First we want to thank you for changing the image and doing it graciously. You might guess the story is not one we enjoyed reading. You might guess that from our reaction to the image. It seems that readers (we are included) can take a heavy dose of realism, but they usually need something to go away with. Not necessarily a happy ending, but a reason to read.
You hold up a reflecting glass to a certain reality. But after that, what? Is there a lesson, a moral, a reason to read this, other than to experience the dreadful mindset of a person hopelessly addicted to drugs?
It's obvious that Reo was not going to stay sober, even if he managed to marry the woman he loves. Drugs will always be a refuge for him when times get hard. In the future please do write for us. Write stories that show us reality, as this one does, if you want. But try to give us something to come away with. Rather than just holding a mirror up to the reality, maybe the story can take us somewhere.
You have a knack for writing. Thank you for sharing this with us.