That's great that you are turning to past prompts for inspiration, @elentiyaroberts! Your story is full of enigmatic energy. Told in this personal way, it makes the reader wonder what it would be like to be someone who transforms into a completely different creature under the moon.
Have you checked out our resources for reviewing and correcting stories before posting? There are a number of things that unfortunately impact your story's quality, including some grammatical issues, and odd capitalization, like sometimes putting "i" in lower case, instead of writing "I," and sometimes writing Zane with a lower case. Be sure to check out our article, Help for the Grammatically Challenged. You can also use the free version of Grammarly.
Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other writers. Good luck and keep writing!
Thank you for the kind feedback, I will check out the resources and do better in my next story.