April 2023 News, Updates and Monthly Contest from The Ink Well

in The Ink Well2 years ago


Image source: Askar Abayev on Pexels

Hello Beautiful Community!

First, a word of appreciation for all in the community who have been posting stories, providing feedback on one another's posts, and helping our community to grow and thrive! Thank you!

Okay, onto the news. Here are the topics in this newsletter:

  • A Note About Quality and Curation
  • Important Reminders to All Writers in The Ink Well
  • Winners from the March Contest!
  • April 2023 Contest — 10-Hive Prize + 2nd and 3rd Place Prizes
  • Find Us on Discord
  • Creative Inspiration
  • Delegate to The Ink Well / Follow Our Curation Trail

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A Note About Quality and Curation

The Ink Well team curates content based on quality; the higher the quality, the higher the curation. (And note that we do not curate very low quality posts.)

What does this mean for our writing community? It means you have an opportunity to earn rewards for your creative writing efforts in The Ink Well. To get the best possible rewards, and to be considered for contest prizes, we recommend:

  1. Include more details in your fiction and creative nonfiction stories. Describe the setting. (Is it day or night? Are the birds singing? Is there a smell of coffee or the sound of the sea?) Give the characters interesting characteristics.
  2. Take a little extra time to read your stories and check for errors.
  3. Another recommendation is to read the winning stories. These are selected because they have literary merit, are well-written, compelling, have interesting characters, settings, dialogue, etc. — all the things we often comment on.

All of these steps can make a difference in your wallet!

We are here to help you on your writing journey with writing tips and feedback. Thank you to all community members who take that feedback to heart and continually work on improving your writing. It's wonderful to see!

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Important Reminders to all Writers in The Ink Well

There are a few things that we'd like to provide as reminders, as these are common issues.

Do not use AI to generate content in our community

As we mentioned in the March 2023 newsletter, we do not allow AI-generated content in the community. All stories must be completely original, and written from your own personal experiences and imagination.

Avoid morals, lessons and author intrusion

When we read stories, whether they are fictional or creative nonfiction stories, we do NOT read to be taught something. We do NOT read to find out what the author has to say about the story at the end. We do not read to learn lessons about kindness, thoughtfulness, God, politics, or anything else.

We read to be entertained, and to experience something outside of our own daily lives — just as we do when we watch a movie or a TV show. And, we want to draw our own conclusions at the end of the story.

When the author provides a summary of the lesson to be learned from the story at the end, this is called author intrusion. You can read our article on author intrusion in our catalog of fiction writing tips.

So — please do not add a lesson or moral, or write a story or creative nonfiction piece for the purpose of instructing, teaching or preaching. Thank you!

Please be sure to use the appropriate tags:

This is important because a) it's not always easy to tell the difference between fiction and nonfiction (and readers consider its merit accordingly), and b) it makes it possible to search for those tags when we review stories for winning entries.

Remember to add your story link to a comment on the prompt post

If you are entering a story into one of our fiction or nonfiction contests, you must add a link to your story in the comments.

We try to catch all entries as we list the participants and winners, but it is extra work for us to find those who have not added their link to a comment on the prompt post and we do not always find them. If you miss this step, you may miss out on being considered for contest prizes.

Please follow these important image rules

We have three important rules around images:

  1. All images must come from license-free or creative commons sites, such as Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, or Wikimedia Commons. Or they can be your own images. (You may not use images you find on Google, Pinterest or a website. Those are copyright protected.)
  2. You must provide attribution for ALL images — even if they are your own.
  3. For any image that is not your own, you must link to the image. For example, if you find an image on Pixabay, the source link you provide must be the URL of the page on which that image appears.

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Winners from the March Contest!


Image source: klimkin on Pixabay

Thank you to everyone who participated in our March fiction contest, with stories and comments. As always, we received some great stories!

The contest rules involved writing one story in The Ink Well during the month of March inspired by the prompt Lock.


Here are our three winners for the March, 2023 contest.

Well done, @kemmyb, @arduilcelebren and @ricardo993!

Honorable mentions:

Thank you, all!

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April Contest!


Image source: klimkin on Pixabay

Get ready to put your creativity to work! For April we will award a first place price of 10 Hive, second place of 5 Hive, and third place of 4 HBI for the monthly contest.

For the month of April, 2023, the fiction prompt is reunion!

What can you do with this prompt? Here are a few ideas:

  • Tell the story of a character experiencing conflicting emotions when reuniting with family members after many years away.
  • Write about a character who wants to be reunited with an estranged relative, and when it happens it is very different from what he imagined.
  • Tell a story of a family reunion where everything goes wrong — the weather, the music, the food, etc. — but they decide that made it the best reunion ever because it brought them together.

Remember to include the important elements of good fiction, including character building, conflict, a story arc, and the important storytelling skill of integrating action, dialogue and narrative.

Contest Rules

  • Write one story this month in The Ink Well inspired by the word "reunion."

  • Post a link to your story in a comment on this post.

  • Use the #inkwellprompt and #fiction tags on your post.

At the end of the month, we will choose three winners.

Hint: We are looking for a high-quality story. Don't rush. Be sure to use the skills we highlight in our weekly fiction prompts — great settings, good character building, strong dialog, and a good story arc that resolves well in the end.

And finally, we recommend using our tips in the article Help for the Grammatically Challenged to identify errors in your story before posting.

Good luck!

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Find Us on Discord

Our Discord server is a great place to chat with other community members about the craft of writing.

