you hear that?" I asked her.
"The Internet." She replied with her eyes closed, probably waiting for her ears to stop ringing and the room to look normal.

Already recovered, I stood up. "Well I don't feel any better. My head is still empty."
"What's the theme for the project anyway?".
"Minimalism." I replied.
"Queen, I'm twelve." She looked at me cluelessly.
"It's simply making art, with the littlest of materials." I said in the way she might understand.
"Like making art out of nothing?"
I nodded my head, part because she was half right, part because I didn't have the strength nor time to correct her.
"So empty is art." She said suddenly.
"How is empty art?" I asked her dryly, my mood soured because of her childish outbursts.

"Think about it. If we're trying to make art out of nothing, you have nothing, an empty drawing board and such, it can be anything, even though it's still empty." She said in quick succession.
I stood speechless looking at her, she was making so much sense that it was crazy, I started to wonder about the sitting invertedly, but first I had work to do.
I ran upstairs and was met face to face with my blank canvas.
In all white, the words in black "EMPTY" fading into nothingness...
Cause as humans, we are all born empty✨


I loved the Leah's character, so fresh, uncomplicated and with a sense of doing what she wants without caring about others, in addition, the girl is the key piece to give her sister inspiration for her art project.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Good day.

Indeed, Leah was a refreshing character 😂✨

In a fortunate turn of events, Queen's younger sister, Leah, helps her discover an idea for her art presentation. Maybe Leah's theory of increasing intelligence by a blood flow to the brain worked or it's simply that Leah's a smart girl. No doubt Queen will be grateful for her sister's ingenuity.

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