The story started well and raised curiosity. We want to understand Tanya's relationship with her Grandmother. We want to understand how she became so wealthy. We want to understand where the ring originated and have an inkling of it's existence and power before we hear of it for the first time towards the end of the story. The story lacks this level of development around the existence of the ring and the ring's special properties, and how it achieved what it did for both Grandma and Tanya. IMHO this piece would have been more impactful with some foreshadowing about the ring! It was closed off very quickly in a way that summarised years of story line with no detail, which denied a satisfactory ending for this reader. The piece also needed far more show than tell and would have benefited from some grammar edits and improved sentence construction. eg: I reread this sentence a number of times and it still made no sense to me: "I whispered inaudibly into my dad's left ear as I sat close to my dad on his right while I sat on his left."
Thank you for writing in The Ink Well. @jjmusa2004. Keep writing... but take a little more time to develop your stories and edit your pieces :-)
Thank you for your kind feedback. I will do justice, it's unusual of me to have such oversight errors but kindly accept my apologies