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RE: The Love of a Bosom Friend

in The Ink Well4 years ago

This is a nice story, @eudadol. However, we do not accept stories that are published elsewhere. We only accept and curate 100% unique, original fiction. You are welcome to bring us more of your work, but ensure that it is only published in The Ink Well. Thank you. Please read our community rules. Everything is explained there. We do understand everyone makes mistakes.

Also, a tip for you. You might want to find other words besides "beautiful" to describe love and attraction. This tends to be an over-used word that loses its meaning. You've got multiple instances in your story. Consider this: would you use the word "ugly" without qualifying it with further explanation? A description is typically much more powerful than a subjective word. Good luck and keep writing.


Oh, I'm sorry about that. I might have overlooked it. I'm typically new to Hive.

Wow, thanks a lot for the constructive comments. I do tend to overuse the word beautiful. Concretizing it into descriptions do help a lot, indeed. Thank you so much!