A Snached

in The Ink Well2 years ago



A kingdom that was known for violent and blood shed, and in that kingdom, children from different families were hostile to themselves and it was a very sad situation.

The King, was a powerful King that his linage was not known by anyone. He ascended the throne, because he was skillful. Everyone respected and feared him, anyone who disobeyed the King would be taken to a thick forest to be killed. He ruled for so many years and never wanted to die. Whenever he was close to dying, he would used his mystical powers to exchange his life with any another person to die.
If he exchanged his life with anyone, he would make the victim's family leaved with him for the rest of their lives. That was wicked, he did that because his wife was unable to give birth to a child, that would take over the throne after his death.

Karsh was the chief commander of the Army, he was known for his physical strength and he was also good at protecting the kingdom. He had many wives and his wives had the obligation of providing for him, since in the kingdom the law was that any man that was working for the king, was not suppose to do any other work, but that his wives were the ones that was supposed to provide for what to eat, what to wear, and other things they ever needed in their lives. Karsh had so many children too, till he loosed count of how many children he had.

One of Karsh's wife , was a powerful woman who knew that the King exchanges his life with people whenever he is close to dead. So she strife to stop that, because she was afraid that one day the King would want to exchange his life with her husband, regardless of the dispute she had with the other wives, she needed to call them to come together for the safety of their husband.

A time came when her instinct came true,so she needed to safe her husband from the King by all means. Karsh's wife went to investigate how the King does that, and she also investigate how she could stop him from exchanging his life with people whenever he is very close to dead.

So she was to go see an oracle, in the greatest kingdom which had whatever man needs, in the greatest kingdom, there was a lot to be gotten from. People who needed findings on matters would go there, and there was no how anyone would go there, and not get whatever he needed.
In the greatest kingdom, there were many oracles, that had their different shrines in the kingdom and there was a greatest oracle too who was so accurate in his findings.

So Karsh's wife, went there and in the first shrine, she met an oracle who knew the King so well. He acted as though he wanted to help her, but when he heard her story he decided to ruin the findings.
So he told her that, the only way to stop the King from exchanging her husband's life, was to bring his bow.
Unknowingly for her , she agreed to go back to bring her husband's bow. As she was about to go , she met an old woman that was so mystical behind the first shrine she greeted her to pass, the old woman called her back, with the power to read minds she told her everything she was going through at the moment. So the Old woman told her that she should move forward to the next shrine, as the first oracle was no telling her the right thing to do.

So she moved there, and met another oracle who also knew the King and had promised the King to keep the secret of exchanging his life with people whenever he is close to dead.
She told him why she was there, so the oracle also told her to bring her husband's bow,as that was the only thing that would be used to safe her husband, from being exchanged by the King.
She frowned at the advice, remembering what the oracle told him.

So she moved to the third shrine to seek for findings, the third oracle told that she go back and bring the pot she uses to cook for her husband. As she wanted to go back to bring the pot, the mystical woman stopped her on the road and advised her to go to the next shrine.

In the next shrine, the oracle told her to bring a female goat so as to safe her husband from being exchanged by the King. So she was happy that she heard a different way of saving her husband from being exchanged by the King. So she went to the get the female goat but the mystical woman stopped her again and told her to go to the next shrine.

She went there, and met the next oracle as she wanted to tell him what brought her there, the mystical woman appeared in the shrine.
And when she appeared there, she was with a plate filed with hot coal, and she put it on the oracle's head immediately she started confessing what happened so many years ago.

He told her a story of the present King if her kingdom killed her father-in-law who was the King at that time, and took the kingdom so as to reign for ever.
He compensated her husband as his chief commander in the army, and because of this, a course was laid on their family, because it was written that if kingship would be taken away from the family, they will never leave in peace.

And the bow stood for physical strength of her husband and that if she had brought the bow, her husband would have been killed. Sothe King knew that one day she would make some findings by his mystical powers, so he brided all the orcles.

He also said that if she had brought the pot, she and all her family would have been killed.
And that the female goat stood for her strength.

So the oracle told her that, the only solution for her,was to go and reveal this secret to her husband, and see to it that they make the King know that they have his secret, doing this would weaken him.

So she went back to the kingdom, and did d she was told then the King died, and Karsh too the throne from him.


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Thank you so much for the correction.

I love how she was patient, wise even because if she wasn't patient she would have sold her husband's life out...and that king is really stupid can he just marry again and get a child so he dies like the rest of his mates.

Yeah, patience is a virtue my dear

So did the king finally die? I like the story, but some of the sentences in the text left me confused and a bit clueless.