Hi @burlarj. Thank you for joining us in The Ink Well.
Please be sure to take time to get to know our community.
The first step is to read The Ink Well community rules at the top of The Ink Well community home page. We ask everyone who posts in our community to read and comment on at least two other stories for each one published.
We also have some tips for you. The Ink Well has some great resources in our catalog of fiction writing tips.
We recommend the article, Help for the Grammatically Challenged, which provides important tips on how to use Google Docs to draft your stories. It will point out errors that need to be fixed, and you can fix them by clicking on them.
You'll also find great tips for developing characters, conflict, story arcs and more in our catalog of fiction writing tips. Good luck and keep writing.
thank you for this info, i will follow all the rules in the next prompt.. Happy sunday🙂