We end this story feeling sorry for the owl, the only innocent bystander. One hopes that the owl, a member of a clever species, will find a way to untie its mouth. We expect that to be true.
You are new to the community, and we welcome you. However, you should be aware that we do not curate stories that feature animal abuse. Graphic violence of any kind is not acceptable. This story came up to the boundary of animal abuse but perhaps did not cross it.
Please review our rules and our Manifesto on violence. This will help to insure that your relationship with the community remains positive.
You have a good imagination. You tell a story well. The arc is good and the use of the prompt is good. We also ask that writers support each other by commenting on the stories of fellow authors.
We hope you will write for us again. There is in you the instinct for story telling, that is obvious. We would like to see more of that. (The story should be linked to the prompt post in the comment section so it does not get overlooked in our weekly review.
Good luck, and keep writing!
I really appreciate this.
All the rules noted✅.
Thank you🙌