There might be one or two girls who take exception to this phrase:crying like a baby girl.
I did umm and aah about that, but then figured the five year old Johnny would say that to his mum, so I would include it and take the flak that I am sure some women will give me🤣
Many thanks for your critique, it was a joy to write and I tried to get a teist in there for the readers!
When I saw the prompt I immediately thought of the sailboat at the weekend and a story was born :)
I have read and commented on three other posts. I will keep my eye on the entries added and try to come and support some more. It is great to get feedback and comments on a post you write, so thanks for encouraging people to read and engage, meaningful comments are a great way for us all to develop as writers.
You make a decision as a writer. Stay true to your voice. As readers, we will stay true to ours :))
Honestly, it was a pleasure to read this story.
Thank you so very much, it was a pleasure to write this one, and yes I will stay true to my voice:)