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RE: Scenic Views - #3

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)

Hello @dbzfan4awhile,

If I push this into a longer story or look to submit it somewhere to be published,

The plan for the Ink Well is to develop it so that it becomes a go-to place on the Internet for stunning short stories and, through that, to create an alternative, long-term income for writers. We are looking for stories that are developed and finished, although occasionally there is a place for a post talking about the process of writing.

You can find out more about plans for The Ink Well in the latest newsletter.

I'm not sure which left bracket you are talking about (I cannot see one in your post) but the lefthand line in the previous comment and this one denotes a quote.



Oh, that would be great! If we're looking at the Ink Well to be that go-to, then I'll spend some time editing these short stories to make them that much better. I read the latest newsletter and that's very exciting to know!

Would I need to be more than just a Guest in the Ink Well community to take part in that?

Side note (re:the bracket), here's what I see at the beginning of my Post:

Hi everyone!