Growing up has many challenges.
Your story is interesting, @bettyhandayani. However, it has many disjointed ideas and sentences that do not make sense. For example:
Because what I'm looking for, what I get and what I do is only for inner satisfaction, no longer exists only for inner satisfaction.
In this paragraph, it seems like there are two different quotes about two different things strung together illogically:
When I was in elementary school, whenever I saw philosophers, mathematicians, physicists, sociologists and other figures from the West or the East whose faces were displayed in student worksheets, I always fantasized and thought in my heart "I want to be like them." , is remembered in history books and literature books, his name never dies, his body dies as a champion who is remembered.”
And in the two paragraphs about falling in love describe the person as both a woman and a man. It seems like you are talking about two different people.
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