Nicely done, @delightedpen. You use language creatively. Sometimes this works more than at other times. Still, the creative use of language brings the story to life for readers.
There is one sentence we would like to call to your attention in which the first person narrator assumes the role of omniscient narrator (third person). Here:
His eyes bore a high level of patience, the same they always had each time he sat face-to-face with young minds like me.
You would have no way of knowing how he sat face-to-face with other young minds, because you weren't in the room. You might have said here,
the way I imagined he sat face-to-face with other young minds
This seems like a small detail, but you as a writer with developing talents need to be aware of these subtle distinctions. Consistent point of view matters, and if there is a switch it has to be properly achieved.
We make this suggestion because we see your potential and would like to help you along on your path to being a better writer. All writers are on a path, no matter their current level of achievement.
We look forward to reading more from you.
I feel so honoured reading this comment. Thank you for the warm feedback, and also, thank you for drawing my attention to something I need to work on.