A Gift For A Good Father

in The Ink Welllast month (edited)

I stood dejectedly in the crowd waiting for the next bus. I had just gotten off from my teaching job at a secondary school where I taught. Marking my students’ assignments had taken it's toll on me. It didn't help that while I was at the staff room, most of the female teachers were talking about the plans they had made for Valentine's day which was today. Dinner nights at home with their family, surprise packages, weekend plans. Some of the female teachers had even gotten bouquets of roses delivered to them at school. It was a source of distraction to the students and it disrupted the school activities from time to time. I had expected the head teacher to reprimand them for conducting all this love activities at school. But he had dismissed it saying, it was a day of love after all.

I was pissed out of my mind because I knew I would receive no roses or gifts. I had no home_just a rented apartment_, no Val plans, no husband or lover or children, though I was getting well into my thirties. I boarded the bus, thinking of how much of my evening would be a routine. I would probably update my lesson notes ahead of Monday, or listen to music while I prepared my evening meal, or scroll through my socials though I feared I would be bombarded with all the performative actions of lovers for the media. I just had to do something to staunch this creeping loneliness that had crept in as the day progressed.

When I got home, I pulled off my shoes and appreciated the comfiness of my rug. I adjusted the window blinds to allow in some light and dumped my work bag on the one-seater couch. I slid to the floor and laid down on the rug without pulling off my clothes. I stared up at the ceiling wondering why love had decided to evade me. Or was it I evading love? I kept staring till sleep tugged me into it's numb dreamy embrace.

Soon, a loud knock on my door snatched me right out of sleep’s embrace. I was disoriented. What was the time? The light filtering in through the windows were now a bit dim. I crawled towards my bag and rummaged for my phone. I found it and pressed the power button. It was 5pm. The knock came again.

“Who's there?” I asked as I slowly got to my feet.

“Miss Joy, it's me.” A voice I recognized replied. It was the voice of one of my students, Bassey. I knew Bassey lived three houses away from me but I never in my life imagined he would be knocking on my door. I wondered what he was doing there.

“Bassey?” I asked to be sure.

“Yes, ma.” He responded.


I went to the door, unbolted it and peered out. Bassey was standing with his younger brother, Etim. Bassey was eleven years old and Etim, nine. They were dressed in t-shirts and shorts and they looked nervous. They were both gripping brown envelopes in their hands. I stepped out fully.

“Good evening, ma.” They chorused in unison.

“Good evening, Bassey and Etim. What are you doing here? Don't you know it's not safe to be walking around alone? What of your dad?” I asked in concern.

“He’s not back from work yet, ma.” Bassey said, his gaze lowered to the floor.

“I see. Of course, while the cat’s away, the mice will play. What would your dad think if he knows you are here instead of the safety of your home?”

They didn't respond. Instead, they kept their gazes lowered.

“Okay, how can I help you?” I asked them.

“Ma, today is Valentine day and also our dad’s birthday. He has really been trying for us since Mum died and we just wanted to get him something nice for his birthday. We plan to get a wristwatch for him but we don't know how to pick a nice one and you were the only adult we could think of to help us.” Bassey blurted out in a rush.

My heart tugged, hearing what Bassey had said. These boys had taken it upon themselves to reciprocate the love that their dad had showered upon them. I smiled warmly at them.

“Let me grab my purse and we can go to the jewelry store down the street. Wait here for me.” I ordered and went back inside. I bustles about, suddenly filled with excitement and purpose about the task that had been set out before me. I grabbed my purse, phone and house keys and rushed back out. I locked my door and we headed down to the jewelry store. I could see that they were excited too.

We got to the jewelry store and we had fun trying to select a watch that would look fitting for a good dad. We finally settled for a brown leather watch and we took it to the salesgirl, so we could make the payment for it.


“How much does it cost?” Etim asked eagerly. His excited boyish voice bouncing about the glass walls.

The sales girl scanned the watch against the computer and said, “Ten thousand naira.”

“Ten thousand? But we only have six thousand naira between us. All our savings.” Bassey said in dismay as he handed the two brown envelopes to her. I could feel his dismay, so I asked to see the sales girl privately. I paid up the remaining balance and also asked for a gratitude card to be wrapped up with the watch. I also asked her to tell the boys that since it was Valentine, the watch would be sold at six thousand naira for them. When she did that, the happiness and joy radiating from their faces was indescribable. I saw the way Etim held the box to his chest lovingly as we made our way back to their house. I made sure they got into their house safely before I went back home.

I skipped all the way home. These little boys had made my Valentine's day special. They had taught me the essence of love. The gift and warmth that came with loving someone else. I was happy that I had accompanied them to select a lovely gift for their father and I hoped he would love it.

I was having breakfast when my phone rang. It was Bassey and Etim’s father calling. I exhaled nervously and picked up the call.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hello, Miss Joy. Good morning. It's Mr Effiong, Bassey’s father.”

“Good morning, Mr Effiong. How are the boys?” I asked.

“They are doing alright. Ummm, I just wanted to thank you for caring enough to help my boys get me a gift. I really love the wristwatch. I'm grateful.”

“It was my pleasure, sir.” I could feel a smile pulling at the corner of my lips. I thought he was going to hang up, but instead he asked me a question that surprised me.

“I was wondering if you would like to go out for lunch with me. Just as a way to express my gratitude? You could also call it a date, because I would like to know you more.”

My heart raced faster after hearing this. What were the possibilities that this could lead to something good? I wanted to test the waters. I was ready to.

“I would love to.” I responded, the smile finally dancing on my lips.

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A very touching story
This makes me to remember that even in our society , alot of fathers are not appreciated enough

I agree with you that good fathers deserve to be appreciated more often. Thanks for engaging.✨

A series of events that led the girl to find love, perhaps. A very entertaining story to read and with a nice ending to close Valentine's Day.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent Saturday.

Thank you for reading.✨

One of my formulas for dealing with stress and disappointment: do something for someone else. Not because I'm good, but because that's the one thing that makes me feel good when I'm feeling bad :)

Nice story. Great message.

Same on my end. Sometimes, just helping other people and making them happy tends to lift my spirits too.

Thanks for reading.✨