An emotive, beautifully written, off-prompt piece. @do777 . The kind of deep friendship that Clara and Elena share, is one that is shared by so many young girls. It's a familiar theme that relationships like this are often filled with such angst during our younger years that at some point one or the other or both parties may pull away from each other, as life demands new growth experiences. This is what makes it so relatable. That loss of closeness with one's girlfriends can be heartbreaking.
In this piece you made a few references that made it clear that Elena potentially had feelings for Clara that ran deeper than mere friendship. I almost feel like the fact that she was gay did not need to be told. You showed the hint of it nicely in your writing and you left the options for their relationship wide open by sharing that Clara was divorced.
As I read this piece, I reminisced somewhat myself. I recall long nights spent chatting with my school besties. When the lights are out and whispers are shared across the bedroom, almost anything can be shared. Almost! The one thing we never shared was when we sensed that we both fancied the same guy 😂. Then we kept that nugget buried so as not to compete or hurt (each other or ourselves!).
Thank you for writing in The Ink Well and for supporting the writing of others.
"Thank you so much for your insightful feedback!
I'm really glad the themes of friendship and nostalgia resonated with you and brought back memories of your own close childhood bonds.
You raise an excellent point about subtly hinting at Elena's identity instead of stating it overtly.
Showing vs. telling is always ideal in creative writing when possible.