Please pop into our Welcome channel, read our guidelines for conduct, and then feel free to interact with other community members or ask The Ink Well Team a question in the #ask-theinkwell channel.

Discord invitation link: https://discord.gg/Bng7mMsaQj

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Creative Inspiration and Skill Building


Source: Myriams_fotos on Pixabay

In The Ink Well, we're not just about posting content and getting rewards. We are about building skills that help you earn the best possible rewards because your readers love to read your stuff!

We are here to nudge you to strive for greatness. You know how it feels when someone says, "Wow, just wow! I loved your story!" That's what it's all about. And the good news is that the rewards follow. If people love your work, they give you great upvotes. They seek you out. They want more of your creative content. And curation accounts like Curie, which we utilize and support, will give you the best possible upvotes too.

So what are you waiting for? Use our resources to build your skills and improve your writing. Here are some of the resources we provide:

  1. Creative inspiration
    We encourage and support ideas and creativity by publishing a weekly fiction contest prompt on Monday nights, and a weekly creative nonfiction contest prompt on Saturdays. Additionally, we have a nearly inexhaustible list of ideas to spur your writing. And these resources are included in every weekly prompt for reference: 50 Loglines, 50 Story Ideas, and 50 Imagination Ticklers
  2. Skill building opportunities
    We have a great catalog of fiction writing tips that can help any writer learn and grow. You can learn about characters, conflict, scene building, dialog and more. We hope you take advantage of it. And here are some important tips that can help you improve your writing craft:
    -- Draft your content in Google docs, or use Google docs for spell checking and syntax checking. It is very easy to do and it is explained in the post Help for the Grammatically Challenged.
    -- Make sure your story has the key elements of a story, including character development, scene setting, dialog, action, a conflict, and a resolution. (A story arc is especially important for fiction, of course.) We provide resources to help you with all of these important fiction elements in our catalog of fiction writing tips.
    -- Review your work before posting. You will most likely find a missing word, a grammatical error, a misspelling or a sentence that does not start with a capital letter, etc.

Thank you for reading our newsletter! We are here to encourage you and help you on your writing journey.

Delegate to The Ink Well / Follow Our Curation Trail

Want to support our community, our contests, and our rewards for great quality content? See the table below. We have made it super easy. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We have a goal to continue increasing the support we give to our wonderful, hardworking and dedicated authors!

How to Follow Our Curation Trail

You can follow our curation trail by going to our hive.vote curation trail page and clicking the follow button.

How to Delegate to The Ink Well

We welcome delegations! These support our community in many ways, including helping us to provide support to quality content creators through curation and contests.

50 HP
100 HP
500 HP
1000 HP
5000 HP
click here
click here
click here
click here
click here

A big thank you to all of our delegators:
@jayna, @felt.buzz, @zeurich, @marcybetancourt, @agmoore, @marlyncabrera, @stormcharmer, @generikat, @iamraincrystal, @preparedwombat, @gracielaacevedo, @chocolatescorpi, @samsmith1971, @grindan, @jackdeathblack, @josemalavem, @riverflows, @itsostylish, @stuartcturnbull, @morey-lezama, @evagavilan2, @popurri, and @mrenglish.

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We invite lovers of creative writing to visit The Ink Well, a Hive community started by @raj808 and @stormlight24 and run by @jayna, @gracielaacevedo, @yaziris, @itsostylish, @millycf1976 and @grindan.

Click banner to visit our community page

Find us on twitter by clicking the banner above.


Congratulations to @kemmyb, @arduilcelebren and @ricardo993!their stories were the winners of the week. To continue writing and sharing her beautiful letters.

I leave you the participation of Rincón Poético in this monthly contest with the meeting indicator. I hope you like our contribution


Thanks so much for the honorable mention :)

@kemmyb @arduilcelebren @ricardo993 congratulations 🙌

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Thank you 🙂

Thanks so much for this update. And congratulations to all winners. Good job there.

I would like to ask if there is also a monthly contest for the nonfiction too?

Not so far, @abdul-qudus. We have our hands full currently with the weekly fiction and non-fiction contests and the monthly fiction contest. But it's a good idea! Thank you.

That’s true. It will be so much on the community. We anticipate probably if it later become something considerable.

Thanks as always

Thank you so much for choosing my story as a winner, @theinkwell. This is an honour and it means a lot. I appreciate your encouraging feedbacks. Keep up the great work.

Congrats @arduilcelebren, @ricardo993 and all honourable mentions. Keep writing!

Thank you very much for choosing my story @theinkwell . Also congrats @kemmyb , @ricardo993 and all honourable mentions🤗

Hello everyone. I appreciate your congratulations and I also congratulate the other winners @kemmyb and @arduilcelebren.

I also thank @theinkwell for everything and continue promoting writing.

successes in this next contest

Congratulations to all the winners.
This is my entry for April prompt. https://peakd.com/hive-170798/@kinganny/the-boy-from-harvard

I hope I get inspired to write a fictional story .😁

For this month, I decided to do both prompts for Reunion and Easter :)


Thanks so much for everything 🙌


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@wrestlingdesires(8/15) tipped @katleya

Thank you very much @pizzabot


Here's my post for the month, I hope you enjoy it. Greetings to the other participants.

Hello, @theinkwell. Here's my story for this month's prompt "reunion"


Here's my entry for the April prompt.


Congratulations to the all winners😊

Below is my entry. I hope it's not too late though.