Image by @katharsisdrill
@Nordlute typed frantically. The boss of his IT company Count B had ordered him to crack down on shitposting. He was a master of the Deadcat operating system that powered the nation’s blogs and commands flew from his fingers as the refined his shitpost-seeking algorithm using the Rattlesnake programming language.
Count B had promised him a nice bonus if he could get the shitposting under control, but it was like trying to grab an eel. Every time he thought he had it another shitpost would slip through.
A pattern was emerging that seemed to point to someone called Torundel, but was it enough to satisfy the Count? As it was just reading the content of these shitposts was enough to drive you mad. ‘Son of a fur ball twat’ is just a crazy insult to use.
The promised bonus had come with some conditions. He had limited time to claim it and could not neglect his usual sysadmin duties for this quest. So he was staying late at the office whilst everyone else went home.
Still, he thought he was getting close and a few more nights of coding might get him the bonus that could go towards a custom strupaxe that was bound to impress the ladies.
Nordlute typed frantically.
Nordlute, the shit sysadmin is a serial shitposting fiction inspired by Torundel the shitposterRen du Lot, the shit lawyer by @katharsisdrill and by @vcelier.
Rules are:
211 words - Starting with the words "Nordlute" - First and last sentence are identical.
Earlier episodes:
Part I
How could Torundel write shitposts? He is not a blogger. He sends shitletters by messenger under the anon rules.
This is probably somebody that stole his identity.
Well that is a possibility. Nordlute may be barking up the wrong tree.
Interesting! I think I missed the first part somehow, so I am going to have to go back and check that out.
Don't expect great writing. We now have three of us writing parallel stories, but it's hard to keep up with what could be happening to the characters. It's a bit of fun.