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Amy was tired, she looked forward to a refreshing bath and a few hours of sleep. She sprinted back home without giving a thought about whom she might meet on the way. Her only thought was about resting her tired back and legs. The surgery had gone on forever, there was nothing new about it, but it was his attitude that made her feel like she was a nobody. It seemed she could never do anything right in his eyes.
After a hot bath Amy relaxed in her huge chair stuffed with cushions in pink and purple hues. She sank into the chair like a baby into her mother's bosom, secure and comfortable. Her dog Alpha sat at her feet licking her toes every now and then with his soft little tongue. She drew a deep breath, Alpha cocked his ears tilting his head from side to side looking intently into her face as if to ask, 'who is troubling you now?' Amy laughed a tinkling little laugh and said, "Don't you worry boy, I can handle this myself."
After a light dinner and some warm milk Amy crawled into bed.The housekeeper had changed the sheets, this one smelled of sunshine. Amy's remembered the time she visited her parents a year ago. Everything there smelled fresh and clean. She remembered the laughter and happy times they spent outside in the sun watching the birds and bees and enjoying the lemonade mother had made.
What has happened to the girl who laughed all the time she wondered. After specializing as a surgeon all she saw was the inside of the operation theater. She had no time to relax, no time to speak to another human being who was not her patient, let alone laugh.
St.Luke's Hospital was well renowned. Amy worked there as a junior surgeon. Her boss Dr. Stan never smiled, he spoke in cryptic messages. She wondered if he even considered her as a human being, to him she was a robot.
"Did you check the vitals, what is her heart rate, pulse, BP? Does she have other issues? Is she ready for surgery? Have you got consent from family?" Stan's line of questions were the only conversation they had. In the operation theater he grunted and held out his hands, she was supposed to hand the instruments he needed and if she gave the wrong one he stared at her as if she was an imbecile.
In the cafeteria when they accidentally met each other he lightly nodded his head at her and walked past her. Amy's frustration made her yelp. Alpha gave a short, high-pitched bark to let her know that he was there. "Oh its nothing boy, go back to sleep," she said as she reached down beside the bed to pat his back.
How could she ever make Stan realize that she was not as stupid as he thought her to be, Amy thought before she fell asleep. She woke up to the ringing of the doorbell. She jumped out of bed and ran to get the door. Nancy her housekeeper smiled as she greeted her. Amy mumbled a response to her greeting. "You are late miss? Nancy echoed her thoughts. "Yes Nancy, I'll just have some coffee, take Alpha out for his walk and feed him please," she said as she dashed into the washroom.
Dressed in a pretty pastel dress grabbing her purse she rushed out of the house. Nancy was yelling after her reminding her to have her coffee. Amy had already turned the corner. As she hurriedly passed ER she noticed Lucy smile warmly at her. "Hi Lucy I am behind schedule, I'll catch up with you soon," Amy called out as she ran in the direction of the surgical-ward.
"Where is the scan?", barked Stan in the OT. They had already started the procedure and she was scrubbed. She had forgotten to get the scan results for the patient. Hanging her head in shame Amy mumbled, "Sorry sir I guess I forgot to get it. I'll have it displayed on on the screen right now." Stan growled angrily. She had committed the grievous sin of entering the OT unprepared. Amy would have to face the consequences. Stan never forgave juniors who were slack at work. She would be shunted out, she knew.
The icy cold look in Stan's eyes when they met at the cafeteria that evening was enough to send shivers down her spine. Being shunted out didn't bother her so much, many of her predecessors had met the same fate before. The fact that she opted to work under Stan after being adequately warned about his eccentric ways would make her the center of all jokes among her colleagues annoyed her.
Amy waited to hear the verdict at the post operation discussion, nothing came. Stan was more absent minded and grumpier than usual.
Julia,one of her young patients greeted her warmly as she entered her room. Julia had come with a terrible stomach ache. One look at her and Amy posted her for surgery. A ruptured appendicitis was the diagnosis, the scans confirmed it. Julia was so grateful to Amy who calmed down her fears and tended to her with dedication.
Julia wasn't the only one. Mary smiled warmly as Amy walked into her room. Nurse Martha smiled as one patient after another looked forward to Amy visit. Martha knew that Amy was the only doctor they could speak to without being cut off abruptly, they also knew that she would answer all questions patiently.
Two days had passed since the incident and no verdict yet. Then the call came when Amy least expected it, "Dr. Stan wants you to meet him in his office", nurse Martha told Amy. With a sinking heart Amy walked into Stan's office. "Sit down" he growled. Her heart sank further. "I have something important to tell you Dr.Amy," he began, "you would have to do the surgery by yourself tomorrow as I am attending a conference, it's your chance to take over the reigns." He proceeded to give her instructions about the procedure and he was gone.
Amy was sitting in the chair dazed. She could hear Stan's voice at the end of the corridor shouting out orders. Still dazed she got up to go and she bumped right into Stan. The file in her hand was knocked out by the impact. "Watch where you are going girl, he said under his breath. Take care of yourself, I know you tend to our patients with total dedication'" he chuckled as he picked up the file shoved it into her hands. He ran back to his office to pick up the stuff he had forgotten.
This short story was written using the inkwell prompt 92 - tend
Thanks for reading and supporting my work, I greatly appreciate it.
Nicely done! @crosheille's comment captures the value of the dog in this story. The presence of the dog not only shows a tender relationship, but it allows us to further understand Amy's perspective. We spend almost all our time inside Amy's head, and yet we are not bored. Her interactions with the dog, the housekeeper and her colleagues gives us an objective view of this character.
Only one question is unanswered in the story: Who is Lucy? You identify everyone else, but not Lucy. This is not a critical failing in the story, but one does wonder.
Thank you for sharing this well-crafted story with us. It certainly does respond to the prompt. Have you commented on the publications of at least two other writers in the Inkwell community? Thank you.
Keep writing!
Thank you for your encouraging words.
Without the dog I felt there was very little scope to develop Amy's character.
I agree, I missed out on mentioning who Lucy is, thanks for pointing that out. I need to remember not to leave lose ends like that.
I have yet to comment on the work of other authors, which I will, been kind of busy today.
Appreciate the effort you've taken, I'll keep those points in mind @theinkwell
This was so good and well written @sofs-su. I was soooo nervous for Amy when she entered Stan’s office but a part of me knew it wouldn’t be as bad as I thought.
Her dedication and reputation of taking good care of the patients made her stand out from the rest and assisted her with keeping her job.
I liked the part where her dog was supportive of her. It really painted a picture of how our pets have feelings and emotions and want to be helpful to us. 😊
I am learning that you are such a great poet and writer. Nice work!
I am glad you like the story. It's been so long since I wrote anything in the fiction category.
I love the way you've described the role of the dog Alpha in the story. Having pets in real life I know what a deep impact they make in our lives.
Thank you for your kind words, I so appreciate it.
It truly means a lot to me as I haven't written in a little more than a year.Thank you @crosheille
You're so welcome! Maybe this will be a boost to get you writing more fiction. 😃😉
Thank you so much. I guess I will be writing more.
Amy is a strong-willed woman and the patients loved her and so do I ... A well-written piece.