If Only Ade Knew...

in The Ink Well10 months ago

Looking back years ago and that must actually be over 10 years ago and back then in the secondary school, we are three that used to move together in groups that we always love to move in gang. I, Ade and Jide. We are three best known friends all around the school then because we always do a lot of things in common.

Among the three of us, there is actually one of us that is always curious and that is Ade. Ade as far as we know him is not always satisfied as he is always thinking that there is actually something that is better beyond his present reach. He will always tell us that "The grass is always greener on the other side". He is always fond of saying it that it actually gets to a time we his friend actually gets tired of hearing it. But it actually looks like Ade is obsessed.


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There is actually a school close by near our school. A beautiful well built school and of course well expensive much more than us. He will look at the beautiful school at times and say to himself that he wish he didn't attend our school and attend the other school school. Even though Ade didn't really come from a very happy family like that, his parents always tried so much to make sure that they sent him to a school of a high standard as their budget could afford.

We his friend always tell him. Ade, the school you are attending is not really bad and appreciate the fact that your parents are trying their possible best to send you the best school even though they will need to do extra mine to get the money. "Ade, our school is not bad, why can't you just be actually content and appreciate the school you are sent to and be serious".

Most of the time, Ade will reply us. "Content?" How can you expect me to be content when there are still a whole lot of best schools in the town that my parents should have sent me to instead of where I am right now. Ade is always obsessed with the boarding school close to our school. Most of the time he will always call our attention to the fact that they see the way they dress, the way they look, look at the flashy car being flaunted in that boarding school and you want me to be contented?.


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Jide sighed one day. "Ade, you always say that you can't be contented every day. Probably you should find something to do to it then". Ade decided that he is definitely going to make research to find out the price and the school fees of the school closeby. The private classy boarding school he always wished he has attended and not the one he is right now actually.

On getting to make the research, Ade discover that the school fees for the school is quite as ten times as high as his present school. He left there doing his research and with utmost disappointment. He was aware of that it will be difficult for his parents to actually afford that amount.

Closing that particular day, three of us were heading back home as usual as we always walk to a particular junction before we depart to our various destinations. Walking home that day, a very young boy of about 8 years old came to meet us.


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Been curious to know what that boy wanted from us, he asked for money that he has not eaten since morning. Jide asked him as he was also curious the same way I was. Jide asked him why he is not in school yet. The little boy replied us "I will have really love to be in school but my parents can't afford the school fees so I decided not to go to school again"

That particular response struck Ade very hard that he was actually meditating on it for so many minutes even as we walked home. The next day ,Ade came to meet us that He feels bad of himself all this while that he has not been appreciateful enough. He said the response of that little boy yesterday actually opened his eyes to see that he needs to be grateful the little his parent is affording for him right now.

We also were very happy because all this time, I and Jide have been wondering when will Ade be appreciative of what his parent is doing for him that the fact they can afford the school fees for his school so that he can be in school. We were happy that he himself realised that a lot of people around the world want to have the privilege to be able to go to school right now.


Hmm see add already learnt that hat he has what others are looking for. He should be contented now I believe

Ade was finally able to learn

It is really amazing that Ade finally became appreciative and learned from his mistakes

Thank you so much for reading through

This is a significant memory, @temileke. The lesson Ade learned is one some people never learn. He is fortunate he was able to see finally what his parents did for him. Also that there are others who cannot ever have the modest education he was receiving.

You are right. I so much believe that Ade learnt. Thank you so much for stopping by to read through @theinkwell

Many of us are blind like Ade, we want to pursue other blessings and for that we underrate what we already have.

You are right. Many of us are actually guilty like Ade

It's a good thing Ade realised that it is important to appreciate his parents not too late.