Hi Sam, thanks a million for the comment and all the support. I replied to the Inkwell and commented on another post, but I can't see an option for a DM? I'm probably missing something obvious?
But, yeah, it's fine, I knew when I was writing it the start was a going to draw attention, that was the hook I was going for. 😁 But I figured the when you read the piece you can see it's pretty light fiction.
But it is what it is, it's just a shame it mutes and hides the whole story, and not just takes it out of the Inkwell community, is it ok to post it again in another community or just on my blog, do you know, as I don't like the whole, "voted down look" now on my Hive.Blog page. It looks like a spammer account thing. I'm still a newb when it comes to the workings of Hive and it's front ends, so sorry for my sleep deprived ramblings! 😁